Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1849: Li Wangye’s killing

The death of Wang Xuanfeng was shocking, but no one believed that the character like Wang Xuanfeng would die in Jiang Chen’s hands. This has already been accepted by people. Now, let’s see how Jiang Chen answered.

"Li Wangye, are you still embarrassed to ask me about this matter? I remember the last time you were in the genius, you promised that Xiao’s predecessors could not shoot me. As a result, you are a half-emperor but a shameful violation of the agreement, and sent Wang Xuanfeng to kill me. Since he wants to kill me, I naturally want to kill you. When someone wants to kill you, will you stand there and kill them? To say that the whirlwind of the dead king, you should be Li Wangye."

Jiang Chen said that he was not salty and faint. He directly admitted that Wang Xuanfeng’s death was his own behavior, and that the death of a peerless person was understated by what he said, as if it were a normal thing.

When the words came out, the crowd once again swayed. No one believed that Wang Xuanfeng was killed by Jiang Chen, because no one believed that Jiang Chen had the ability to kill the king whirlwind, but now Jiang Chen actually admitted it directly, you will definitely not There is something wrong, because Wang Xuanfeng is an important figure in Xianting. No one is willing to carry the crime of killing the Sisters of Xianting. Since Jiang Chen dare to admit it, it is enough to prove that Wang Xuanfeng is killed by Jiang Chen.

"God, this is actually true, but how is this possible? Jiang Chen relies on what to kill the king whirlwind? Even if Xiao forgets not to take away his sun **** feathers, Jiang Chen will not be the opponent of Wang Xuanfeng."

"Unbelievable, this is incredible. If it is not Jiang Chen’s personal recognition, I am afraid that no one can believe it."

"I think Jiang Chen must have got a strong reliance, so he killed Wang Xuanfeng. If he does not have strong reliance, even if he kills Wang Xuanfeng, he does not dare to stand up and admit it now. Jiang Chen is a powerful one. The character, and the wise man, will never take the initiative to die. If he dares to stand up, it means that he has the means to save his life. At least Li Wangye can't kill him."

"What can he rely on? His biggest refuge is Xiao forgetting, and now Xiao forgets nothing."

“It’s hard to say, have you not found that Jiang Chenxiu’s progress today is much better than it was at the beginning?”


The crowd was inciting, things were getting bigger and bigger, Qi Jin died, Wang Xuanfeng also died, and Jiang Chen personally admitted that this time, I am afraid that Xianting will not give up, even if Xiao forgets, it can not keep Jiang Chen. After all, since the establishment of Xianting, no one has ever dared to provoke the majesty of Xianting. No one dares to put Xianting in his eyes.

"Jiang Chen, you admit the best, you killed Wang Xuanfeng, this time even if Xiao is forgotten, I still want to protect you, but I really want to know how you killed Wang Xuanfeng."

Li Wangye’s killing is already very strong, but he is still very curious to ask. Because of this problem, other people who are not sitting alone want to know, and he also wants to know urgently. No one knows more about the strength of Wang Xuanfeng than he does. Jiang Chen was promoted to the late Emperor, and it is still impossible to kill Wang Xuanfeng.

"I killed it."

The smoke in the morning faintly said that the tone was plain and waveless.


This time, countless eyes suddenly fell on the body of the smoke, because the dazzling aura of Jiang Chen and Long XIII is too heavy, and the morning rain has been converging, making people unable to see her repair. Therefore, this has led people to completely ignore the morning rain, just to regard her as a woman around Jiang Chen.

But now, this woman actually said that Wang Xuanfeng was killing himself, which undoubtedly set off another wave.

"Who is this woman? She has the power to kill Wang Xuanfeng."

"I don't know, I have never seen it. It should be just a woman of Jiang Chen, but how can Jiang Chen's woman be so strong."

"With this look, this woman is really unfathomable, even I can't see her cultivation."


The smoke morning rain immediately became the focus. She never appeared in people's field of vision, and it seems that it is really extraordinary. Compared with Jiang Chen, she can kill Wang Xuanfeng. People are more willing to believe that Wang Xuanfeng is really dead in this woman. In the hands.

"who are you?"

Li Wangye looked at the smoke in the morning, and asked Emei, because with the help of his semi-emperor, he discovered that this young and beautiful woman had a second-generation emperor, which is too unimaginable. A genius figure, he has never seen it before, and he has never heard of it.

"You don't need to know that today is the wedding day of Dragon Thirteen. You'd better leave here directly to make the wedding go smoothly."

The tone of the smoke and the morning rain is very cold, but with a bit of resoluteness. There are not many people in the world who dare to speak to Li Wangye.

There are generally two kinds of people who say this. One is that there is a problem in the brain, the death does not know how to die, and the other is that the strength is extremely powerful, and Li Wangye is not really in the eye.

How the smoke morning rain does not seem to be a problem with the brain.

"Hey! Girl, no matter who you are, if you kill Wang Xuanfeng, you have to pay the price. Since this seat is here today, you will not give you the opportunity to continue living. This seat must be shot in person. Kill three of you and get rid of the troubles."

Li Wangye screamed coldly, and the murderousness was already strong. The potential of Jiang Chen and Long XIII gave him a very uneasy feeling. Now there is a young peerless person, which is enough for Li Wangye to disregard his identity. As long as you can kill the three people in front of you, even if you ruin your reputation, it is no problem.


Li Wangye shot, and his big hand volleyed, a huge palm like a shack was overwhelming. This is a powerful semi-imperial power, so that countless people are shocked, the heart is shaking, but Jiang Chen three However, it was a calm face, and the smile on the face was not cut a little. Li Wangye is indeed very strong, but compared with the devil, there is a big gap, and in the hands of the smoke and the rain, It is a vulnerable existence, not to mention Li Wangye in this district.

"Dust brother, can't kill?"

The morning of the smoke asked.

"Don't kill him."

Jiang Chen shook his head. Anyway, today is the big day of Dragon Thirteen. He still wants to let the wedding go smoothly after the end of the matter. If he kills Li Wangye, this wedding is probably shocking. Can't go on.

And now it’s not going to completely fall out with Xianting. Killing Li Wangye is like pushing them into the heat. This is not what Jiang Chen wants to see, because he and Nangong have a month of appointment, he It is necessary to rush to the Fengchi Xianyu, and there is still room for circumvention.

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