Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1867: Morale improvement

In the far-flung void, Jiang Chen and others are extremely fast, and with their perception, they can already sense the battle of Wancheng.

"Nine Kings, Jiang Gongzi, is a fierce battle over Wancheng. The speed of Yuntianshuang is really fast, so I hit Wancheng so soon."

The old man said with great horror.

"The importance of Wancheng is the same as that of He Yingcheng. It is the real gateway to the Dagan Empire and must not fall."

Said the nine kings.

"Reassure, Wancheng will certainly be able to survive, and the lost territory, they have to come back all."

Jiang Chen said with a cold face, the self-confidence that emerged from the bones is absolutely disguised.

Wancheng’s war situation has entered a white-hot situation. Both sides are up to death. There is nothing to say. Although there are many people on the side of the Dagan Empire, the morale is too low, so it has become a one-sided situation. Completely suppressed by the big cloud empire.

"Liu Wolf, let's die."

The generals of the Great Cloud Empire suddenly launched an attack. The huge palm appeared out of thin air. It was enough to crush a mountain and attack the Liu Wolf. This move locked the atmosphere of Liu Wolf and did not give Liu Wolf the slightest. The opportunity to escape.

Liu Wolf’s face changed greatly. The master of the half-step fairy statue was not so good. He looked up at the sky and saw that the emperor did not send someone to reinforce it. Then he shook his head in despair, and then his eyes appeared. A sigh of fierceness, a huge black mace in the hand, smashed toward the opponent.


The void was immediately smashed, but the gap in repairing was difficult to cross. The whole person of Liu Wolf was photographed from above, and fell heavily on the ground, falling into the air and spurting blood.

With just one stroke, Liu Lang was seriously injured and there was no room for confrontation with his opponent.

"Liu Wolf, this seat gives you the last chance, surrender and not surrender?"

The general said loudly.

"This king will give you a chance now."

Just as the voice of the generals just fell, a thundering sound descended from the sky. Everyone saw that four tyrannical figures appeared at the same time, and they came to the battlefield in the blink of an eye.

Upon seeing it, the Liu Wolf, who was already desperate, and the soldiers, immediately saw hope. They were all powerful monks, although they could feel the horror of these four people.

"Look, it seems to be the nine kings, the young is the king, haha, the emperor finally has a master come, we are saved, Wancheng is saved."

"Yeah, Grandma, this is so arrogant before the rabbit scorpion, now it is our turn to kill them."


Like the famous figures of Yang Feifan and Jiuwangye, once they appear, even if they don’t shoot, they are a kind of promotion to the following people. The morale of the Dagan Empire was soaring, and it instantly soared.

"Give you a chance and kneel down."

Yang Bufan looked at the other general and said coldly.


The general is not a fool, naturally able to detect the strength of the other side, immediately dare not have a little stop, turn and leave.

"Do you want to leave this time?"

Yang Bufan decisively shot, he was extremely fast, like an electric light appeared behind the general, a palm shot on the head of the general, the man's head burst into a **** fog.

Yang Bufan is now the cultivation of Xianzun in the early days. With his talents, even in the middle of the general Xianzun, he is not his opponent, let alone this is a small half-step fairy.

"The general was killed, let's go."

Seeing that their generals were easily killed, the morale of the great cloud empire, who had a morale, and the desire to fight at half point, immediately turned and ran.

"kill them, don't let go."

Upon seeing it, Liu Wolf raised his mace and shouted.

I don’t need Liu Wolf to say that the following people have already chased them out. This time, the soldiers of the Dagan Empire are too wrong. Especially after Lu Sheng’s death, everyone seems to have lost the backbone of the heart. The previous battle process has been pressed all the time. Now it’s hard to kill it with great enthusiasm. They naturally won’t miss this great opportunity.

Subsequently, Liu Wolf did not have time to give the nine kings and the king to salute, dragging the body with the wound also killed the past, this bitter must come out.

The old man who came with Jiang Chen also wanted to shoot, but was stopped by Jiang Chen: "To deal with these shrimps and crabs, we don't need us to shoot. The soldiers of the Dagan Empire need morale. This morale must be played by themselves."

Hearing the words, the old man nodded and felt that Jiang Chen’s words were very reasonable. They lost their morale and they had to find them back. The grievances in the hearts of the soldiers must also find a gap to release. This is also Liu Wolf. The reason for rushing out.

In a short time, Liu Wolf took a group of soldiers with a resentful resentment. They all had excitement on their faces, and some people had too much blood on them.

"Liu Wolf has seen the nine kings and has seen the king."

Liu wolf knees on one knee, and gave a gift to the nine princes and the princes. The same is true of the soldiers behind. These two are the most important people around the emperor, one is the closest brother, and the other is the most loved one. The emperor, now the emperor even sent these two people out, showing that the emperor did not forget them, and he is very attached to the situation here.

"Get up."

Said the nine kings.

"Nine Kings, Van Wang, this is?"

Liu Wolf looked at Jiang Chen and couldn't help but ask.

"This is the famous Jiang Chen, the commander of the emperor's hand-picked to replace the general of Lu Sheng, and the king is also assisting the Jiang Chen brothers."

Nine Wang Ye said that directly placing Jiang Chen's position in front of himself is also the meaning of the emperor himself. Moreover, the nine princes themselves also voted for the five bodies that Jiang Chen admired, and willingly assisted him.

"What? He is the Jiang Chen who came out of the gold killing field."

Liu Wolf was shocked, and the following soldiers were equally shocked. One by one, Jiang Mian’s eyes were constantly heavy, and it was necessary to see what the legendary genius looked like.

"It turned out that he was Jiang Chen, but it seems that his cultivation is not yet Xianzun. Why should the emperor make him a commander, not a nine-prince."

"I don't know, even the nine princes are so eager to him. It seems that this person is really not ordinary."

"It is the strength is lower, I hope he can lead us to victory, this time is really wrong."


For this new young commander, everyone is still not very reassured, even if Jiang Chen’s reputation is very big, but now the enemy is too strong, if the nine kings are the commander, they are still relieved, Jiang Chen’s repair, after all, Still a little weak, at least the surface looks like this.

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