Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1868: Counterattack start

"You called Liu Wolf?"

Jiang Chen looked at Liu Wolf. He is still very appreciative of this **** general. Before the enemy, Liu Lu’s performance is in his eyes. A country needs the most loyal and **** people.

"Yes, commander."

Liu Wolf hugged Jiang Chen with a fist, although he did not know what the young man had to be the commander, let the nine princes follow him, but he believed that the emperor would never play in this matter.

"come here."

Jiang Dust Road.

Liu Wolf did not dare to neglect and strode to Jiang Chen. In the situation that Jiang Chen was so close, Liu Wolf could already feel the pressure from the young commander. The pressure was very weak, but it was Directly hitting his heart, which makes Liu Wolf start to feel this young commander, perhaps very unusual.

Jiang Chen's light fluttering shot, grabbed the shoulder of Liu Wolf, Liu Wolf as a general, the reaction is still very fast, under normal circumstances, see someone to shoot on their own, subconsciously dodge, but just now he just With the awareness of dodge, Jiang Chen’s palm has fallen on his shoulder.

Liu Wolf’s heart was shocked. Jiang Chen’s shot looked slow, but he couldn’t hide it. But the next moment, he felt a shock everywhere. He felt a clear flow along his shoulder and entered his body. It’s like a cold body suddenly hitting a hot spring, so that he is a comfortable person.

Only half a minute before and after, Jiang Chen removed his palm, and Liu Lang’s horror found that his previous and half-step Xian Zun’s injury had been completely restored, and the whole person’s state has returned to its peak state. It won't be long before you can directly hit the half step fairy.

"God, this is amazing."

Liu Lang’s horrified Zhang Da mouth can’t believe that there is such a magical means between heaven and earth. He is suffering from multiple injuries. He is most aware of this kind of injury. Even if he takes a panacea, it will take at least three days to repair. However, Jiang Chen only took half a minute to completely solve his injury and let him return to the peak state.

"Thank you for your healing."

Liu wolf clenched his fists in his hands and worshiped Jiang Chen deeply. At this time, he was completely convinced of Jiang Chen. He had never seen such a mighty character. Now, why should the Emperor send this young genius? When he was commander, he understood it completely.

"God, you see no, General Liu’s injury was cured by the commander’s gesture, which is too far off the mark."

"Fantastic, this is a miracle, so it is a great way to heal."

"It seems that this young commander is not simple, but only the means of healing is not enough. I don't know if I can lead us to recover the lost city."


This scene was clearly seen by the soldiers below. There were horror colors on the faces. As soldiers and monks, the injury was like eating a common meal for them, but like Jiang Chen. The means of repairing the injury was the first time it was encountered.

"General Liu, talk about the current situation, how many cities have we lost now?"

Jiang Chen asked.

"The commander-in-chief, after the death of General Lu Sheng, the morale of our army is low, and the big cloud empire is over there. Together with their masters, in addition to the big cloud empire, there are many masters of the Tianyu Dynasty. I also participated in it, so until now, we have lost twenty-three cities."

Liu Wolf said that he would tell Jiang Chen one by one. He said that he was biting his teeth and seemed to hate his opponents. He thought of the soldiers who died in the battlefield. His anger could not help but burn.

"Twenty-three cities? Hey! This Yuntian double appetite is really not small, Jiang Chen brothers, how do we do now?"

The nine princes snorted and immediately looked at Jiang Chen. Now Jiang Chen is the commander. Everything has to follow Jiang Chen’s arrangement, and he has great trust and confidence in Jiang Chen.

"The lost things are naturally brought back, the blood debts are also bloody, and the war between countries has no reason in itself. Whose strength is stronger and who is the truth."

Jiang Chen exudes a strong spirit of the king, which is derived from the breath in the bones, giving people a feeling of unattainable.

“Which city is the nearest to Wancheng?”

Jiang Chen asked.

"It’s a city, and it’s also a master of a half-step fairy, but only?”

Liu Wolf wants to stop.

"But what?"

Yang is not good.

"The beginning of the king, the general of the guardian of the city, called Xu, is itself a general. When the enemy is present, he chose to surrender his opponent. Now, if you are defending the city, you should have at least three masters. One of them is Xu."

Liu Langdao, who mentioned the surrender of the rebels, his anger could not be suppressed.

"This is a shame for the country."

Yang Bufan’s eyes showed a hint of chill.

"Go, go to Yucheng."

Jiang Chen did not delay a little, and with the Liu Wolf and other soldiers together to kill the city, according to a small city, there is no need for so many people to shoot, Yang Bufan alone is enough.

However, Jiang Chen did not think so. It is still the same sentence. The war between the countries and the battle between the sects is different. Morale is the most important. He brings these people to enhance their morale. The national dynasty of the dry empire, in the presence of all the rebels who were defeated by the soldiers, played a special effect.

Moreover, from the beginning of Yucheng, once it is shot, it will not stop at all. It is necessary to kill all the way and kill all the lost land.

This is Jiang Chen's acting style, or not to fight, to fight hard and vigorous, to play a happy, to play their own gods, to fight the enemy frightened.

Liu Wolf and the soldiers below are all morale. They used to be passive defenses. They lost twenty-three cities in a row. Now it is time to fight back. At this moment they have been waiting, counterattack and passive defense. It is two different moods.


The scale seems to be the same as that of Wancheng. It is a gorgeous city. At the moment, the iconic banner of the Great Cloud Empire has been inserted.

"Where the king, this city will be handed over to you."

Jiang Chen looked at Yang Bufan, and it was too easy to take back the city by the means of Fan Wang. The emperor asked Yang Bufan to come with him this time. The purpose has been very clear, just to let Yang Bufan make a contribution and lay the foundation. His own majesty, and later the success of the emperor's position, Jiang Chen naturally can not let the emperor disappointed, belongs to the opportunity of Yang Bufan, he will not go to grab.

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