Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1872: Killing the old man


Tiankui old man was dumbfounded, his face was full of shock, and his eyes turned to Yang Bufan’s eyes. He never had the feeling of being tall before. He also put away all the contempt for Yang Bufan. To reach his level, the understanding of the situation is very clear. Just a collision, he knows that today I am afraid that this is not the opponent of Yang.

This makes Tiankui old people very depressed, and strong self-esteem has been greatly hurt.

"Haha, see no, the old man of Tiankui is not the opponent of the king. When he comes up, he falls into the wind."

"Okay, it's too good. If the king is really powerful, it's no wonder that the emperor will send him over. This strength is enough to be alone."

"The old man under Tiankui must be dumbfounded, and he is eager to come to kill the king. Now he is not the opponent of others, shameful."


Seeing that Yang Bufan really took the upper hand, the people on the side of the Dagan Empire were really excited. Although they had confidence in Fan Wang before, the cultivation of Fan Wang was weaker than the Tiankui old man. Now, all the worries in my heart are No more.

"Well, I have hope for the younger generation of the empire."

The nine princes are very excited. After all, the rise of Yang Bufan itself represents the blessing of the Dagan Empire.

In the sky, Tiankui’s old man was surprised, but he did not retreat. His character at this level, sometimes his face is more important than anything else. The most important thing is dignity and face. This time he took the initiative to ask for it, and he gave the Yuntian double so big. The guarantee, if you go back like this, this person can be lost, and he will not be able to lift his head in the future, and even the face of the Tianyu Dynasty will be thrown away.

The huge murderousness once again struck from the body of Tiankui old man. He adjusted his state to the best and prepared to shoot again. He did not believe that with his own strength, he would not be an opponent of the early generations of Xianzun.

On the other hand, Yang Bufan's mouth is smiling, but also the war is soaring. This is his first time to fight against the mid-level master of Xianzun. It is also the first battle in name since he was promoted to Xianzun. He is eager for such a battle.


The old man of Tiankui moved. This time, his two palms came out, and two huge talons were evolved by him. The horrible waves were more powerful than before. The power of Xianzun blocked the entire battlefield and completely locked Yang Bufan. Air machine.

Yang Bufan is also like this. He is wary of the sky, his hands are on his hands, and there is a glory on the palm of his hand. It is like a small world, carrying the power of the world. This is the means by which Yang Bufang presses the bottom of the box. Both sides do not want to waste time. They all showed the most powerful offensive. After this match, this match is about to end.


The incomparable attack once again collided with each other. The direct result was that the sky was falling, and Yang was not able to fight out. The destruction was unimaginable.

The following people are also nervous. They look at this match with their anticipation. They naturally hope that Yang Bufei will win.

The eagle claws that were evolved were finally unable to withstand the power of Yang Wufan, and they were torn into smashes. The old man of Tiankui received an extremely strong impact. The whole person was shot and flew out, and the corner of his mouth overflowed with a trace of blood. It’s just the ordinary master of Xianzun. To achieve this kind of cultivation, he has almost exhausted all the potentials. It is extremely difficult to make further changes in his life.

From the qualifications and potential, Tiankui old man and Yang Bufei are not at all a grade, a difference of one hundred and eight thousand miles.

"Damn, how is this **** so powerful, it seems that it is impossible to kill him today, continue to fight, my life must be here."

Tiankui’s old man is extremely wrong, but he has no way. Now he can be sure that he is definitely not an opponent of Yang’s extraordinary. It’s even more impossible to take Yang’s extraordinary life. Now, it’s not time to face.

"Yang Bufan, the next time is your death."

The old man of Tiankui left a cold sentence, and then he went straight away from his body. With his strength, even if he did not play Yang Bufan, there was no problem in running away.

It is a pity that when the old man of Tiankui just made an escape movement, there was a figure moving. The speed of the nine princes was extremely fast, and the blink of an eye was blocked in front of the old man of Tiankui.

"Tiankui old man, since you are here, don't leave."

The nine princes have been paying attention to the changes in the battlefield and feel the surprise for the strength of Yang Feifan, but he also saw that Yang Bufan can easily defeat the Tiankui old man, but if the old man of Tiankui wants to escape, Yang Bufan may still block. Can't live.

Therefore, at the moment when Tiankui’s old man was leaving, Jiuwangye decisively shot.

"The nine kings of the Dagan Empire."

When I saw the nine princes, Tiankui’s old man almost didn’t squirt a blood, and he began to yell at the two **** who sent the news. The news of his mother was too inaccurate. I knew that the nine princes were here and killed him. Do not come over, do not say that Yang is not ordinary, single-handedly fighting, he can not even beat the nine princes.

Now the nine princes and Yang Bufan are attacked before and after, and he also suffered a minor injury in the battle just now, I am afraid that even the escape has become a luxury.

"The old man of Tiankui, there is this king here, I really don't know who gave you the courage to dare to come alone."

Nine Wang Ye said with a smile, Tiankui old man himself did not put it in his eyes, not to mention that he was still injured, and even more likely to be his own opponent. It is easy to kill him with the status of the old man of Tiankui. .

The old man of Tiankui’s face was depressed, but he did not say a word. He knew that he might have been damaged here because of intelligence mistakes.

"Nine Kings, I am a life, my Tiankui old man has withdrawn from this war."

The old man of Tiankui said that he did not want to die. Death has always been too far away for him.


The old man of Tiankui, who was all placed on the nine princes, did not expect that Yang Bufan, who was behind him, would suddenly shoot.

When he realized it, it was already late. Yang’s sharp sword directly penetrated his body. Under the unprepared situation, Tiankui’s old man could not stop Yang’s sudden attack.

"If you lose, you lose. This is a war in itself. Victory or defeat is life and death. Before you shoot for me, you should think of such an ending."

Yang Bufan’s cold voice sounded in the ears of Tiankui’s old man, feeling the vitality of the body’s continuous loss. Tiankui’s old man was completely desperate.

As Yang Bufan said, this is a war. Victory and defeat represent life and death. If Yang Bufan falls into his own hands today, he will not let Yang Fanfan go.

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