Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1826: Space collapse

The space was completely shaken, and there was a feeling of falling into the sky. The void was torn into pieces. The collision between the wisdom of Wang Quan and Xuan Yinzhang was not as imaginable as ordinary people. Han Feng’s face became very ugly. Looking at the visual impact of the sky in front of him, he felt for the first time that the half emperor was really nothing.

In fact, the half-empire that lives in Xianting does not have a too high status.

"What happened? Why do I feel that the whole space is turbulent, as if there was a strong impact in the deep space."

"Yes, it seems that there is no master in the decisive battle, let's not go and see."

"Don't go, the master of such a movement is not what we can imagine. We continue to look for the baby. If it is caught in the pool, look for someone to talk about."


The collisions in the deep space, the powerful movements have attracted the attention of the outside, countless people have changed their faces, guessing what happened inside, many masters began to fly towards the deep space, but most people still did not act rashly, here In the remains of the great emperor in the crisis, life-saving is always the most important. It is best to get some treasures. If you can't get it, you can't leave your life here.

The battle between the masters and the masters is not too close. If you are a little careless, you will suffer from the shackles. If the strength is worse, the other party’s casual waves may have a life, so is it not? It’s too bad.

In the deep space, the Southern and Northern Dynasties and the Yanchen Rain are still in a fierce battle, a natural and yin-like body, plus the support of the heart of the ice god, an emperor who casts the Emperor’s tyrants to the extreme and merges with the Emperor’s body. The power of the Emperor’s tyrants is unimaginable. Even Jiang Chen has to sigh. The current Northern and Southern Dynasties are really strong, even if he is now promoted to the late Emperor, if he is to fight the North and South. It is also a dead end, I am afraid that even a trick is not right, and even if the implementation of the big void is not necessarily able to escape, the only thing that can rely on is the Zulong Tower.

Moreover, the Southern and Northern Dynasties have a vain eye, and they can see through everything. It is like when they were killed in the golden age, even if they hid in the ancestral tower, they still could not escape the perception of the Northern and Southern Dynasties. The final outcome could only be tragedy.

Jiang Chen’s glory is like a torch, and the north and south dynasties are constantly strong, which makes him still have some worries and pressures. Jiang Chen is almost certain that it is almost impossible for Yanchenyu to kill the Northern and Southern Dynasties. Jiang Chen must As soon as possible to enhance their own strength, and narrow the gap between the North and South.

"The Emperor's body, crush everything."

The Southern and Northern Dynasties looked violent, and the body turned out to be high again. He seemed to be an ancient giant. This is his most powerful killing trick. The illusory eye is constantly flashing. This time, he did not exert any powerful tricks, directly The huge body rushed toward the morning rain. He was like a huge golden mountain. He was rampaged. The power of this collision was unimaginable. The place where the North and South dynasties passed, the void burst directly, it was a powerful energy shock. .

"The body of the ice god, Jiuyin Changhe."

The smoke and morning rain are no longer preserved, and her most powerful killings are displayed. Her body has also begun to change, and it has directly turned into a huge ice sculpture, a fairy ice sculpture.

The fairy moved, and nine glaciers rushed out in front of him, carrying an endless cold atmosphere. It was a powerful Jiuyin Changhe, which was inspired by Jiuyin Xuanxin.

The collision between the emperor's body and the nine-yin body is the most powerful killing trick. It is the most powerful display of two people. After one move, it will inevitably lead to victory and defeat. The outcome of this battle, It will also be revealed in this collision.


The collision of the Emperor's body is like two planets colliding together, the ice debris flies, the golden light is filled, the horrible horror is everywhere, the void begins to collapse, and the space begins to break.


Jiang Chen and Han Feng's face changed greatly, but the reaction of the two was extremely fast. Immediately, the two phantoms disappeared. After they left, the place where they used to collapse directly became a chaos.


The sound of the explosion continued, and the space collapsed completely. With the north and south dynasties and the smoke and morning rain as the energy center, the devastating energy raged and slammed the entire space with unimaginable rapids.

Ah, ah...

Several Xianzun masters have just touched the deep space, suddenly the space collapsed, and the powerful energy rushed to the face. Rao is that they have reflected it very quickly, but they are still shocked by energy, and they are screaming and screaming. If it is not high, the body is directly broken, and it is tragic on the spot. Even the master of the ancestors of the late Xianzun was seriously injured. The mouth continued to spurt blood, and the blood was also mixed with visceral debris.


Someone squatted and didn't know what was going on in front of them, but they were very clear about the dangerous atmosphere. There was still a little bit of scorn and they continued to run away.

Sometimes it takes a price to pay attention to the excitement. Many people are attracted by the vibrations of the past. I did not expect it to usher in a doomsday.


Not only they, but all the people in the remains of the Great Emperor have been shaken. Even if they are far apart, some people who are not strong are also shocked. They are spurting blood, which is from the depths of the soul and cannot be avoided.

"What happened? Is there a great emperor fighting?"

"Too powerful impact, devastating is too big, what happened inside?"

"No, the space is beginning to collapse. This ruin is about to be destroyed. Let's go."

"Walk away, go fast, it’s too late to be late."


For a time, everyone panicked, the whole space was chaotic, and countless people panicked, because the morning rain and the last collision of the Northern and Southern Dynasties shattered the deep space that supported the entire Emperor's remains, making the entire relic space unsupportable. A little bit collapsed.

This is very dangerous. The collapse of the Great Emperor space will bring devastating doomsday. At this time, people still have the mood to find the baby, where is the mood to study what is happening inside, the fairy respect is too close to the deep space. They are all dead, let alone them.


Countless figures began to choose the space channel to escape, for fear that they are slower. At this time, nothing is important to save lives. Compared with death, nothing is terrible.

The messy space, the smog of smoke, the color of chaos everywhere, the surrounding scenes can not see clearly, such a huge collision force, is no weaker than the battle between ordinary emperors.

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