Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1844: Qi Jin

On the top of the largest martial arts field in Linglong Fudi, a high platform was built. This martial arts field has a few dozen miles. As the wedding venue of Dragon 13 and Lan Lingji, it also created a large high platform. Just a high platform, there is a full circle.

At the moment, the audience at the martial arts field is full, the owner of the Valley of Flowers, the Valley of the Valley, the Virgin Mary, and the high-ranking sacred valley, the Dagan Empire, the old emperor, Yang Yu, and Linglong Many of the masters who have made a good date in Zunping’s day have come to congratulate them and bring a very valuable gift. Today is the day of the great joy of the exquisite land. Everyone knows that Linglong Xianzun has always regarded Lan Lingji as her biological daughter. Looking at it, so the emphasis on this big marriage is more than everything.

On the top of the high platform, Linglong Xianzun sat on the throne and looked happy.

Jiang Chen and his party came very quickly. Long XIII and Lan Lingji flew directly to the high platform. Their newcomers were dressed up at the beginning, and they were well prepared.

Long XIII took the hand of Lan Lingji and came to the front of Linglong Xianzun. At the same time, he gave a deep ritual to Linglong Xianzun.

Linglong Xianzun’s face showed a bright smile, and did not blame the two for being late. When the difference between Linglong and Xianzun was changed to the dragon’s 13th, the face changed a little, because at this moment, she was able to Thirteen felt a bit of pressure on the body. In other words, the strength of Dragon Thirteen is likely to have surpassed itself.

"Okay, okay."

Linglong Xianzun even said two sounds, and he did not read the wrong person. The enchanting characters like Dragon Thirteen, the future achievements are destined to be limitless. After today’s marriage with Lan Lingji, Long XIII is also officially exquisite. The people of the blessed land, this is a blessing for the exquisite blessing.

"Well, the wedding begins."

Linglong Xianzun puts his hand.


Lan Lingji is slamming on the ground, tears brushing out, she continued to give Linglong Xianzun three heads: "Xianzun, these years you treat me like a daughter, will train the spirit of adult, today I personally hosted the wedding for Ling Ji. This kind of kindness, Ling Ji’s life is not finished.”

Lan Lingji said that the emotional situation, directly tears.

"Children, what are you crying on the big day, hurry up."

Linglong Xianzun said, inadvertently, it is also a reddish eye, it can be seen that Linglong Xianzun is also a temper.

Lan Lingji wiped his eyes, sorted out the emotions, stood up from the ground, took the hand of Dragon Thirteen, and turned to the VIP facing the crowd.

"Haha, monkey, kiss one."

The cold is starting to rise.

"On the big day, you have to kiss one."

Yang Bufan also followed suit.


Dragon Thirteen licked his mouth and smiled, then turned and looked at the blue-eyed sage that looked red-faced. He said, "Ling Ji, you see, this is what everyone wants, we can't let the brothers down."

Said, and regardless of Lan Lingji's disagreement, this guy directly kissed the mouth of Lan Lingji, and then it was a satisfying look.


The following is a big laugh.

"Well, now I declare that the wedding begins and I worship the world."

The old man on the side shouted loudly, this old man is also a master of Xianzun, his voice is loud, and it can make everyone listen clearly.

"And slow!"

At this moment, a scene of loud drinking from the far air, the scene that was originally laughing, was quiet and quiet. Many people looked angry at the source of the sound. Such an important moment, disturbing the wedding of others, is very Polite.

Under the gaze of countless eyes, I saw a man in armor coming out of the void. The man looked like a twenty-five-year-old man with a rope hoop tied around his head. He was extremely majestic. The length is very strong, and it is very British. The breath that comes out of the body is a lot of pressure.

"It’s Qi Jin, Xian Ting’s supreme genius. This guy had uttered rants to kill the Dragon 13 before. He didn’t expect to come to the wedding day.”

"This **** didn't appear late, but it happened at this time, it must be intentional."

"A good wedding, thinking of an uninvited guest, seems to have to pause."


Seeing the arrival of Qi Jin, many people are extremely angry, but at the same time they are beginning to worry. After all, Qi Jin’s cultivation is too strong. The master of Xian Zun’s late stage is not an opponent.

"It’s really not the time for this guy to appear."

Jiang Chen shook his head and looked at Qi Jin with pity. He said that this is not the time, not just because of the wedding, but also the improvement of the Dragon XIII. If Qi Jin appeared earlier, Long Shi Third, it is definitely not its opponent, but Qi Jin’s attention is to make troubles on the day of the Dragon’s wedding, killing the Dragon 13 directly, causing great shock.

Unfortunately, Qi Jin couldn't think of it. In just one day, the repair of Long XIII has reached the point where he can't match it. When he appears at this time, he will provoke the dragon thirteen, which is simply to die.

"Qi Jin, today is a happy event for me. I don't seem to be invited."

Linglong Xianzun said coldly.

"Ling Yan Xianzun, what kind of character do you dare to talk to me like this? I go where I want to go, no one can stop me, I come to you to be exquisite and blessed, that is your creation."

Qi Jin smashed to the extreme, and did not put Linglong Xianzun in his eyes. Of course, as a peerless genius of Xianting, he also had the cultivation of Xianzun later, and he has arrogant capital.

"Qi Jin, you dare to disrespect the fairy, this one alone is enough to make you die a hundred times."

The dragon thirteen is angry. He definitely does not allow disrespect for the exquisite fairy in Qi Yan’s speech. Moreover, he and Lan Lingji will soon be in the hall. This guy chooses this time to appear. This kind of behavior is itself Has already touched the bottom line of the Dragon Thirteen.

"Dragon thirteen, talk nonsense, come and die. You are not saying that Xian Ting's genius, come to you to kill one, I will come to challenge you now, see what you say so arrogant."

Qi Jin looked at Long XIII and showed his intentions.

"Well, since you are looking for death, then the monkey will be yours, wait for you to kill, and then become a pro."

The dragon thirteenth momentum was shocked.

"Thirteen brothers, be careful."

Lan Lingji slammed the grip of the thirteen palms, and some worried, but the eyes are full of confidence in the dragon thirteen. After all, the current dragon thirteen is not comparable yesterday, and Lan Lingji knows that Qi Jin is holding The purpose is not to solve him first, and today's wedding, I am afraid it can not be carried out normally.

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