Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1852: Original smile

Jiang Chen did not ask more about the Great Emperor. As Yan Chenyu said, it is not useful to know more than that realm. If you don’t want to know, you will know everything.

Moreover, it seems that it is not a chat now. When a great emperor has just arrived, the scene becomes a tense time. Today’s events must have an ending.

The power and influence of a great emperor is undoubtedly great, but there is a smoke in the morning, and a first-class emperor may not be able to afford a big wave. Jiang Chen’s means of the morning rain is very clear, and the emperor of Jiuyin After the integration of the physical body, I also got the nine-negative mysterious heart, and my own combat power, we can directly kill the half-emperor, against the first-class emperor, even if there is a wound on the body, there is a strong funeral fairy in hand, It is still very easy to fight against the First Class.

"The original elder, I didn't expect you to be alarmed."

Li Wangye saw the old man appear, and quickly went to the front, and gave him a deep ritual. Although he is a semi-emperor, he has a certain position in Xianting, but this position is far worse than the emperor. In the face of a real emperor, he did not dare to make a point.

"Well, just passing by."

The old man nodded, and he said hello to Li Wangye. He did not blame Li Wangye for losing to a woman. He won't be able to control this kind of thing. Sometimes he can control it. Where is the strength, no one wants to fail, let alone It is a famous figure like Li Wangye.

"He called the original laughter. I used to see this person with Yang Junlong's ancestors. At that time, he was not the great emperor. Even if he was promoted to the emperor, he should have just been promoted soon."

The old emperor of the Dagan Empire said that he had had a relationship with the original Xiaolei, so he recognized this person at a glance, but even if he was a newly promoted emperor, it was the great emperor, the powerful emperor once Stepping into the emperor's realm, that is a supreme order, every emperor, can not be underestimated.

"The original elder, I lost my face to Xianting."

Li Wangye is dejected, his mood is very depressed now, and he is also a famous person. Today he is defeated in the hands of a younger generation. It can be said that it is a great shame in his life.

"Winning and defeating is the common practice of the military, let the Emperor come and see, this girl is exactly where."

The original smile thunder waved and gestured to Li Wangye to retreat. He walked two steps forward, standing not far from the smoke and the river dust, squinting at his eyes and constantly looking at the body of the smoke and rain. Don't look tight, the more you look at his face, the more dignified.

"A very strange girl, obviously only the late Xiu Zun's cultivation, but the body contains a trace of the great emperor. The origin of the emperor in her body is even thicker than me. No wonder Li Wangye is not her opponent. It seems that this The girl is not very simple."

The original smile was shocked, but the surface was still quiet. Although the morning rain seemed to be very different, it was only the late stage of Xianzun, and it did not reach the level of Xiandi. The gap was not difficult to make up. The original smile is not worried, he has the strength of the first-class emperor, and the existence of all the emperors will not be really in his eyes.

"Xian Ting is really shameless, even the emperor has appeared. It seems that you are no stranger to Xian Ting."

Jiang Chen said with sarcasm.

"When it’s shameless, it’s said that the emperor is dignified. Now it seems that it is just like this. It seems that it is our honour for a great emperor to come down from Xianting and we care about it."

Long XIII also said that these two people sang and sang, and the original laughter Lei couldn’t help but feel awkward.

Although Jiang Chen and Long XIII talked ugly, but it was a big truth, with his original identity as a big emperor, but he personally shot to deal with them, it was a bit shameful, and his face could not be hanged.

The people on the show floor can't help but shake their heads. After all, in the eyes of everyone, the emperor is supreme, a god-like existence, and it will never go down to the fairyland. This is also the life of many people. I have never seen the reason of the Great Emperor, because the Great Emperor has his own dignity, and generally does not easily take it out. It is the first time that the original Xiaolei has faced several juniors.

The face of the original Xiaolei suddenly became extremely ugly, and the face of the Emperor still wanted it. He happened to pass by here this time, just to see Li Wangye lost in the hands of the smoke and rain, so he came out.

Now that Qi Jin was killed, Li Wangye also failed. He himself also came out. If this is the case, the people lost by Xian Ting are even bigger. Therefore, since it appears, even if you don’t want your face, you must do something. What is it, it is impossible to leave.

"You are the gold dust that made the gold glory famous? Very good young people, but you have chosen a dead end. You choose to be right with Xianting. It is the most wrong thing you have done in your life. You could have it. It’s a pity that people who have a good future have ruined their own future. Jiang Chen, right, and Long XIII, this emperor also bullies you with big bullying, but since today’s Emperor personally came forward, it’s not It may be empty-handed, and the two of you will go to Xianting for punishment as long as you are embarrassed, and maybe there is still a chance."

Yuan Xiaolei said that what he is doing now is only defending the majesty of Xianting. Jiang Chen and Long XIII are indeed the enchanting of the younger generation, but even if they are enchanting, they have not reached the point where they can threaten Xianting. However, the two men killed the genius of Xian Xianting. This is something that has never happened. It seriously violates the majesty of Xianting. Since the establishment of Xianting for so long, no one has ever dared to ignore the majesty of Xianting. This is completely dead. Behavior, so no matter what, Xianting will bring these two people back for punishment. Only in this way, Xianting can continue to take charge of the entire Xianxian domain.

"Haha, old man, are you talking about the cool words? Don't take me Jiang Ding as a fool, the grievances of me and Xianting can't be resolved. You Xianting will definitely not let me go. If you go with you, Where will there be a life, you are a great man, but here is affecting people's marriage, it is too shameful, if I have you, I have already left directly, and the province's others gossip."

Jiang Chen laughed twice. Even if it is a powerful emperor, as long as it is an enemy, as long as he wants his own life, Jiang Chen will not be polite with the other party, and there will be no good words to say.


Jiang Chen’s voice just fell, and a powerful anger instantly shocked from the body of the original laughter. As a powerful emperor, wherever he went, it was not everyone’s fear, and no one dared to be disrespectful to himself.

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