Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1862: No one can rival [plus]

"Young people, don't be too arrogant, but this seat wants to know, how do you survive? Is there really a mystery in this world that is not alive?"

Huang Quan’s ancestors asked questions he had always wanted to know. The day he and the corpse old man did something about Dragon XIII. His heart was most clear, but the injury was absolutely fatal, and the Dragon 13 was indeed completely The life is cut off. Under such circumstances, unless there is a miracle, otherwise there is absolutely no possibility of survival. Even if there is a miracle, it is impossible.

However, the dragon thirteen died in this way, yes, it is the resurrection of death, not a reincarnation, which makes Huangquan ancestors simply unacceptable.

"The monkey master has the ability to return to life. Today I will see if you can survive again after your death.

The dragon thirteenth momentum re-shocked. He didn't want to talk nonsense with Huang Quan's ancestors. The iron rod danced, and the speed was almost at its peak. The huge iron rod was like Optimus Prime, and it was beaten toward Huang Quan's ancestors.

"Since you are looking for death, this ancestor will fulfill you, and this ancestor will have to take a look. What is the strength of your legendary enchanting?"

Huang Quan’s ancestors were also angry. He was also a gatekeeper of Zongmen. He was supreme and was actively hit by the door. He also threatened to have his own life. This is the first time, if he does not show his power to kill each other. In the future, how can you show the majesty of your own door in front of the people below, how can you build your own prestige.

Huang Quan's ancestors appeared in the hands of a sword, the cold light dazzling, carved a road rune, sinister, giving people a feeling of incomparable repression.


The sword of Huang Quan's ancestors and the iron rod of the Dragon Thirteen slammed together, and the void immediately collapsed directly, but the ending made the people of Huangquanmen chilling.

I saw that the mighty war sword, after colliding with the iron rod, was directly shot and flew away. Huang Quan’s ancestors themselves were greatly shocked. The whole person flew back hundreds of feet to stabilize the body. But the breath was completely confusing, and his face was pale to the extreme.

"The door owner."

The elders quickly stepped forward to hold Huang Quan's ancestors, and all of them showed horror on their faces. The most shocking thing was of course Huang Quan's ancestors. How could he not think of it? The dragon thirteen days later became so powerful. Just a collision, has let Huang Quan's ancestors thoroughly understand the strength of the Dragon Thirteen and the great gap between the two, he is not the opponent of the Dragon Thirteen, even a trick is not right, he from the Dragon Thirteen The body feels an extremely dangerous atmosphere, which is the death of life in crisis.

This scene happened to be followed by the people who came to see the lively, but they were not surprised at all, but felt sorry for Huang Quan's ancestors.

Many people sighed and felt that today's Huangquanmen is really unlucky. The strength of the Dragon Thirteen has been seen. They have not seen each other. Even the entire Qiquan Gate cannot find a confrontation with the Dragon. Exist, unless Huang Quanmen once entered the master of Xianting to be able to come back.

"According to the character of Long XIII, Huang Quan's ancestors are going to die today, and Huang Quanmen is probably not good."

"Is that still used to say? Dragon 13 has not had time to join the cave, first to kill Huangquan ancestors, it can be seen that he is the murderous heart of Huang Quan's ancestors, but this is also the case, the day Huangquan ancestors combined with the corpse How does the old man treat the dragon thirteen, if it is not the thirteenth life of the dragon, it will die long ago, and it is only natural to return to revenge."

"Yes, if I am, I will come back to take revenge. This is life and death, hatred, you die."


Many people have felt the dragon's thirst for Huangquan's ancestors, but this is a matter of course. There are hatreds, this is the character of the dragon thirteen. The current situation of Huangquanmen tells people a truth, some people are true. Can not be provoked, once it is provoked, it must be riddled with roots, otherwise it will be endless.

"Huang Quan's ancestors, let's die, today the gods can't save you."

The dragon thirteen was murderous, and once again attacked Huangquan’s ancestors, he was fast to the extreme. The elders of Huangquanmen could only watch, no one dared to step forward, even though they wanted to help Huang Quan’s ancestors block. But the reason tells them that all this is in vain. At this time, whoever rushes up and greets them is death.


At this moment, a loud and loud drink rang from the inside of Huangquanmen, and immediately, a wave of air rushed out like a tornado, and finally turned into a figure, blocked in front of Huang Quan's ancestors.

It was a powerful old man in the late Xianzun. This is the elder of Huangquanmen. His strength is extremely terrifying. He is now in front of Huangquan’s ancestors, but he soon felt the horror of the dragon thirteen. The face changed dramatically.

The elders of the elders did not dare to have a slight scorn, and tried their best to make a shot in an attempt to fly the iron rod of the dragon thirteen. However, they were shocked to discover that the power carried by this stick is like a mountain. It is not that he can Inciting.


The void was pulled out of a big hole, and the elders of the elders were also beaten by a stick, and they remained steady for more than a dozen feet.


The elders in the elders feel that they are dreaming, how strong they are, not even the opponent of Dragon Thirteen.

Not only him, Huang Quanmen is completely shocked. This time, the horror is much greater than the failure of Huang Quan’s ancestors. After all, Huang Quan’s ancestors are only in the mid-term, the failure is understandable, but too The elders were the real masters of the late Xianzun, and they even lost, which made them unacceptable.

The elders of the elders have already become the gods in their hearts. They are invincible existences. They are unattainable. At this moment, they are being beaten by the dragons and thirteen. It seems that their beliefs are broken. The mood is ordinary people cannot. Understand.

"Well, since it’s here, it’s killing together, but I’m and you and Huang Chunmen’s life and death.”

Long XIII said that the iron rod in his hand locked the injured Huang Quan ancestor, and the situation was going to pass.


Another master flew out from inside the Huangquanmen. It was also an old man. The old man looked like he was seven or eighty years old. He looked very thin, but his eyes were extremely bright and inspiring.

This is the true ancestor of Huangquanmen. The ancestor of Huangquan is just the title of the owner of Huangquanmen. However, this is the true ancestor. It is the same as the elders of the elders. It’s just that they are far worse than coming in, and they can imagine the Dragon III.

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