Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1858: Secret of the ancient


Han Yan several people ruthless laughter, this is the legendary world newspaper, this guy is still laughing at Jiang Chen, the same experience in the blink of an eye fell on the body of Dragon Thirteen.

"You laugh and laugh, Laozi is just one ear, stronger than the little dust."

Long Thirteen said loudly.

"What do you say? Listen to what you mean, prepare to find another one."

Blue Ling Ji continued to use his hand.

I dropped my mother. Long XIII realized that she had made a mistake. When she had not had time to say good things, she was pinched by another hand in the other hand of Lan Lingji.

Dragon Thirteen wants to cry without tears, saying that a woman is a tiger. It seems that it is not fake. Don’t look so gentle and fierce than a tigress. This is not the case. If you are married, What happened in the days to come?


There was a burst of laughter in the whole martial arts field. The atmosphere of tension was once again a joy, and it was once again rejoicing. It seems that the previous things have not happened. Today is a big day, naturally it is to be happy, don’t look Jiang Chen and Long XIII are now being abused, but the two guys are so happy and happy, this is true love.

Worship the world...

Two worship high church...


The atmosphere of joy and joy made the exquisite blessings completely lively. Jiang Chen was not fortunate enough to participate in this celebration, but was brought to the place where there was no one in the exquisite blessings.

After the big trouble, the atmosphere of the three people has returned to normal. For Jiang Chen, the scene in front of him is what he dreams of dreaming. The two most important people for him are finally reunited.

What makes Jiang Chen depressed is that after dancing a bamboo and a rainy morning rain, he exerted a violent act on him, and he directly ignored him. The two women sat on a large stone, chatting with the heat, completely treating Jiang Chen as air.

Jiang Chen went to the mouth several times and did not insert it. The gas dust could only be rotated in place.

However, seeing the feelings of Wu Ningzhu and Yanchenchen is so good, Jiang Chen is reassuring, although the two are now different in identity, one is the reincarnation of the female emperor, and the other is the inheritor of the emperor, whose status and identity are very lofty. But there is no strange feeling between the two, or like the original Shengyuan continent, like a sister.

"Ging sister, will the gold family really reappear?"

Jiang Chen finally couldn’t help it. He sat down beside the dancing bamboo and asked, this is what he wants to know most. When it was the golden killing field, the big yellow dog let him do his best to protect the golden family. Those gold guards also said that the gold family did not really die. One day, one day, they would reappear in the world. If they were not to protect the guards of the gold family, Jiang Chen would not have made such a big beam with the three major emperors.

"Yes, the people of the golden family just fell asleep and did not really die. This is the means left by the Golden Emperor to seal up the entire gold family and seek a vitality for the future of the gold family. In that year, the gold family died. Heavy, the Golden Emperor used the time to return to life, completely sealed the gold family, and now has passed the endless years, the gold family is about to wake up from sleep."

Wu Ningzhu said that he inherited the inheritance of Xiaoyao Qindi, and even integrated the memory of Xiaoyao Qindi, which has been used for the complete golden blood, and is considered a golden family, so it is also known to the gold family. More clearly.

"It seems that the rhubarb is right. The gold family has not really died. The time there seems to be frozen. The gold family will appear sooner or later. I want to know what the catastrophe of the whole fairyland was. ""

Jiang Chen asked, this secret has been entangled in his heart, but he has been unable to find an answer. At the beginning, because of his lack of strength, Rhubarb said that he did not tell himself, leaving only a wild and ancient land, it disappeared directly. It was gone, and now the morning rain and the dancing bamboo have endured the inheritance of the great emperor, and combined with the memory of the emperor, the catastrophe in ancient times should not be a secret for the two.

"Dust brother, that catastrophe has passed for a long time, and today's fairyland has undergone a great change. The catastrophe, because of the long time in the past, has already become a secret. Few people know, but My sister and I decided to tell you."

The smoke morning rain said, the tone suddenly became dignified.

"Yes, because the new catastrophe in the fairy world is about to come, perhaps just a year later, maybe three years and five years, or maybe ten years. Anyway, the tranquility and pattern of the fairy world will soon be broken again. It is beneficial that the gold family will re-emerge in the world before the catastrophe. I think this should be the means of the Golden Emperor. He has already calculated the scene after 10,000 years and calculated the arrival of the second catastrophe."

Said Wu Ningzhu.

"What kind of catastrophe is that?"

Jiang Chen’s heart and soul are shaking, and his expression is becoming dignified. It is conceivable that this catastrophe is definitely a **** hurricane and a great chaos.

"In the starry sky not far from the fairyland, there is another world. In ancient times, it was called the savage world. There is a race that grows like a barbarian. The barbarian faces look like humans, but they are enshrined. The beast, the blood of the barbarian flowing in the body, this barbaric blood is very powerful, they are bloodthirsty, instinctual, and like aggression and plunder. In ancient times, I did not know why the heavens in the fairyland had cracks and gave the barbarian invasion. The opportunity of the fairy world, so there is such a huge catastrophe, the blood of the barbarian is different from the general demon family. This family is too strong, it is difficult to find restraint of their existence, only the real blood of the beast can restrain them. However, there are so many beasts in this world, the only powerful gold family that inherits the blood of the **** bird Jinwu, so the golden family has become the biggest nemesis of the barbarian, you see in the last big mirror of the gold killing field. The scene is the scene of the last barbarian attacking the golden family, and it is also the last battle of the two sides of the Xian Man, and the Qindi Qindi was at that time. of."

Wu Ningzhu thought about the memory of the catastrophe, and told Jiang Chen a little bit. Although she entered the inheritance of Xiaoyao Qindi, it was clear that the last occurrence of the Golden Killing Field was clear.

"It turns out that this is the catastrophe."

Jiang Chen was awkward. At first he saw a lot of tragic scenes from the big mirror, but he couldn't see the face of the enemy. Now, when he listened to the dance, he realized that those who could not see the face were the barbarian.

[Thanks to the thirteen brothers for their rewards, I will not add them today, and I will add more tomorrow. 】

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