Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1847: Do not care

Jiang Chen and Han Yan are all calm, and did not show the slightest surprise, because the outcome itself is in their expectation, Qi Jin can not be today's Dragon Thirteen opponents.

In the sky, Qi Jin looked at the opposite dragon thirteen, and his eyes were bleeding.

"No, this is impossible."

Qi Jin could not accept such an ending. He did not lose his life. Even in the young generation of Xianting, he was an absolute leader. On weekdays, he was not only respected by the people, but also appreciated by the top, his life. It’s all glorious, it’s glorious, but today, everything has changed.

The existence of Dragon XIII allowed Qi Jin to finally understand that the original failure was such a taste, especially for his character who has always been on the high side. This kind of taste is really uncomfortable.


After the body of the dragon thirteen, the brush came to Qi Jin, and an iron rod appeared in his hand, pointing directly to Qi Jin’s head, and the cold murderous gas was emitted from the iron rod.

"You want to kill me?"

Qi Jin felt the killing of the Dragon Thirteen. This kind of killing made him a little surprised. In his opinion, even if he failed, Dragon 13 did not dare to kill himself, because he killed himself, equal to and immortal. There is no longer a chance to reconcile between the courts.

"You don't have any nutrition at all. I seem to have killed you in more than one time. You think you are more noble than those who died in my hands?"

Dragon XIII laughed directly. There is a kind of self-confidence in the world, called brain damage.

"Dragon XIII, do you think you can kill me? Even if I am not your opponent, I have to go, you can't stop it."

Qi Jin sneered, still very confident.

"I don't know where you come from, I am giving you the opportunity to run now and see if you can run away."

The dragon thirteen is plain, but anyone can hear the murder of his alignment.

Of course, it is normal for Dragon XIII to have such a murderous heart. After all, Qi Jin is here today to kill Dragon XIII. In this case, why is Dragon 13 so polite, dealing with people who want to kill themselves? There is no reason at all, and as Long XIII said, he is not the first person to kill Xianting, and the Liangzi of Xianting has already been established, and the mutual grievances themselves cannot be Resolve, this point can be seen from the Qi Jin shot to kill the dragon thirteen.

Everyone knows very well that today Qi Jin failed, and there will be more powerful masters in the coming days to deal with Long XIII. This is almost unquestionable, so the Dragon 13 will not kill and will not change the ending.

That being the case, why do you still have a life of leaving, leaving yourself a strong enemy.


Qi Jin snorted, and then the body swayed, the whole person directly into the space silently, trying to escape directly.

It is a pity that at the same time as Qi Jindong, the Dragon 13 has also moved, and the powerful momentum will be directly shocked from the inside of the void.

"How is your speed so fast?"

Qi Jin’s face became even more ugly, and he suddenly felt that his escape today seemed to be a luxury.

"Qi Jin, if you want to escape from my hands during the heyday, maybe I can't stop you, but in your current state, if you let me escape, what is the face of the monkey, how can I be friends in the future? Mixed in front."

The iron rod in the hands of the dragon thirteen shines, and he will not give him a chance to escape.

Seeing the determination of Dragon Thirteen to kill himself, Qi Jin finally felt a trace of fear, because he felt a sense of death from the iron bars in front of him, that was something he had never felt before, and he never I thought that death would one day be so close to myself.

So he began to be afraid, no one wants to die, especially when death is really close, the feeling will become very horrible, and the nerves of the people are directly tightened.

"Dragon thirteen, you dare to kill me, Xianting will not let you go."

Qi Jin said with a bite.

"Even if I don't kill you, Xianting will not let me go."

Dragon thirteen shook his head.

"Dragon thirteen, as long as you don't kill me today, I will never find you trouble after I enter."

Qi Jin’s tone began to beg for mercy. He didn’t want to die. He could have the status of today. He is his greatest pride. He has the brilliance and color that ordinary people can’t have. He has a lot of good times. Death is for him. Too strange, too terrible.

"From the moment you decide to step into the exquisite blessing, you should think of it as such an ending, killing you, just not delaying Laozi’s marriage."

Dragon Thirteen is no longer nonsense, iron bars are picked up, and they are smashed in the face of Qi Jin. This blow locks all the breath of Qi Jin and makes him avoid it. This is a great stick, even if he is doing his best to resist It is also impossible to resist at all, and it is bound to be killed by the dragon and thirteen.


At this moment, a big drink suddenly sounded from the far air, and this loud drink contained supreme energy and pressure. Even in such a distant distance, the people who still shake the ears hum and can imagine the coming. What a powerful master.

A figure appeared, appeared in the sky above the exquisite blessed land, it is a middle-aged man wearing a black robe, 40 years old, a face of mighty, his momentum is extremely powerful, turned out to be a powerful semi-emperor.

Seeing the arrival of the middle-aged man in the black robe, Qi Jin, who was in distress, suddenly seemed to have seized the straw. He knew that when this person came, he would be saved. Long XIII would never dare to be in front of this person. Kill yourself.

It is a pity that the Dragon Thirteen shot is a must-kill. From the beginning to the end, even if you don’t see a single person, the iron bar slams into the head of Qi Jin.


Qi Jin made a scream of screaming, his head was crushed by the dragon thirteen sticks, the blood spray was sprayed, and he died on the spot.


This scene suddenly shocked a stormy sea, no one thought that the dragon thirteen was so murderous to this point, facing the blockade of the semi-emperor master, they completely ignored, directly killing Qi Jin.


A powerful anger suddenly struck from the half of the emperor, and his face showed endless anger.

"Dragon XIII, you dare to kill the people in Xianting in front of this seat. It seems that you are really tired."

The middle-aged man was drunk, and the person who came was not someone else. It was the half-emperor Li Xianye of Xianting. On the same day, Xiao’s forgotten in the genius’s battle was in a downwind. Today, he came here with a purpose, just to see the dragon. Thirteen to kill Qi Jin, of course, to speak out, but did not think that the Dragon 13 is extremely ferocious, even his face is not given, directly to kill Qi Jin, which makes him a half glory face No, and the death of Qi Jin is also a loss to Xianting.

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