Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1832: Crisis moment

Yang Bufan thought of the words of Jiang Chen, and the cultivation of the demon scorpion reached at least the level of the sacred world. Now that the scorpio scorpion can break through the imprisonment under Yang Junlong, it shows that the scorpio is no longer a peerless level. It is a powerful semi-emperor.

When I think of this, Yang Bufan’s cold sweat flows directly. A powerful semi-emperor, even if he exhausts the power of the entire empire, he can’t compete. Unless Xiao’s forgets, how can this matter pin their hopes on it? Xiao forgets what it is.

The emergence of the demon scorpion, for the entire Dagan empire, is the end of the world, it is a very cruel kind of life, bloodthirsty, once the prison is broken, the empire will blood flow into the river, plus The hatred of the Heavenly Devils on Yang Junlong, once it comes out, will inevitably transform all hate into killing, and will not give up until the tyrannical empire.

"what happened?"

Long XIII noticed the seriousness of the situation and asked.

"The Dagan empire faced real danger. When the ancestors imprisoned a demon scorpion in the depths of the genius, now the konjac is likely to have hit the semi-empire, and will soon break through the prison, my father and the old The emperor, even with the unborn elders, may not be able to suppress it."

Yang Bufan said with a dignified tone. At this time, there is no need to conceal it, and there is nothing to hide in this kind of thing. I just didn't care about it.

"Go, let's go see."

Dragon thirteen.

"Monkey, don't go over, you can't deal with the devils, even if you go, it's useless. I will go back immediately, tell the father and the real situation, let the geniuses dismiss immediately, and keep their lives."

Yang Bufan said that nowadays the Dagan Empire has reached the most critical juncture, and all the foundations cannot be saved. At this time, nothing is more important than saving lives. The devil's things are almost a secret to the Dagan Empire, almost no one. People know, so what Yang Bufan is going to do now is to tell Yang Yu about this matter and do a good job before the konjac has not really come out.

"No, the foundation of the Dagan Empire cannot be destroyed in the hands of a konjac, and you must not forget that if you want to deal with the devil, you can't do it. The ancient Yi people have two noble blood, one for Fighting against the Holy Grail, one is the devil, and the battle of the Holy Ghost is the biggest nemesis of the devil, the blood can play a great repression, my body, there is a complete battle of the blood, It’s hard to come across a devil, this is a great opportunity, can’t be missed.”

Dragon thirteen, his eyes are constantly shining, he wants to go to the genius house, in addition to the brotherhood loyalty, is definitely not reckless, he feels that this may be a big opportunity for himself, Qi Jin may have to attack himself tomorrow, today It’s not an opportunity to appear.

"The monkey said this is true. Fighting the holy shrine is indeed the biggest nemesis of the devil. In our current situation, I want to deal with the devil, I am afraid that it is not a monkey. Let’s go and see the big empire. It’s difficult, we can’t sit back and ignore it.”

The monk said.

"Yes, the monk has a powerful monument to the earthquake, and it can also play a key role. Let's go, don't delay time."

Han Yan also stood up.

"Kindness without saying thanks."

Yang Bufan took a fist to the crowd and then took the lead in the direction of the Dagan Empire.

Dragon Thirteen, Han Yan, monk, and other people also flew out together, which is related to the survival of the Dagan Empire. For everyone, it is incumbent.

Dagan Imperial Genius!

At this moment, the genius house is caught in an unprecedented turmoil. The forbidden land that cannot be approached on weekdays is now full of wolf smoke. From time to time, there is a strong vibration, and the entire genius of the turbulent house trembles.

An invisible pressure pervades the top of people's heads, making countless people feel uncomfortable.

That piece of void, constantly black mist sprayed out, space cracks are getting bigger and bigger, and it is possible to burst open at any time, and blast the entire void.

Among the voids, the emperor of the Dagan Empire, the two elders, and the powerful masters who did not appear on weekdays, appeared a total of three masters of the late Xianzun, the master of the five or six centuries, the immortal There are dozens of masters in the early days of Zun.

This is the true heritage of the Dagan Empire. When the empire is really embarrassed, everyone stands up and is obliged.

Under the leadership of the old emperor, all the masters of the sages have done their utmost to produce countless gods, to suppress the past to the void, and to press back the souls inside.

"There is a strong presence in the end, it feels terrible, so many empire masters can't suppress it."

"I don't know. It has been a forbidden place. It has always been that all the people who entered here have died. Only Jiang Chen has come out from there. Maybe Jiang Chen knows what it is."

"Jiang Chen can't find a trace now, and even if Jiang Chen comes back, I am afraid I can't help anything. Even the old emperor and the union can't suppress it. What is the use of Jiang Chen?"

"I have a strong uneasiness in my heart. This may be the most dangerous time for our genius."


Numerous disciples circled outside. Under the orders of the old emperor, no one can rely too close, too dangerous. This is not a joke. The old emperor should know what powerful existence exists, so his The face is also the most worried.

"The old emperor, what is hidden inside, how can it be so terrible?"

An elder asked.

"Tell you anyway. It is sealed with a demon scorpion. It was the ancestor Yang Junlong who was personally imprisoned. I didn't expect this konjac not only to die, but also to make a big move. Now I have to break through the seal, I am afraid that it has been repaired. You and I can't keep up."

The old emperor did not continue to conceal, and he said the situation of the demon scorpion. The entire Dagan empire, knowing the secrets of the devil, is one of him. He has never taken this seriously, because he believes that Yang Junlong The means of recognizing that the demon scorpion can not come out, so many years have passed, he has even forgotten the catastrophe hidden in the empire, I did not expect that today's scorpion scorpion suddenly broke out, to break through the seal.

The old emperor had no way to calm down. He was almost certain that the degree of hatred of the Yang family would be smothered. Once the seal was rushed out, the empire immediately ushered in an unimaginable end.

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