Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1853: Hidden behind the woman [three]

The original Xiaolei had no way not to be angry. The imperial concubine was called the old man and said that he was shameless. This is a kind of shame to himself, which makes the original laughter suffer.

"Boy, do you dare to talk to the emperor like this, do you know the consequences of this?"

The original laughter said coldly, in his opinion, Jiang Chen is looking for death.

"I don't know the consequences. I only know that you are delaying someone else's wedding. It is very unethical."

Jiang Chen continues to say that he has always had his own rules of conduct. Once he has determined the hostile relationship, there is nothing to say. Even if the other party is a powerful emperor, he still does not want to make Jiang Chen soft.

"Well, it’s a good thing for young people to have such guts. Unfortunately, you have used your guts on the wrong things. Since you don’t want to be awkward, don’t blame the Emperor, you will be personally Take the shot and take you to Xianting."

The original smile Lei Qiang endured anger, he has already seen it, and Jiang Chen can't pull anything out, the other party's attitude is determined, and it seems that he will never obey and leave with him. If so, then he will directly shoot and put Jiang Chen and Long XIII took it away and continued to pull it down. It will only be his own face.

The mighty power of the great emperor spread out from the original laughter, and the people on the whole battlefield of the oppression were trembling. Many people were already kneeling on the ground and their bodies trembled fiercely.

"You better not to shoot."

The smoke in the morning is cold and cold. With her mentality of the nine yin female emperor, she will not put a first-class emperor in her eyes. Even if he is only the peak of Xianzun, he can still fight against the first-class emperor. Perhaps the injury is not enough. Let him fight against the first-class emperor, but if he is to bury the funeral, it is enough to compete with the first-class emperor.

"Hey! Girl, you are too arrogant, do you think you can defeat Li Wangye, can you compete with the Emperor? It is naive, the Emperor is going to catch Jiang Chen and the Dragon 13 now, the Emperor is going to have a look, you What does this girl have to stop me?"

The original laughter thundered, and the boring palm was gently explored by him. The moment of the void was torn apart. The solid space was like a paper paste. It could not withstand a little shock, a powerful The power was ejected from the palm of the original laughter. This large space was directly imprisoned. Jiang Chen and the Dragon 13 face changed slightly. The power of the Emperor was not what they could imagine. Under the imprisonment of the original laughter, they I feel that it is extremely difficult to move my body and body. Even the big void can't be used.

Jiang Chen is awkward. This is the absolute gap. It is not at the same level. It is still the same sentence. If it does not reach the realm of the Great, it will never understand how terrible the realm is.

However, the two are not nervous, because the smoke in the morning is here, this is their biggest reliance.

For a man, hiding behind a woman is not a glorious thing, but in Jiang Chen’s eyes, being able to hide behind the smoke and rain is protected. It is a very happy thing, that kind of happiness, Not others can understand.

And Jiang Chen knows that this situation is also the happiest thing in the morning rain.


The smoke in the morning rained, and her shot was very decisive. She came up with a powerful Xuanyin palm. The horrible ice crater froze a space. The horrible Xuan Yin ice palm collided with the palm of the original laughter, and a large space was instantly It was ruined, and the space that had been banned by the original laughter was loosened again under the impact of Xuan Yinzhang.


The original Xiaolei couldn't help but be surprised. His eyes looked up and down on the body of the morning rain. If he didn't put the morning rain in his eyes at first, then now, it is totally different. The shot gave him great shock.

"A good girl, in the late period of Xianzun, there is such a powerful force that can tear the space of the imprisonment. Who are you?"

The original laughter looked at the morning rain and asked the question that Li Wangye had been asking. In his opinion, such a magical genius could not be a nameless generation. He began to guess the origin of the smoke morning, so cold. The system, such a qualification against the sky, the two are integrated, it should be well guessed, but the original laughter thinks a big circle, and did not think of the identity of the smoke morning.

"I don't care who I am. I hope that you will not find the trouble of your brother again after Xianting."

Yan Chenyu said that in her heart, Jiang Chen’s status cannot be shaken. Anyone who wants or tries to harm Jiang Chen will be regarded as an enemy by Yan Chenyu.

"Since you don't say it, don't blame the Emperor."

The original smile thunder moved again. He killed the smoke and the morning rain. People like Yan Chenyu still have to leave some room in the absence of the identity of the other party. He’s a strong shot to defeat the morning rain and then bring Take Jiang Dust and Dragon Thirteen to establish the majesty of yourself and Xianting.

The horrible emperor's temperament came out of the original laughter's body. Like the tide, it completely closed this piece of void and formed a new battlefield. He did this, but he did not want his own imperial spirit to hurt the people below. The court has rarely asked the matter of Xianyu, and generally does not control the struggle between the major forces. Therefore, even if the original laughter has a lot of scruples, if it is because of his own reasons, it will cause great losses to the exquisite land. It is really damaging the powerful majesty of Xianting, which is not what the original laughter wants to see.

With the admiration of the Emperor's temperament, the original laughter Lei's old body suddenly became very straight and upright. In front of him, a vortex-like air wave was formed. The air wave was rotating at high speed, and I don’t know how much it carries. The energy is inside, in the center of the vortex, it seems that there is a dragon hovering, people dare not face up, that is the powerful law of the Emperor.


The original laughter shot, the huge energy whirlpool is like an energy ball, and it hits the past in the morning rain. In the original smile, this blow is enough to shake the morning rain, but not hurt her, then Take Jiang Dust and Dragon Thirteen and leave directly.

I noticed that the original laughter was powerful, and the morning breeze was slightly stunned. The next moment, the funeral fairy appeared in front of her. The moment when the heavy funeral fairy appeared, it directly crushed the space and buried it. The great emperor’s horror empire is far from being comparable to the average emperor, and the power that is exiled casually is earth-shattering.

Under the control of the smoke and the rain, the funeral fairy slammed into the huge energy vortex.

[Today's five more, to replenish the two owed before, the remaining two are more than twelve, and the brothers who can't wait can see it tomorrow morning. 】

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