Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1827: January agreement

Countless people fled, and the morning rain and the Northern and Southern Dynasties were completely immersed in the chaos battlefield. People couldn’t see what was going on inside. Jiang Chen and Han Feng kept flashing in the gap between the space and looking towards the battle center. For them. The space collapse will not have much impact on them.

Han Feng is a master of the semi-empiror. He has almost realized the law of the emperor. The control of the power of space is even more subtle. It is normal to walk in the gap between the space. Even if the space collapses, it can still go out. Jiang Chen More differently, the big void technique gave him the omnipotent means, and the space turbulence was walking casually.

"Jiang Brothers, you said that two of them will win?"

Han Feng asked, his face is still a little worried, he naturally hopes that the morning rain will win, after all, he is now on the same front with the smoke morning.

"With the strength of both of them, I am afraid it is difficult to distinguish a winner."

Jiang Chen shook his head, and the power of the Heavenly Emperor and the Jiuyin female emperor was quite equal. Otherwise, it would not end up with a jade and burnt. Now the Southern and Northern Dynasties and the smoke morning rain are almost awakened at the same time. The repair is also quite the same, the means are extremely terrible, so Jiang Dust estimates that it is extremely difficult for the two to want to win the game under such circumstances.

In the center of the battlefield, the violent breath continued, and the morning rain and the Southern and Northern Dynasties have all recovered to their original appearance, but the state of the two is not so good. The two people are in a disordered atmosphere, and the body is cracked and sprayed in the mouth. Out of the blood, it can be seen that this collision, for the two, did not distinguish between winning and losing, but both lose.

"Jiuyin female emperor, today's things, this seat is recorded, next time I meet, I will kill you, Jiang Chen, today you are far away."

The Southern and Northern Dynasties left a swear word, and then the body disappeared and disappeared.

For the departure of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Yan Chenyu did not chase, because she knew in her heart that even if it was not useful to catch up, it is almost impossible to kill the Southern and Northern Dynasties with her current strength, not to mention her now and the Northern and Southern Dynasties. Similarly, they have suffered serious injuries and need some time to recover.

"Light rain, nothing."

Jiang Chen flew over and asked with great concern. When he saw the morning rain and the rain, Jiang Chen was very distressed.

"Nothing serious, but the body has been severely bedbed, and the body of the Emperor and I are only a preliminary fusion, but it takes a certain amount of time to recover."

Yan Chenyu said that such an injury is not small, but it does not cause any serious damage to the morning rain.

"The Northern and Southern Dynasties are now in full swing. For Dong Xuan, it is probably a disaster."

Jiang Chen looked at the direction of the disappearance of the Northern and Southern Dynasties. This time, the biggest benefit of the Emperor Mountain trip was undoubtedly the Northern and Southern Dynasties. Of course, there was still a morning rain.

"The Northern and Southern Dynasties, like me, have suffered the same injuries. If he does not come out now, he will definitely look for hidden places to repair his body. It will not appear for a while, so I don't have to worry about it for the time being."

Yan Chenyu said that no one knows more about her situation in the Northern and Southern Dynasties.

"The female emperor, the space is going to collapse, let's leave."

Han Feng said.

The three men left the space of the Great Emperor.

The Emperor Mountain, which is very famous in the middle of the country, completely collapsed on this day. The mountains of the Wanli Miles were all shattered and turned into ruins. The towering peaks must collapse directly. The Emperor Mountain is destined to become a section. History has ceased to exist.

Jiang Chen three people came to a land of no one, the smoke of the morning rain and Jiang Chen are opposite, with love, Han Feng consciously went to the side, leaving this long-lost couple with their own private space. .

"Dust brother, we can finally be together."

The smoke morning rain lies on the chest of Jiang Chen, and it is the happiest thing in her life to be able to snuggle in the man's chest.

"Yeah, when the things of the fairy world are solved, we will be married."

Jiang Chen said with a smile, these days, Jiang Chen is everywhere to find out the news of the smoke and the morning rain. After the ancient tomb and the funeral fairy, the Jiang Chen has a beggar in his heart, and now finally set aside the dark clouds to see tomorrow, my heart A stone is also grounded.

The morning rain is undoubtedly one of the most important people in his life. When he was in Chicheng, he built up the feelings of each other. Now he can go to this step. The ups and downs of this road are also for him. Can't help it.

However, the road ahead has not stopped, and the front is still full of ups and downs.

Jiang Chen talked about the things happening in the fairy world to Yan Chenyu. Most of them are related to their group of people, dancing, bamboo, cold, monk, dragon thirteen, and Jiang Zhenhai, Nangong. Asking the day, listening to the morning rain is also a surprise, especially the Nangong asked the day, turned out to be a reincarnation of an emperor.

"Jiang Brothers, the matter here has come to an end. I am going back to Xianting to return to the Emperor. Don't forget our agreement. One month later, the Xianting selection contest, you must come."

Han Feng said to Jiang Chen.

"Han Lao is assured, I am sure to help with Anan. In a month, I am going to return to Xianyu."

Jiang Chen said that Nangong asked the day, even if Han Feng did not say, Jiang Chen would not stay out of the matter, it is related to his own life and death brothers, Jiang Chen is absolutely obligatory.

"Okay, then I am waiting for you in Xianting."

After Han Feng finished, his body left and he left. He believed that Jiang Dian’s strength and stand out in the selection contest was a very light thing. He had seen Jiang Chen’s strength and miraculousness. It is the great power of Fengchi Xianyu. Even if it is the genius of Xianting, there are several people who can match it.

After Han Feng’s departure, Jiang Chen also flew to the wind door with the morning rain. Jiang Zhenhai was still in the wind door. Now that the morning rain has been found, he must first go see the father.

"Dust brother, what are you planning to do after seeing you?"

Asked for the morning rain.

"Going back, this time is not too short. When I left, I handed over the mess of Xiannian to the monkey. I don't know what it is like now, I have to go back and see."

Jiang Chen said that when he left, Dragon Thirteen just woke up and opened the killing ring at the election meeting to fight against the genius of Xianting. Jiang Chen knew very well that because of the golden killing of the domain, the fairyland did not It may be calm again, and I will leave. Countless eyes will condense on Dragon Thirteen. This is too unfair for Dragon Thirteen, but Jiang Chen is more clear that he can control the current situation of Xianyu. Only the dragon thirteen.

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