Dragon-Marked War God

: 1850 pressure semi-emperor

Yan Chen nodded and asked about Jiang Chen’s meaning. She already knew what to do. Li Wangye was arrogant, but he couldn’t think of his death. His fate was already in the hands of Jiang Chen. Only then.

Huge towering hands have appeared in the sky, countless people are nervous, people are ivory to see, this woman who has never seen, how to deal with a semi-emperor attack.

Of course, there are still a group of people with calm expressions and relaxed expressions on the performance field. They are naturally like Han Yan and Yang Bufan. The old emperor and the emperor Yang Yu of the Dagan Empire also experienced the incident of witnessing the devils and witnessing them. After the strong morning rain, they don’t need to worry a little. They have to worry about it. They are also worried about Li Wangye. A person who can kill the devils at will, it is too easy to kill Li Wangye.

The morning rain of the smoke looked cold, and she lifted it with her hand, and an ice mans shocked it out, and instantly gave the huge palm directly to the hole.

The big hand is like a fragile crystal, and it bursts into tears. The energy scattered in the void also completely dissipates. This big hand that could have caused serious damage to the enemy, completely collapsed like this, even the enemy’s fur is not hurt. At that time, Jiang Chen three people stood there and didn't even move around.


Li Wangye’s big eyes, this shock is not the same as a small one, not just him, the whole person on the martial arts field is boiling up, who can think of a beautiful woman who has never seen before, actually has such a strong ability Even the attack of Li Wangye can be easily solved.

Up to now, people have no doubts about the death of Wang Xuanfeng. Although Wang Xuanfeng is a powerful sage, but a master who can fight against the semi-empire, to kill a peerless person, does not seem to be laborious.

"who are you?"

Li Wangye was shocked. In his view, a young man with such a strong anti-Japanese power can never be an ordinary person. There must be a big force behind him or a big background.

"I said, you don't need to know."

The morning rain is still cold and cold: "If you leave now, you still have time."

The powerful Jiuyin female emperor, Diwei is not allowed to infringe, to the eyes of the nine Yin female emperor, district Li Wangye, how to be seen in her eyes, the father of Jiuyin female emperor was the famous Zhaoxian Wang, but also the emperor This elder is a favorite, her eyes are high, even if it is the emperor of Xianting, it is completely inferior.

"Hey! A peerless sage, no matter where you can go, if you don't want to say it, then don't blame it. You will know the real gap between the sage and the semi-emperor today."

Li Wangye's momentum is soaring. Since the other side has a master, then he will once again be more powerful than the right one. This time, Li Wangye is ready to do his best and directly kill each other. Only in this way can he save himself. The face of the face, half of the emperor, if you kill a younger generation still grinds, if you can't take it for a long time, it is not to let the world laugh, let yourself face.

However, Li Wangye did not know how ridiculous it was to say such a thing. The gap between Xianzun and the semi-emperor is indeed very big, but in the morning of the smoke, there is no such thing. The former emperor is far away. The difference between the semi-emperor and the emperor is far greater than the gap between the Xianzun and the semi-emperor.

Li Wangye moved again. His palm was full of beating flames. The red-gold flame directly condensed a mighty fire mark. This is a life-burning fire, and the fire smashes Li Wangye. His flame is terrible. The fire mark is his powerful ultimate killing, which is also the source of the title of the fire.

On the same day, Li Wangye was using the trick and the forgotten love sword in the genius house to make a final confrontation. Unfortunately, compared with Xiao’s forgetting, it was weaker.

The flame is Li Wangye's most powerful attack, but unfortunately he has encountered a real nemesis today. In a strong flame, under the chill of the nine-nine female emperor, can it still burn?

Unless it is the Supreme Flame in the hands of Jiang Chen, otherwise, any flame will automatically extinguish when it encounters the cold of the morning rain.

The smoke in the morning is too lazy to talk to Li Wangye, and it is a powerful Xuan Yinzhang. After all, she still has a wound on her body. To deal with a half-emperor, she still has to do her best.


The horrible coldness filled the air and directly solidified a space above it. It was completely frozen. The fire mark of Li Wangye was immediately affected by the strong coldness after hitting the Xuanyin palm of the smoke morning rain. Imprinted, it was extinguished in an instant, and the energy carried by the remaining terror marks touched the Xuanyin palm.


The battlefield was immediately filled, and it became a chaotic color. The boundless repression overshadowed people's minds. Everyone saw that Li Wangye, a half-level emperor, eventually lost to the mighty Xuan Yinzhang of Yan Chenyu. The whole person was actually bombed. Fly out, landed outside Baizhang, and spit blood.

"My mother, this is incredible. Li Wangye is not the enemy of this woman. What exactly is this woman coming."

"It's too abnormal. It's too abnormal. It's a powerful semi-emperor. This Jiang Chen, there are some guys around him."

"The half-emperor master, the famous character, has become a vulnerable in front of this woman, and the impact is too strong."


This kind of ending made people unacceptable. Before the real battle, no one thought of it. People were still thinking about what means to fight against Li Wangye, and where Li Wangye would be defeated.

The most unacceptable is of course Li Wangye himself. He is too clear about his own strength. Now he is defeated in the hands of a fairy. I am afraid that he has experienced the most painful thing in his life.

What makes Li Wangye even more shocked is the coldness of the smoke and the rain. It is a kind of coldness between the heavens and the earth. It is simply the biggest nemesis of its own flame. Under the impact of the cold, its own flames, even burning Not to mention, let alone play a strong fighting force.

At this moment, Li Wangye's blood in the body surged, unable to tell the uncomfortable, but compared with the physical injury, his heart's vibration is the biggest.

"who are you?"

Li Wangye asked with a bite, and today he came to the exquisite blessing, and he came for Jiang Chen himself. He did not expect to encounter such a powerful role.

"Get out of here, don't wait for me to change my mind."

Yan Chenyu said in a condescending tone that it was a gesture of a female emperor.

[Tomorrow will add the two chapters that are owed to the supplement. 】

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