Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1860: Start revenge

"I came out this time. I just wanted to give a little peace to the little dust. I didn't expect that the emperor of Xianting would have to deal with the little dust. It was catching up, and I could see Xiaoyu's sister. I was relieved. However, the gold family is about to reproduce the world. I have inherited the will of the Qindi Qindi. I have to do something for the gold family. When I reappear, it is the day when the gold family reappears. I believe that next time I will meet, The cultivation of Xiaochenzi has no idea how much it has been upgraded."

Wu Ningzhu said with a smile, although there are all kinds of things, but some things are always going to be done. For Wu Ningzhu, it is her responsibility to help the gold family to reproduce the world. It is also her obligation, but also a happy The will of the Qindi.

"Hey! The monkeys are all married. I was thinking about taking you to see my father and letting him organize a wedding for us. Now it seems that it has to be postponed."

Jiang Chen sighed, this kind of idea he really has. For a long time, he did not give any name to Yan Chenyu and Wu Ningzhu. From the Shengyuan continent, the feelings between the three people are no longer Need words, now that Dragon 13 is married, for Jiang Chen, it is also a small stimulus.

He thought of giving a name to Yan Chenyu and Wu Ningzhu, and also gave Jiang Zhenhai a comfort, but now it seems impossible. If you want to meet next time, you may not know when.

"When the fairy world is calm, you can't run even if you run."

Wu Ningzhu said with a smile, then the body disappeared and disappeared.

The dance bamboo appeared very briefly, but the influence was great. Even Xianting the Great had no choice but to retreat. Now it is Jiang Mo’s thorough understanding of the catastrophe in ancient times, knowing that there are also emperors in the fairy world. The Great Emperor also has a great level of leapfrogging.

"Dust brother, the emperor is just a peak title. In fact, like the original laughter, it can't be called the emperor, but the emperor. For a long time, in the eyes of the people, the emperor is the emperor. The immortal king of the immortal king buried the emperor, can be called the emperor, but this title is no problem, everything is to rely on strength to speak."

The smoke morning rain said.

"Well, the Emperor and the Emperor are just a title. It doesn't make any sense. I was the first Holy Saint in the world." What is the most famous? The King of the Immortals and the Emperor of the Immortals are still famous, and they are still missing. Ok, we should do it. Let's take a light rain and see how the monkey's wedding is going."

Jiang Chen took the shoulders of the smoke and rain and flew toward the wedding scene. Anyway, today is the day of the thirteenth of the Dragon 13th. Jiang Chen, they are hiding here, it is a bit unreasonable.

On the huge stage of the martial arts, the joy of celebration has completely rid of the previous unhappiness, and the worship ceremony of Long XIII and Lan Lingji just ended. During this period, naturally, I don’t forget to respect the tea of ​​Linglongxian. This basic etiquette is still need.

"Haha, monkey, it should be sent to the cave."

"That is, today's monk is going to give you a room."

"Roll your eggs, pay attention to your identity, even if you are a flower monk, don't say it on this occasion."


Han Yan and others began to squat, and the monk was exposed to nature. Zhang Yang was going to go to the cave room of the people, and the martial arts of the Buddha was so embarrassing.

"And not busy in the house, Monkey King, I am in a good mood now, I have to do something big to celebrate the wedding."

Dragon Thirteen suddenly said.

"What are you doing?"

Lan Lingji still knows more about Dragon XIII, and realizes that there seems to be a big event.


Dragon Thirteen simply said two words, and then the body swayed and turned into a light and shadow to fly away in the distance.

"What the hell, this guy is the groom, the guest has not gone, how he left."

"What is more important than entering a house, so a flowery jade wife, if you change to me, even if it is important, you should let it go."

"Revenge, this guy is going to find someone to take revenge."

"Huang Quanmen, he seems to be in the direction of Huangquanmen."


No one had thought that the Dragon 13 would take revenge at such a crucial moment as entering the house. Someone already saw the intention of the Dragon Thirteen. The direction he went was Huang Quanmen.

"I know, the old ancestors of Huangquan and the old man of the corpse combined to kill the dragon thirteen. Later, the old man and the corpse of the corpse were killed by Jiang Chen’s day, but Huang Quanmen was safe and sound. For the big advance, even Qi Jin can kill, and Huang Chunmen has not been put in the eyes, so I will go to Huangquanmen for revenge in the first time."

"He is going to kill Huang Quan's ancestors and use the head of Huang Quan's ancestors as his new wedding gift."

"If something big happens, let's look at it."


I noticed that the Dragon Thirteen was an intention. Many masters flew up and headed for the direction of Huangquanmen. Under the heavens, everyone was the grievance of Huang Quanmen and Long XIII. It was jointly organized by Huang Quan’s ancestors and the corpse of the old man. Killing, but the Dragon 13 is difficult to die, according to the Dragon 13 is the style of acting, the enemy must be reported, but the old man has been destroyed by Jiang Chen, this account is naturally counted in Huang Quan's ancestors.

"This guy is really a character."

Han Yan shook his head.

"It seems that something big has happened today, let's go, let's go and see."

Jiang Chen smiled and followed a large number of people in the direction of Huangquanmen.

Huang Quanmen!

Located in the huge Huangquan Mountain Range, it gives people a feeling of coldness. If you stay here for a long time, it really gives you a feeling of Huangquan. But no matter what, you can't deny the power of Huangquanmen. One of the eleventh forces of Xianyu, the strength of Huangquanmen can be imagined. There is a strong master of the late Xianzong in Zongmen, and even a more powerful master in Xianting.

However, today, the Dragon 13 came, even if the ancestral ancestors came out, it is not enough for the Dragon 13 to kill, Huang Quan's ancestors themselves only the mid-term cultivation of the Xianzun, Long XIII to kill him, it is not easy.

Outside of Huangquanmen, it seems calm. Several disciples who watch the mountain seem to be bored. They have a chat without a ride. For them, guarding the mountain gate is the most meaningless thing, because here is Huangquanmen, it is Zhuxian. The most powerful existence of the domain, as long as the brain is normal, no one will come to Huangquanmen to make trouble, because it is almost no different from finding death.

However, several shoushan disciples probably never dreamed of it. The real disaster is constantly approaching Huangquanmen.

A young man wearing a big red robe suddenly appeared in front of the mountain gate of Huangquanmen like a ghost. It was only a few feet away from the mountain guards.

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