Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1875: Single fight alone?

Opposite, Yuntian’s eyes fell on Jiang Chen’s body. After he noticed that Jiang Chen’s cultivation, he couldn’t help but frown. According to Jiang’s cultivation, he would not have looked at it, but now he However, he had to pay attention to Jiang Chen. The reason is very simple, because he saw that the famous nine-prince, standing behind Jiang Chen, even Fan Wang stood behind him, instead of standing in front.

This white-shirted youth stands at the forefront of the lineup of the Dagan Empire. The face is calm and calm. You must know that the army has always been hierarchical, especially when fighting, when standing in front of the dialogue, it must be the coaches of both sides, but if It is said that only the young man who was cultivated in the late Emperor of the Emperor was the coach of the other party. Yun Tianshuang could not believe it at all.

"Nine Kings, don't come innocent, I didn't expect this time Yang Yu sent you out and let his brothers come to die. This Yang Yu's heart is really embarrassing."

Yun Tianshuang no longer went to see Jiang Chen, but said loudly to the nine princes.

"Yun Tianshuang, whoever is born and who is dead today, I am afraid it is not necessarily, and, this time the king came out, it is only an aid, this is our commander."

Nine Wang said openly.


Even though the nine princes had psychological preparations before, but at this moment, listening to the nine princes personally confirmed, still could not help but be surprised, his eyes fell on Jiang Chen's body, let a fairy emperor to be the coach, is sure that you are not kidding?

But looking at the look of the nine princes, it seems that there is no joke at all.

"Haha, it’s really a laugh. The Dagan Empire seems to be really unmanned. Even a young emperor is the coach. Isn’t this dead to die?”

"That is, fighting against such a coach is an insult to our coach."

"Master, don't talk nonsense with them, kill them directly, let the subordinates first kill their coach."


The people below the Big Cloud Empire directly opened the taunting mode. One and a half steps of the Xianzun level of the generals were even more arrogant. They did not put Jiang Chen in their eyes. A sword appeared in his hand, and his body became a light and shadow. I killed the past toward Jiang Chen.

Upon seeing it, Yun Tian couldn't help but frown. In his opinion, Yang Yu and Jiu Wang Ye would not make such a low-level mistake. This young man may have something extraordinary.

Seeing the half-step Xianzun master who rushed to his front in the blink of an eye, Jiang Chen’s face remained unchanged, and his face was indifferent. When the other party’s battle fell to his head, Jiang Chen moved.

Jiang Chen’s movements are very simple, and he makes a decisive punch.


A fist hit the sword, and under the horror of countless horror, the celestial soldier with the emperor’s genius, under this fist, burst into pieces and became a myriad of pieces. By the impact of powerful forces, it became a blade of invincible, rushing toward the half-step fairy master.


The horrible pieces of the sword passed through the body of the master, and the blood splattered. On the scream of a stern scream, the half-step master of the sage, the whole body was torn into pieces and fell from the sky.


The audience was amazed. This scene made many people feel that breathing was a little difficult. The sneer of the big cloud empire disappeared completely. They looked at Jiang Chen’s eyes one by one, as if they saw ghosts, where there was still a little before. Despise and look down.

"My goodness."

"This, this, this is too powerful, the flesh kicks directly to break the emperor's squad, and tears a half-step sage master into pieces. If it is not seen by the eyes, who can believe that a fairy is actually Have such a strong military power."

"I said that the emperor would not just find someone to be our commander. I didn't expect the coach to be so powerful."


The Dagan Empire has directly boiled up, and the clouds in the hearts of all people have disappeared completely. They have never seen Jiang Chen’s shots, so they have always felt worried about Jiang Chen’s cultivation. Now, this kind of Worry, it has disappeared directly by a large part.

The so-called no sound is already, a blockbuster, Jiang Chen has established a position and power of his commander.

Of course, the most calm is Yang Bufan and Jiu Wangye. They know the strength of Jiang Chen. They are a half-step fairy. Even if a fairy is coming, it is not enough for Jiang Chen to punch.

"who are you?"

Yun Tianshuang looked at Jiang Chen and asked coldly. He expected that Jiang Chen might be somewhat extraordinary, but he did not expect it to be so powerful. This made him have to pay attention to Jiang Chen. Of course, Just paying a little attention, after all, killing a half-step fairy with a punch is not too great in front of him.

"Jiang Chen."

Jiang Chen said faintly, he believes that this name is no stranger to the Big Cloud Empire.

Sure enough, when I heard the name of Jiang Chen, Yun Tianshuang’s eyes suddenly became different. He was different from the soldiers below. He knew very well about the things in the fairyland, so even if Jiang Chen was only the late Emperor, he had already let He put away all the little heart, but at the same time, a very strong killing also emerged from Yun Tianshuang. The name Jiang Chen, in the Great Cloud Empire, was included in the killing. Column.

"You are Jiang Chen, you killed seven princes."

Yuntian bilingual qi yin.

"The people in the big cloud empire who died in my hands, it seems that it is not just a seven-prince. You are the great commander, and today I am afraid it is no exception."

Jiang Chen said that he is not salty and light, he has now clearly seen the other side's camp, especially after seeing the demons of the three geeks, this battle, how he finished, he is very clear.

"Haha, Jiang Chen, I know that you are very arrogant, but there is a limit to arrogance. It seems that Yang Feifan gave me a gauntlet. You gave me a gauntlet. If so, kill you today, give it to me. Those who died in the hands of the Big Cloud Empire revenge."

Yun Tian double haha ​​laughed, and the arrogance of the tyrant was extremely strong.

"You are so confident, is it necessary to fight with me alone?"

Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Single fight alone?

Jiang Chen’s proposal suddenly gave Yun Tianshou a sigh of relief. He did not think that Jiang Chen had even proposed such a desperate play. In his view, the other party should find a way to avoid himself. There is a place there, and my opponent today should be the nine princes.

"Jiang Chen, you are a little emperor, what qualifications are there and we are alone."

One of Yuntian’s doubles shouted.

"Jokes, Yuntian double I commander, Jiang Chen is also our commander, even the king must let him three points, Yuntianshuang, if you dare not fight, just say."

The nine princes snorted and dared to look down on their coaches, which made it impossible to bear.

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