Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1828: Reunion

Jiang Chen came to Fengshenxian because he was looking for Jiang Zhenhai, but he did not expect to delay for such a long time. He did not expect that so many things happened. Now, for the situation of Zhu Xianyu, Jiang Chen’s most worrying.

However, this time, it is said that the Fengchi is rich, not only rescued Jiang Zhenhai, but also reunited with Yanchen Rain, and also got news of Nangong’s questioning. More importantly, his own cultivation has improved two. Level, the ancestral tower condensed to fifty layers, this kind of benefits and luck, was not dare to think before Jiang Chen came.

Jiang Chen and Yan Chenyu are flying all the way, heading for the direction of Feng Luomen. Regarding the origin of himself and Feng Luomen, Jiang Chen has already said to Yan Chenyu. For Jiang Chen, Feng Luomen is like 缥缈The Dagan empire of Xianyu, who is a real self-employed person, has great grace for the entire Windsor. In the ruins of the Emperor Mountain, he saved the life of Fenghuazi. He said that the wind is arrogant. The door to the door will always be open to you.

After the collapse of the Emperor Mountain, Fenghuazi’s man with the wind door has returned to the Windsor, and everything that happened in the Emperor’s Mountains has caused the turmoil of the whole race. Many people are talking about it, but for the last moment. Why collapse, what caused the collapse of the Emperor Mountain, where the horrible devastating energy comes from, it is a secret, no one knows what is going on inside.

When Jiang Chen came back, Feng Huazi immediately greeted him. He knew that Jiang Chen’s father was here, Jiang Chen would definitely come back. In order to appreciate Jiang Chen’s life-saving grace, Feng Huazi and a high-ranking high-level did not rest at all. Come out personally to meet the return of Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Brothers, are you okay?"

Fenghuazi asked with concern, but immediately felt the strong breath emitted from Jiang Chen’s body. He found that the repair of Jiang Chen had already hit the late Emperor’s period from the beginning of the Emperor’s early period. Such a horrible promotion speed is really Consternation, but this also shows that Jiang Chen has great benefits in the Emperor Mountain.


Jiang Chen smiled.

"Jiang Brothers, is this?"

Fenghuazi looked at the morning rain, only to think that the woman was beautiful to the extreme, but the body exudes a high-pitched atmosphere, cold and cold, like a lotus in the snow, even if he is the owner, can not help but give birth to a hint of heart In awe, this makes Fenghuazi have to be surprised. At this level, his perception is very sensitive. Intuition tells him that this woman is definitely not simple, and that the other person’s cultivation seems to be above himself.

"This is my wife, the morning rain."

Jiang Chen’s smile, his own woman, he likes to introduce this.

"Haha, smoke girl is good."

Fenghuazi laughed twice and secretly gave a thumbs up to Jiang Chen. When a man was in his life, he could have such a woman to accompany him, and he would not have to live this life.

The smoke morning nodded and counted as a response, and there was no extra words.

"Lord, I am going to see my father now, and then I will leave, but my father stays here for a while, and I hope that the doorkeeper will take care of it."

Jiang Chen said that he decided to let Jiang Zhenhai stay in Fenglumen. The Xiannian domain is now too chaotic. After he returns, he will face all the scenes. In comparison, the calm and calm wind door is the safest. The place, even if the fairyland is chaotic, even if it breaks the sky, it can't be hit here.

And because Jiang Chen and Han Feng have a month's contract, they will have to come back sooner or later. When they want to participate in the selection contest of Xianting, they may even use the identity of the disciple.

"While the Jiang brothers are relieved, you only have to go to work and let the honor stay with me. It is definitely a superior guest."

Feng Huazi guarantees that Jiang Zhenhai can stay here. He can't wait. The fool can see how much the potential of Jiang Chen is. If he can really make a relationship with Jiang Chen, it is a good thing for the whole Windsor. He is a good thing. I can't find an excuse and Jiang Chen's deep friendship. If Jiang Chen's Laozi is ready to serve, then it will be his own.

Moreover, Jiang Chen is willing to let his Laozi stay, indicating that Jiang Chen has not regarded himself as an outsider, indicating that he is still very reassured to Feng Luomen. In this case, Fenghuazi naturally cannot disappoint Jiang Chen.

"So, thank you very much."

Jiang Chen held a fist to Feng Huazi, and then flew to the place where Jiang Zhenhai was located with the smoke and morning rain.

The place where Jiang Zhenhai is located is the cultivation place of the former elders, and it is definitely the most superior existence of the entire Fengmen. Jiang Zhenhai is not idle. During the time when Jiang Chen left, he has been working hard to retreat through these days. What happened, Jiang Zhenhai also saw the hugeness of the fairy world. I know that only strength is the most important thing here. He does not want to drag his son back, so he has to put all his thoughts on cultivation and strive for constant progress.

Jiang Zhenhai was sitting on a large stone in a courtyard in the courtyard. He continued to have a strong scent of scent and entered it. He noticed that someone was approaching. Jiang Zhenhai immediately put away the cultivation and opened his eyes. He repaired it though. Not high, but the perception is not bad, at least some people can still be perceived.

Opening his eyes, Jiang Zhenhai saw Jiang Chen and the smoke morning rain. Surprise was like him. Huo’s got up from his seat.


Seeing the morning rain, Jiang Zhenhai almost burst into tears. This is a loved one. They have always been worried about each other. Now they can be reunited here. Seeing that their sons and daughter-in-law are present in front of themselves, Jiang Zhenhai has no reason to be unhappy.

"I have seen you."

Yan Chenyu gave a deep ritual to Jiang Zhenhai. As a reincarnation of the female emperor, there are not many people in the world who can bear her worship. Jiang Zhenhai is not one of them.

"Okay, okay, haha, that's great."

Jiang Zhenhai did not know what to say, but just said good.

"Hey, I am going to go back to Xiannian with Xiaoyu. You will stay here for cultivation for a while. I will be back in a month. It is safe to stay here."

Jiang Chen said that he only has one month now, he doesn't want to waste, and he is far from the wind and the fairyland to the fairyland. It takes a certain amount of time to go back.

When Jiang Chen was about to leave, Jiang Zhenhai’s eyes flashed a bit faint, but he still nodded and said a good voice.

"Dust, you just have to go, I am fine here."

Jiang Zhenhai naturally refuses to be separated from his son, but his heart is more clear. His son is the pride of the sky. It is the dragon of nine days. It is destined to be extraordinary. It is the greatest pride of his life. Jiang Chen has his own things to do, no. It is Jiang Zhenhai’s greatest wish to become Jiang Chen’s cockroach.

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