Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1859: New pattern

Jiang Chen looked at the distance, the mood could not be calmed for a long time, and the things that Wu Ningzhu said to himself, he needs time to digest a little.

At this time, the secret of the fairy world, everything he had been eager to know, was already fully known. The identity of the smoke morning rain has already been clarified. The secrets of the golden family have also been known. The catastrophe has already been clear. It is very likely that there will be a new catastrophe. For Jiang Chen, I don’t know if it is a lucky or a misfortune.

Jiang Chen likes to fight and likes to challenge, so even in the face of a strong barbaric, Jiang Chen will not be afraid, and even feel the excitement.

"Right, do you know the identity of rhubarb? Rhubarb seems to be the existence of that era."

Jiang Chen asked, this is his biggest concern.

In this regard, Wu Ningzhu and the morning rain of the smoke shook his head.

"The rhubarb has not mentioned his own life, so we don't know if he is a powerful demon reincarnation."

Wu Ningzhu shook his head and said.

Jiang Chen nodded secretly. In fact, he had already expected this situation. He suspected that the big yellow dog was related to the young demon in the big mirror, but it was only speculation. Xiaodi Qindi may know the young demon, but he did not know. Is it rhubarb?

As for the morning rain, the rhubarb dog once said that when he existed, the little daughter of Zhu Xianwang was only a baby, so Jiang Chen felt that the female emperor of Jiuyin should be a famous figure after the catastrophe, and one of the Southern and Northern Dynasties. The times, compared to the catastrophe, the time is much closer, so in the memory of the smoke morning, there should be no shadow of the rhubarb dog. After all, the morning rain is just a baby.

"Right, can you know where the wild land is?"

Jiang Chen continued to ask, when the Dahuang dog left, he did not leave anything for himself. He left such a strange place to the extreme, and because he was inferior, he did not inform himself of the location of the ancient land. It seems that the rhubarb dog has already expected that when he is strong, he will naturally know, and in such a place, if he is not strong enough, he will probably die.

For Jiang Chen, these secrets have not yet been known, but they happen to have changed greatly, and they know the secrets in advance, so Jiang Chen is fortunate enough to know in advance.

Now the smoke in the morning, the dance of bamboo, the cold, the monk, the river Zhenhai, have been found, Nangong asked the sky also has its own news, and the only thing that makes Jiang Chen worry, it is only the big yellow dog, he and the big yellow dog in the origin When I was in the mountains, I started to know each other. When I walked along, the brothers between the two were so strong, and they never separated for such a long time, so Jiang Chen urgently wanted to know where the wild land was. If you can't find the place where the rhubarb is located, let alone save the big yellow dog.

"The wild and ancient land is a different space. It exists in a region between the fairy world and the savage world. There are often barbarians in it. It is very dangerous. What do you ask this?"

Said Wu Ningzhu.

"Because the rhubarb is now in the wild, when he left, he left a sentence saying that when I was strong, I went to the ancient land to save him. If I guessed it, the rhubarb is in the wild. The situation in the ancient land is definitely incomparable."

Jiang Chen said with an eyebrow, he did not hide his fears.

"not good."

The morning rain of the smoke changed.

"What's the little rain?"

Jiang Chen and Wu Ningzhu both looked at the morning rain.

"The sister of the condensate got the inheritance and memory of the Emperor Xiaoyao, but the Emperor Xiaoyao fell in the catastrophe that year, so he did not know the pattern of the change of the celestial world after the end of the catastrophe. When the barbarian retired, the catastrophe ended, and the savage two The world has entered a state of rest and recuperation. The Emperor Xian and the Emperor of the Immortals led the emperor of the sixth or higher level to reopen the void and create a new space for the consideration of the sentient beings of the immortal world. It is connected to the nine celestial fields, but it is also connected with the nine celestial fields. The dynasty relies on the establishment of the celestial world and does not deviate from the scope of the celestial world. However, the establishment of the dynasty is to resist the next catastrophe of the barbarians. Between the two worlds, as for whether there will be friction with the barbarians in these years, I don’t know, so if you want to go to the barren land, you must go through the emperor’s domain. With our current strength, I am afraid that I am not eligible to enter. Di Tian, ​​even if you go in, with our strength to enter the barren ancient land to save the rhubarb, I am afraid it is also difficult."

Yan Chenyu said openly.


Jiang Chen once again smashed up. It seems that he knows too little, and the repair is too weak. The Emperor is still divided into nine levels. Now there is a high-level emperor above the fairy world, which exists to resist the brethren.

"No matter how dangerous it is, as long as there is an opportunity, you must rescue the rhubarb. Before the new catastrophe comes, you must rescue the rhubarb."

Jiang Chen’s tone is extremely firm and his determination to save the rhubarb has never been broken. He does not dare to have a moment of ease. He will not give up any opportunity to enter the Imperial Region. Of course, the current imperative is to upgrade. For the sake of not having strong strength, there is no real qualification for catastrophe, nor is it qualified to enter the empire and barbaric land.

Moreover, let's not say that the emperor's domain is not high.

Jiang Chen knows that with his current strength, he is not qualified to think about the emperor domain. It is still far away from himself. If you say that the emperor domain, Xianting can only look up to him.

"I didn't expect so many secrets in the fairy world. It's no wonder that Dahuang didn't tell me when he died."

Jiang Chen smiled bitterly. He shook his head and sighed. He deeply felt his weakness. However, Jiang Chen also understood that everything can't be forced. Take one step and take a step. The meal should be eaten bit by bit. It must be upgraded step by step. More important than improving, and everything in the future requires strong strength as a foundation.

For Jiang Chen, knowing these secrets of the ancients is also very beneficial. At least he has found the right direction and motivation, and also knows what to do next.

"Little dust, light rain, your danger has been temporarily lifted, I have to hurry back now."

Wu Ningzhu suddenly stood up and said.

"Back to where?"

Jiang Chen and Yan Chenyu are all a glimpse. For a time, they did not understand the thing of dancing bamboo. The dance of the bamboo has been passed down from the remains of the Emperor Qindi. Why did you leave?

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