Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1833: Shot

After listening to the words of the old emperor, all people have changed their faces and become ugly. They are powerful masters of immortality, which ones are not insightful people, and the aliens such as the devils are all present in The legendary, nowadays, appears in the Dagan Empire, so there is really no way for them to calm down.

"The legendary demon scorpion, one of the most bloodthirsty species between heaven and earth, is said to have a supernatural power that can be swallowed up by all the rumors. There are ancient rumors that there were peaks in the ancient times, and even the heavens could eat. Going on, although it is a bit exaggerated, it is enough to illustrate the horror of the devil."

"Even Yang Junlong's ancestors were only able to imprison him and could not kill them. This is enough to illustrate the horror of the devils. Now if the devils break through the seal, all of us can't live."

"It is said that only the blood of the battle sacred can restrain and suppress the devils, but unfortunately we go to find the battle sacred."


The scene was completely chaotic, and the top of the Dagan Empire began to be disheartened. In particular, the seals in front of them were about to be broken. The joint shots of so many people did not seem to cause any influence or hindrance.


An earth-shattering roar came out from the seal. The screaming was like hell. It was full of endless evil. It made people feel a creepy feeling. Many disciples of the Dagan Empire only felt the heart tremble, as if they had fallen into the world. Hell in general.

No one is not shocked, the screaming of the demon scorpion from the inside of the seal, the shock of their blood surge, uncomfortable, and this is because there is a seal block, if there is no seal, the scream of the devil, I am afraid not Know how many people are going to be killed.


Suddenly, a devastating force ten times stronger than before was passed from the seal. Under the impact of this force, the seal was instantly broken, and the combination of dozens of masters did not have a role. The void bursts into a large hole, and black smoke rolls out.


Many of the masters of the Great Emperor’s empire screamed, and they all suffered a great shock. They were shot and flew a few dozen feet. When someone was in the air, they began to bleed. The arrow is coming.

The gap between the two sides is too great. It is not a level at all. It seems that the demon scorpion has been promoted to a powerful semi-emperor. Even the old emperor is blowing in front of him, not to mention other people.

The strong black smoke continued to roll, and it turned directly into the magic of the sky. Under the horror of countless horror, a figure slowly emerged. It was a very powerful and magnificent genie, with a body height of ten feet. The figure is soaring to the extreme, the body is covered with black hair, the roots are set up, and each black hair is like a sharp steel needle, which can pierce the void with just one movement.

The konjac was born, the black eyes like a camel bell, the black magical lingering, this is a great demon, the body exudes a bloodthirsty killing taste, almost no need to think, this is almost a horrible Killing the machine can destroy the world.

"God, is this the devil?"

"It’s too horrible. He exudes a half-empire atmosphere. It’s not that we can compete. Our empire is really dangerous.”

"A powerful genius, this is a savage creature that exists in the legend. Once released, it will definitely ravage everything."


The Dagan empire was completely chaotic, and dozens of sage masters united. In the end, they did not stop the impact of the scorpio, and they completely came out from the seal. For the entire empire, this is an unimaginable end.

"Haha... Yang Junlong, who imprisoned me that year, now that the seat has finally come out, today this seat is about to kill and kill everyone here, to alleviate the prisoners that have suffered for so many years."

The devils screamed and laughed, and the disciples of the Dagan Empire could not withstand such a powerful sound wave. Many people began to spurt blood and suffered serious trauma.

"Old Emperor, what do we do now?"

The emperor Yang Yu asked.

"Escape, everyone immediately escapes, don't stay here, Heavenly Devil has become a powerful semi-emperor, to be shot to all of us."

The old emperor's face was pale, and he made the most correct choice in the first place, but he also knew in his heart that it was too late to escape.


At this moment, a figure flew from a distance, it was the key moment of the Dragon Thirteen and so on. They all saw the almost violent savage demon in the sky, and they were shocked. This is their first Once you see the devil, you can judge the fierceness of the demon scorpion from this shape alone.

"What are you doing back? Not going fast."

Seeing Yang Bufan, they actually came back at this time, Yang Yu's **** eyes were bigger, and he was not mad at Yang Bufan and others.

The Dagan Empire encountered the end of the world. At this time, it is the most important thing to save your life. Yang Bufan is the blood of the Yang family. If he can succeed, he is the best, and Yang Bufei himself went to the exquisite land and is safe. However, I didn’t expect these guys to run this time. Isn’t that looking for death?

"Haha, there are a few more dolls to die."

The devil saw the arrival of Yang Bufan and others, and stretched out the red tongue and licked his mouth. He did not seem to be anxious to shoot. In his opinion, the Dagan Empire was finished and became his own mouth. Food, he likes to see people's desperate look, the scene that makes people die slowly in despair, let the gods singularly fascinated, now he, don't mention how happy the heart.

"Father and Emperor, it seems that you all know, this Heavenly Devil has reached the level of half imperial, no one in the entire Dagan Empire is his opponent."

Yang Bufan came to Yang Yu and the old emperor's main body and said.

"Know that you are still back."

Yang Yu screamed at Yang Bufan. This is his most proud son. He could have been saved from the disaster, but now he sent it to the door. This made Yang Yu want to slap Yang Fanfan back.


Just when everyone felt desperate, an earth-shattering roar suddenly sounded, and everyone saw that the body of Dragon Thirteen began to change, and it was a violent sigh in the blink of an eye. Similar to the devil's scorpion, he is all golden, except for the hair like a golden needle, there are many dragon scales emerging, powerful fighting dragons, exuding the breath just to the sun, and the genius The evil devil is exactly two extremes.

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