Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1871: Where Wang Wei potential [complement]

The dark clouds quickly drifted into the sky, and a vulgar old man appeared. Of course, the master can't judge with his body. The power of the old man is so frightening, the pressure is pervasive, and everyone is there. There was an uncomfortable feeling in my heart.

After the appearance of the old man of Tiankui, his eyes immediately fell on Yang Bufan.

"This is the Tiankui old man of the Tianyu Dynasty. I didn't expect him to join forces with Yuntian. This guy is the mid-term cultivation of Xianzun. It is not easy to deal with, but it is really not the opponent of the king. Not his opponent, the king came to fight him."

The nine princes recognized the old man of Tiankui, and immediately appeared a war.

"And slow."

Jiang Chen stretched out his hand and blocked the nine princes: "The prince does not have to worry. If the king can fight against the old man of the day, he only knows when he hits. I think that the old man is not the opponent of the king."

Jiang Chen said with great confidence that he is also very confident in Fan Wang. You must know that geniuses like Yang Bufan can often be challenged by level. The more level, the less problem, Yang Bufan absorbed the Emperor. Jingqi, now is the master of Xianzun's early stage, and it is more than enough to fight against the mid-level masters like Tiankui.

The nine princes will be suspicious, but they still have their own fighting intentions. Since Jiang Chen is so confident, let Yang try to try it first. Anyway, he is around, enough to ensure that Yang’s life is not threatened, and If it is really as Jiang Chen said, Yang Bufan can defeat the words of Tiankui old man, it is definitely the blessing of the Dagan empire, and it is also a great help to Yang Bufei’s own respect and respect, and the influence caused by the time is also It will be bigger.

"Boy, you are the king of the Dagan Empire."

Tiankui’s old man asked coldly. All his attention was on Yang Bufan’s body. He did not pay attention to Jiang Chen and Jiu Wangye not far away. After all, the information he received was Yang Bufan, who did not mention other people. If he is told that the nine princes are present, I am afraid that I will not dare to come alone, but the Yuntian parents will lead three geek masters.

After all, the nine kings are famous, and the repairs have already reached the peak of Xianzun's mid-term, and the generals of Lu Sheng are both equal, and the influence of the Dagan Empire is even greater.

"Yes, it is me, who are you, and you are coming to the name."

Yang is unparalleled in the momentum. In the face of a master in the middle of the Xianzun, there is no fear of the face. With his current cultivation, he has not been at all in the middle of the general Xianzun. He has enough confidence to deal with it.

"This seat is the old man of Tianyu dynasty Tiankui, see you in the king's share, let you know who is in the hands of today, but before you start, this seat gives you a chance to survive, as long as you kneel down and **** And announced the surrender of our Tianyu Dynasty, this seat will spare you not to die, how do you see?"

The old man of Tiankui said that he played a good calculation. If the Dagan Empire surrendered even the famous emperor, the blow to the Dagan Empire was really big, and the influence was unimaginable.

"Tiankui old man, it seems that you can't see the current situation at all. Your Tianyu dynasty and the big cloud empire have gone. Seeing that you are an important figure in the Tianyu dynasty, this king now gives you a chance, one. The opportunity to surrender, the king will consider accepting you."

Yang Bufan’s anti-toothed hunger, the same words were returned to Tiankui old man. He knew that Tiankui’s old man was coming to kill himself. It’s just funny to surrender anything, but since the other party is so humiliating, Yang’s unnatural is naturally humiliating. come back.

"Hey! A kid who doesn't know how to live and die. Since you don't take the chance, don't blame this seat."

The old man of Tiankui snorted, and his body immediately shot a murderous murderous like a tidal wave. It was extremely murderous and almost condensed into essence, flooding the whole sky.


The same huge momentum also shocked out from Yang Bufan's body. His body swayed and rushed to the sky, and the old man stood on the opposite side. The sword in his hand also received it. His momentum was extremely powerful, which made Tiankui old. I couldn't help but be surprised.

"A good king, although this kid is only the beginning of the Emperor, but the momentum is not weaker than me, but it does not matter, the gap is not difficult to make up, especially to reach the level of Xianzun, I want to kill He is still not very hard."

The old man of Tiankui was surprised that Yang was not weaker than his own momentum, but at the same time his heart was still full of confidence. After all, the gap of cultivation was there.

"Well, the king is really powerful, it looks no worse than this old guy."

"It's amazing. I didn't think that the strength of the king was so powerful that it was the first genius of the Dagan Empire."

"This time the old man is coming to die, I am afraid that even the king can't deal with it. You must know that a genius like Fan Wang can't be used to it, and there is a powerful nine-king lord behind us."

The following soldiers have a confident look on their faces. They are now strong, and they are not afraid of a Tiankui old man in the middle of the Xianzun. The nine kings are standing there, giving them absolute security. As for Jiang Chen, In the eyes of many people, they have not been compared with the masters of Tiankui’s old age. Although Jiang Chen’s reputation is very large, it seems that it is only a fairy emperor.

"Kid, let's die, Skyhawk."

The old man of Tiankui didn't want to waste his time, he chose to take a decisive shot. He was a palm to Yang Bufan. A void was enveloped by him. A huge golden eagle claw was evolved by him. The huge talons were enough. Tearing a giant mountain, the void under the talons, like a paper paste, is completely vulnerable.

"The Galaxy is hanging for nine days."

Yang Bufan also moved. He didn't want to waste his time. When he came up, he showed the most powerful attack. His body glowed like a nine-day galaxy. Every galaxy is like a sharp sword. It can destroy everything, and the powerful momentum permeates the entire battlefield.


The two strongest offensives collided with each other, and the powerful impact was unimaginable. The battlefield was completely smashed and turned into chaos.

Yang Bufan is not the leader in genius. The nine powerful Milky Ways have shredded the talons that evolved from the old man of Tiankui.

Opposite, Tiankui old man received a strong shock, the whole person withdrew four or five steps backwards, in contrast to Yang Bufan, black hair drifting in the wind, as before domineering.

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