Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1874: Demons

"Yes, commander."

Liu Wolf was shocked and immediately dared not say a word. Whether it is the army in the secular or the army of the immortal world, they all have the same point, that is, strict discipline. For the orders of the superiors, what they have to do is to obey. Instead of asking why here.

"General Liu, you are worried because you don't know the strength of our command, if you have seen the horror of the commander, you will not have this worry."

Yang Bufan patted Liu Wolf's shoulder and said with a smile.

Liu Wolf couldn't help but glanced at the back of Jiang Chen, who had already walked in front of him. He seemed to be a little underestimated by this young commander. On the face, even the face of the nine princes, there is no color of tension. It is a kind of unshakable self-confidence. This kind of self-confidence can only be supported by strong strength. That is to say, the black wind of tomorrow. Ling, the three are all very confident.

At this time, Liu Wolf couldn't help but start to look forward to it.

He Yingcheng, originally a leisurely Yuntianshuang, after hearing the news that Tiankui’s old man was killed, Huo’s standing up from his seat, his face became extremely ugly.

"It seems that this time is the enemy of this handsome, the little Fan Wang, even rises so fast, even Tiankui old man is not his opponent, and the nine kings of the Dagan Empire also came, it seems that Yang Yu This war is still very important."

Yun Tianshuang said incomparably coldly, for the death of Tiankui old man, there is no sorrowful color on his face, and some are just anger. He never lost in Yuntian’s life, and he once ate in the hands of Lu Sheng. After a loss, I did not expect that today, because of my mistakes, I lost a master in the middle of the Xianzun, which made him not angry. For him, this is a shame.

"Commander, this is a mistake in intelligence. Before the two said, only Yang was not one, and did not mention the nine princes."

One person said openly.

"So important information can go wrong, and the two are paralyzed."

Yun Tian double said plainly.

"Yun brother, do we need our brothers to solve it?"

The three geeks of the author who have been on the side of the main hall, one of them said.

Yuntianshuang did not speak yet. The void in the hall suddenly shook, and a golden light rushed out from the inside. Yuntian double reacted very quickly, and he took Jinguang in his hand. When he saw the contents recorded in the illusory gauntlet. I couldn't help but laugh.

"A good kid who is not stinky, dare to swear to the handsome man. Since you are looking for death, then the handsome man will be yours."

Yun Tianshuang is completely ridiculed. He is also preparing to shoot Yang Bufan. The people there have directly slammed the gauntlet. This shows that the demonstration is coming. In this world, dare to double his head in the sky. There are not many people who demonstrate on the show.

"Three, it seems that you can't think of it. It's hard to fight with the handsome guys tomorrow. The handsome guy is going to have a look. The little Fan Wang, what is it with the guy, is it just one? Is it a joke? It’s a joke. Before I killed Lu Sheng, I will kill the King and the Nine Kings tomorrow. This is a big blow to the Dagan Empire. It’s not far from the demise of the Dagan Empire.”

Yun Tianshuang said that he was powerful and casual, and he gave a strong atmosphere of the superiors. He was frightened and could not help but feel the cult.

He never put Yang Bufan in his eyes. In his opinion, Yang Bufan sent himself a gauntlet, which was a shame to himself. A slutty boy ran to his head to demonstrate, but in this battle, he also It must be accepted, because Yang Bufan is a dynasty published in the name of the Dagan Empire. The meaning is different. Moreover, in this world, there has never been a challenge that he and Yuntian can't accept.

The next day, the sun shines and the weather is very good.

The two sides rushed to the Black Wind Ridge early in the morning, the black wind ridges thousands of miles away, the icy air filled with cold black air, covering the sunshine above, the environment here looks very bad, so it will lead to ridiculous, inaccessible But such a place is also best suited to be a battlefield.

The battle of the Dagan Empire is very strong. There are tens of thousands of soldiers who have come, because before Yang Feifan killed the old man of Tiankui, he completely played the momentum of the Dagan Empire, so now all faces are full of enthusiasm. Even in the face of the **** of war, there is no fear of color.

Lian Fan Wang and Jiu Wang Ye are not afraid, what are they afraid of.

Opposite, the big cloud empire's battle is equally strong, the number of people above is no worse than the big dry empire, the first one, domineering, do not guess, you know that it is Yun Tianshuang, Yun Tianshuang's side, is wearing three gray red robes Weird, there are still a dozen powerful masters in the back, so the lineup is really strong.

In any case, the other party is the union of the Big Cloud Empire and the Tianyu Dynasty.

Jiang Chen’s gaze crossed the sky and the sky and fell directly on the three strangers. These three twin brothers are the real goal of Jiang Chen’s trip. As for Yun Tianshuang, there are too many such characters. Jiang Chen does not Put it in the eyes, and the reason why Lu Sheng died before, because these three weirdos, if there are no such three weirdos, Lu Sheng can not die, Yun Tianshuang did not kill Lu Sheng's ability.

"What a geek I am, it turned out to be a demon."

Jiang Chen’s mouth overflowed with a smile.

"Jiang Brothers, what do you say?"

The nine prince asked.

"That's the three weirdos. It's three demons, or they're out of the human sphere. There are always some incomparable evils in the world. They don't hesitate to change their origins to get more powerful power. They Devouring the source of magic, the devil has concealed the human form, it is already a real demon."

Jiang Chen’s eyes are so sinister, and he has dealt too much with the devil. The characteristics of the Mozu are too clear. However, these three guys are not the same as the demon monks. The monks are only practicing magic, but they are still human. The practice of these three guys is incomparably evil, directly replacing the origin of their own human beings, becoming a real demon, and this perverted approach makes them more ferocious than the real devil.

"I have heard of demons. The demons are very terrible and horrible. In front of these three, the repairs have reached the peak of Xianzun's mid-term, and it is even more terrifying to unite. Coupled with the identity of the demons, I am afraid it is difficult to deal with. ”

The nine princes began to worry.

"Wang Ye does not have to worry, so it is easier to deal with."

Jiang Chen said with a smile, the devil has seen him all the time, and he has to hide. He didn't know the details of these three geeks at first, maybe he still had some concerns, but now, Jiang Chen laughed directly.

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