Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1846: a trick

"It's so good, the progress of Dragon Thirteen is too fast."

"Yeah, in the mid-term of the Xianzun, you can directly press the Qi Jinzun's late stage. If you don't see it with your own eyes, I won't believe it if I kill him."

"This is the real enchanting character. Like Jiang Chen, there is such a dragon ride in the exquisite blessings. That is a good thing."

"Not necessarily, it is likely to be a disaster. You have to look at the person who was offended by Dragon XIII. It is Xianting. The Dragon Thirteen is of great talent, although it is powerful, but wants to compete with Xianting, almost An impossible thing, if Xianting is angry, do you think that exquisite blessings will be better?"

"Yeah, forget it, don't worry so much, and look at the battle situation of Dragon 13 and Qi Jin today. Although Dragon 13 has gained the upper hand, Qi Jin is not so weak. As Xianting. A peerless genius must have an extraordinary means."


Countless people are very surprised. The thrilling dragon thirteen changes quickly. They still remember that when Long XIII had just returned from the Golden Killing Field, it was killed by the old man and the Huangquan ancestors. How long has it been? It has been a time to go so far, this is a miracle. If such things are not seen by the eyes, I am afraid that few people will believe it.

In the sky, the dragon thirteen is just like this. It has undoubtedly really stimulated Zijin’s self-respect. It has always been, but in this case, he said to others that he did not expect to be his own body today, and because he was in a disadvantageous position. The reason makes him unable to refute the words of Dragon XIII.

"Dragon XIII, you don't want to be arrogant. I admit that your strength is already strong, but do you think that you can beat me? You are too young to see me. Today, let you see my means."

Qi Jin was angry and decided not to have any reservations. Now he has completely regarded Dragon Thirteen as a real opponent. He has no contempt for the beginning.


Qi Jin's hands constantly draw a strong French seal. A huge French seal is more than a dozen feet in size. There are dense and complicated runes on it. It seems that the gods are different. The moment when the French seal appears, the roaring sound will be erupted directly. The void gave a big hole.

This is an ancient print, extremely horrible, and the attack power is even more unimaginable. The moment the French and Indian appear, the sky has changed directly.

"Dragon thirteen, let's die."

Qi Jin shouted, and the powerful French seal was like a huge compass, rushing toward the dragon thirteen.

This is the most powerful blow of Qi Jin, carrying all his energy attacks, aiming to kill the dragon thirteen, but unfortunately, in the face of such a powerful French-Indian attack, the dragon thirteen faces remain unchanged, as always indifferent.

This imprint is indeed incomparably tyrannical, and it has been shown to be able to dominate the party, but unfortunately, this method of printing, compared with the battle of the thirteenth of the Dragon, is still not in a grade.


The dragon thirteen shot, up is the battle of the holy law, the battle of the word fight, far from the imprint of Qi Jin, the light of the evolution of the battle word, the same as the whole sky, countless dazzling light will play the whole The field is covered.


Qi Jin once again exclaimed, just watching the dragon's offensive, Qi Jin knew that he was defeated.

The battle between the strong, sometimes does not need too much fancy, Qi Jin is very clear about the power of his own imprint, itself is his most powerful trick, but now see the thirteen battle of the dragon He knows that his self-confidence is indeed a bit blind.


Fighting against the Holy Law and the powerful French and Indian confrontation, directly in the void, the infinite sparks, the void was completely smashed, and if the two did not fight, they reopened a battle space, and this kind of battle was only in the wave. It will cause extremely serious damage to the exquisite blessings. Even so, some low-powered disciples feel that the soul is shaking and feel the huge pressure on the waves.

"This kind of battle scene is really a bit shocking. The strength of these two people is too strong. Even if we fight against them at these ancestors level, I am afraid it will die."

"Yes, compared with these wonderful wizards, we are not a level at all. This dragon thirteen is worthy of having a strong battle with the blood of the dragon, and the combat power is against the sky."


People with big forces and ancestors are extremely shocked at this moment. Such battle scenes are something they can't imagine. They raise themselves, even if they let them go up, they will die for any one of them.

Over the sky, it was turned into a chaos, and the devastating energy was rolling everywhere. Countless eyes looked at the past, and I saw the blood spurting in the import. The face was pale to the extreme, and the breath of the body began to scatter. The whole person seemed to be After a life and death, if he is fighting again in his current state, even half of the combat power will not be played.

On the other hand, Dragon Thirteen, as strong as the beginning, fighting the holy law around him, carrying the domineering power of the sky, the golden radiance of the body, the stabbing people can not open their eyes.

This time, the peak matchup, who wins and who loses, is clear at a glance.

"God, the famous Qi Jin, has lost so thoroughly, it is not the opponent of Dragon Thirteen, it is incredible."

"I think this is normal. If you come to kill Dragon 13 a few days ago, it may be really successful. The repair of Long XIII seems to have just been upgraded yesterday. He must have got a great chance." So that the repair has improved two levels in a short period of time. When Long XIII was in the golden killing field, it was able to kill the genius step by step. Now it is not unexpected to defeat the late stage of Xianzun in the mid-term cultivation of Xianzun. ""

"Yes, I went to the Golden Killing Field and saw the power of Dragon Thirteen. Moreover, at the election meeting, Long XIII was also a great show, killing people across a level, it is really a matter of course."


Many people are surprised at this ending, but many people feel that it is normal. People who have seen the thirteen powerful people in the past feel that Qi Jin’s defeat in the hands of Long XIII is understandable. The time is wrong.

Qi Jin had already come out of Xianting in the early days, in order to kill the Dragon XIII, but unfortunately he did not directly shoot, but chose to disturb the wedding of Dragon Thirteen today, let the Dragon 13 blood splash on the spot.

This idea is really good, but unfortunately Qi Jin did not think that the current Dragon Thirteen is much stronger than yesterday.

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