Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1861: Arrogance


The few lazy and obscure disciples of the mountain watched the presence of someone, and they immediately became refreshed. Their eyes fell on the dragon thirteen. They didn’t know the dragon thirteen, even though the reputation of the dragon thirteen was in the fairyland. It’s already very big, but because they are not in the position of Huangquanmen, they were not qualified to enter the Golden Killing Field. Even when the Dragon 13 was noisy, they were not present. In other words, they There is no such thing as a chance to see a big scene.

"Dragon thirteen."

Long XIII reported his name. This time, Huang Quanmen, who has his own identity, has nothing to hide from his identity.

"What? Dragon thirteen."

"He is the famous dragon thirteen."


A few of the guardian disciples have changed their minds. The so-called famous trees of the people, for them these little shrimps, the dragon thirteen is simply the legendary existence, although the same as young people, but not a grade, not even May be put together and compared.

"Don't be afraid, the monkey does not kill you, you are not qualified to die in my hands, and immediately let Huang Quan's ancestors roll out and die."

The dragon thirteen gates are very large, floating over the entire Huangquan Gate. Even if these several guardian disciples do not inform, the master of Huang Quanmen has already been alarmed.


Sure enough, just as the voice of the Dragon Thirteen just fell, the sturdy figure of the road became rushed out from the inside of Huangquanmen. Each of them was powerful and powerful. They were all powerful masters of the Xianzun. One of the forces, the strength is not weaker than the Dagan Empire, it can be said that the master is like a cloud, there are dozens of masters of Xianzun, others do not say, this alone, it makes people scared.

At this time, Jiang Chen and others have already arrived, but they are not standing in front, but standing in the distance and watching far away. Today is the matter of Dragon Thirteen, with the repair of Dragon 13 now, the whole Huang Quanmen could not find a existence that could threaten him.

"There was a good show."

Han Yan's face is relaxed.

"Dragon thirteen, you are too courageous, and dare to take the initiative to run to our Huangquan Gate to wild, want to die?"

"Dragon thirteen, the last time the ancestors did not kill you, I did not expect you to go to Huangquanmen to die, this time, you will not be so lucky."

After seeing the Dragon Thirteen, the two old men in the early Xianzun immediately said with a strong voice that they did not hide their killing intentions, and they were no strangers to the Dragon Thirteen itself. At the beginning, Huang Quan’s ancestors and the corpse of the dead were killed. When they were thirteen, they were all watching.

"On the same day, Huang Quan's ancestors shot and killed me. Today I will kill him and let him get out and die. Otherwise, you must die first.

The dragon thirteen is domineering, the attitude is extremely tough, and the relationship with Huang Quanmen itself has nothing to say.

"Let's go, Dragon XIII, what are you, and dare to threaten to kill our ancestors, since you are coming to death, the elder will be yours."

The old man in the early days of Xianzun was shocked and directly attacked the dragon thirteen. The people in Huangquanmen were also extremely fierce, and the big factions were more proud, but the old man chose to take the initiative to deal with the dragon thirteen, certainly do not know What happened to Linglong Fudi today, if he was told that even Qi Jin, who was in the late stage of Xianzun, died in the hands of Dragon Thirteen, his early elders of Xianzun, I am afraid that he would have long since retired, and dared to come up.

"Some people don't remember how to write dead words until they die. The brain is a good thing, but unfortunately you don't go out."

The dragon thirteen shook his head, and the iron rod in his hand flashed out and slammed forward.



Accompanied by a fierce scream, the elders of Huangquanmen in the early days of Xianzun were directly crushed by the iron rods of the Dragon 13 and died on the spot.


This scene was seen in the eyes of everyone in Huangquanmen. Immediately, he was shocked by a storm, especially those elders of Xianzun, one by one, looking at the dragon and seeing ghosts. The one that was just shot was a real one. The early masters of Xianzun, in the hands of the dragon thirteen, did not take a move, they were directly killed, this is not to see with their own eyes, they will not believe in killing them.

"No, the repair of the Dragon Thirteen seems to have leaped forward, and we are not his opponent at all."

"Damn, how suddenly this guy has become so terrible, how long has it been."

"It is our enemy. I have already heard that when the Linglong Fudi election was held, Long XIII has been cultivated as a great advance, killing a lot of Xianting masters, and even the genius of Xianting must kill him. I am afraid that only the elders of the elders and the ancestors of Zongmen may be his opponents."


The people of Huangquanmen thought that when the Dragon 13 was exhibited, it was already killing a lot of genius masters of Xianting. It is not easy to deal with them now.

"I will immediately ask the elders and ancestors to go out. Otherwise, there is no one in Huangquanmen who is the opponent of Long XIII. Even if the door is out, it is not his opponent."

An elder in the middle of the Xianzun said, immediately, the two masters turned and returned to the Zongmen. It seems that they are going to invite the ancestors and the elders to go out.

"Huang Quan's ancestors have to shrink their tortoises? I counted to three. If you still don't show up, I will kill you at Huangquanmen."

The sound of Dragon Thirteen is like the thunder of nine days. The sound wave is constantly floating over the Huangquan Gate, and it lasts for a long time.

"Hey! Dragon thirteen, you are too arrogant."

Just as the voice of the Dragon Thirteen just fell, a cold singer rang from the inside of the Huangquan Gate, and a magnificent figure flew out, not the ancestor of Huang Quan or who.

I have to say that the strength of Huang Quan’s ancestors is still very strong. His cultivation has reached the peak level of Xianzun’s mid-term. It is only a step away from the later stage, coupled with his own strong heritage as a gatekeeper. The fighting power is similar to that of Linglong Xianzun.

Therefore, Huang Quan’s ancestors did not fear Dragon XIII. He was still very confident about his own strength. Unfortunately, his idea was based on the level of the Dragon 13 Election Conference. If he was allowed to know the Dragon 13 at the moment, If I have been promoted to the middle of Xianzun, I am afraid I will not talk nonsense here, and I will escape directly with my tail.

In the eyes of Dragon Thirteen, the cultivation of Huang Quan's ancestors is the mid-peak of Xianzun or the late stage of Xianzun, and even the peers of the world. There is no difference. It is meaningless. Anyway, it is a death.

"Yellow ancestor, you didn't kill me that day, I will take your life today."

The dragon thirteenth momentum was shocked, and the iron bars in his hand pointed to the ancestors of Huangquan.

[Fourth and 12 o'clock. 】

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