Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1845: But so

As for the arrival of Qijin, in fact, many people have already prepared for it. They have already released their words a few days ago. They have to kill Dragon XIII. The reason why they did not shoot is because they heard the marriage of Dragon Thirteen. The thing is to kill Dragon 13 on the wedding day. You must know that such a blow can be much greater than the direct killing of Dragon 13 before, not only destroying a scourge, but also making the dragon Thirteen became a laughing stock.

The dragon thirteen body swayed directly to the sky, and Qi Jin stood on the opposite side. He was dressed in a big red groom and was very festive. But from the surface, the figure of the dragon thirteen did not grow into a majestic, one Qi Jin It’s almost to have two dragons and thirteen, and the repair of the dragon thirteen is not as good as it is.

If you look at it like this, Dragon 13 will definitely not be an opponent of Qi Jin. After all, this visual impact is still very big.

Unfortunately, the strength of strength is not to look at the body, if the dragon thirteen becomes the body, it is not like a hill.

No one looks down on Qi Jin, this is the peerless genius of Xian Ting. The supreme master of Xian Zun's late stage is comparable to the peerless, second only to the semi-emperor. Into the opponent, the same, no one looked down on the dragon thirteen, a person who can die and resurrect, a person who killed more than a dozen Xiantian geniuses in the First World War, who dares to look down, even if it is Qi Jin itself, I am afraid I dare not look down on Dragon XIII.

"Qi Jin, you choose to challenge me at this time, is the most wrong choice in your life."

Dragon Thirteen said faintly, this can be described in terms of the weight of the words. In fact, this is exactly the case. If Qi Jin challenges himself one day earlier, he will definitely not be an opponent in Qi Jin. Unfortunately, Qi Jin wants to really attack himself. When choosing this time, It happened that Dragon 13 has been promoted to two levels in succession. These two levels have already opened the distance between the two.

"Dragon thirteen, it seems that your cultivation is refined, but you should not be too arrogant. In front of me, you don't have arrogant capital, but if you cultivate it as a refined one, when I save you in the province, There is no passion at all. I haven’t fought for a long time. If my opponent is trampled to death like an ant, then what is the meaning?”

Qi Jin is very incomparable, even if he feels the improvement of the Dragon Thirteen, he still does not put the Dragon 13 too much in his eyes. As an immortal genius of Xian Ting, he is too confident in his cultivation. Self-confidence in the bones, so he is proud and ignores everything.

"This dragon thirteen seems to be a lot more masculine than before. So it seems that with the blood of his fighting dragons, maybe you can really fight with Qi."

"You said that two of them will win?"

"It's hard to say, both of them are against the sky. Although there is no way to compare with the Dragon 13 in the blood of Qijin, his cultivation is higher than that of Long XIII. What the ending is, I really don't know."


Many people have begun to talk about it. The scenes that were originally beaming have evolved into a battlefield. The genius of Xianting is not a genius. No one cares. No matter their status and status, they are not comparable.

At this time, the most relaxed performance is probably Jiang Chen and Han Yan and Yang Bufan and others, because they are too confident in the strength of Dragon Thirteen, killing genius characters across a level, absolutely no words, they are just pity now. Qi Jin, this guy chose a time that should not be chosen to challenge Dragon XIII.

In their view, Qi Jin is not to challenge, but to die, even if he has the identity of Xian Ting, a genius, still can not be the reason for Dragon 13 not to kill him, to treat his enemy, Dragon Thirteen The attitude has always been the same as Jiang Chen. I don’t care about the identity of the other person. I don’t care who the other person is. Anyone who wants to be placed in his own death will eventually be killed.

"Dragon XIII, let's take a look, let me see if you have any ability to threaten to challenge all the geniuses of Xianting."

Qi Qiqiu shocked, a skylight beam straight into the sky, the powerful atmosphere of the stirring of the entire void is trembled violently, that powerful to unparalleled pressure, so that some of the underground people, the soul can not help but give birth to a trace The meaning of trembling.


A strong temperament to the extreme is also released from the body of the Dragon Thirteen. It is the breath of the yang to the yang, forming an incomparable beam of light. This momentum appears and immediately suppresses the momentum of Qijin. Go on.


Seeing it, Qi Jin couldn't help but exclaimed. I couldn't believe it was true. He looked at the dragon thirteen into a real momentum, and realized that the Dragon Thirteen had already succumbed to this point.

This result makes Qi Jin simply unacceptable. It must be known that such a singularity as Qi Jin is itself an invincible presence at the same level. The leapfrog challenge is a normal thing. However, the repair of the Dragon Thirteen is not as good as itself. However, the momentum has actually suppressed himself.

This alone is a very heavy blow to Qi Jin.

"Qi Jin, in front of the monkey, you have something to be proud of, the existence of a vulnerable, and dare to challenge me."

The dragon and thirteen black and white hairs drifted in the wind, like a sharp spike that pierced the interior of the void.

"Dragon thirteen, you don't want to be arrogant, my means, not what you can imagine."

Qi Jin was angry and he took the lead. He shot a dragon at the thirteenth. This punch directly shattered the space and surpassed the limits of space. He came to the thirteenth.

Punch out, as if there was only one fist between heaven and earth, it became the only one between heaven and earth, locking all the airs of Dragon XIII, so that Dragon 13 can only confront each other and cannot escape.

Of course, Dragon XIII did not intend to escape. In the middle of Xianzun, he should be better than any other aspect.

The face of the dragon thirteen was indifferent, and he punched a punch very fast and collided with Qi Jin’s fist.


The powerful turbulence force shattered the void directly, completely torn, and the gas waves began to roll, exploding unparalleled devastating energy.

A fist, directly smashed the fist that evolved into the whole, and the opposite side, the body was swayed by a shock, and could not help but shake.

Qi Jin’s face became even more ugly, and the first move came down. This situation was unexpectedly unexpected at first, and he didn’t even think about it.

"The genius of Xianting is not the same."

Dragon thirteen shook his head, and today he is fighting against each other. He is bound to fight his morale.

[The brothers who have not paid attention to the old Su WeChat public number hope to pay attention to it. After all, many news about the dragon pattern are published on the public number. The method of attention is very simple. WeChat adds friends to directly search for Su Yuexi and find individuals. The platform will do. 】

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