Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1889: Head shocked

The imperial capital of the Great Cloud Empire, like the Dagan Empire, is the most prosperous place in the whole country. The entire emperor has reached its utmost, and all kinds of splendid buildings have added a kind of honor and majesty to the entire emperor.

At this moment, the top figures in the palace are still waiting for the good news of the elders. There are many masters here. In addition to the big cloud empire, there are some Tianyu dynasties to help out. After all, now, the two countries are allies. The state of unity, and now the battle is so fierce, the Tianyu Dynasty is naturally to send people to help.

The annihilator of the side is gloomy, and he is waiting. His eyes are slightly stunned. It seems that he is considering how many cruel methods he will use to torture Jiang Chen after he has brought Jiang Chen back. His three apprentices have already severely touched his bottom line, and he vowed to let Jiang Chen pay a very heavy price.

"There is no need to worry about the emperor. If you go to the elders, you will definitely be foolproof."

A master of the Tianyu dynasty said open.

"That is nature, a little Jiang Chen, it is too arrogant, and the elders will teach him how to behave."

Yun Tianzun said coldly, he did not really put Jiang Chen in his heart. He was too confident about the strength of the elders. If Jiang Chen is even more powerful, he can kill Yuntian Shuang in the first day, and he is the master of the late Xianzun. There is only one dead road.


At this moment, an urgent rumor came, a master hurriedly came to the hall, a master of the emperor, now turned out to be a sweat.

"What is it? What happened?"

Yun Tianzun frowns.

"The emperor of the emperor, the army of the Dagan Empire came, and the distance from the emperor was less than a thousand miles, and it was about to approach."

The man said openly.


Yun Tian Zun Huo stood up from the seat, and the other people in the hall also did the same. The faces of each other showed a shocking color. The army of the Dagan Empire directly killed the emperor, which was a joke.

"Yes, the emperor is indeed the army of the Dagan Empire. The leader is a dragon, it is Jiang Chen."

The man said in a panic, this time he did not dare to lie a little, Jiang Chen is very sure, the dragon has already become his mark.

"Jiang Chen, how is it possible? Is it too elder to kill him?"

"Damn, what's going on, this Jiang Chen's courage is too big, even dare to kill the emperor, and don't put us in the eye."

"A good boy who doesn't know how to be tall and thick, his practice is simply a shame to our empire. I must not let him go today."


The masters of the scene are extremely angry. The Tangyun Cloud Empire, one of the eleven major forces of Dong Xuanyu, is now being hit by others. This is a very shameful thing. Jiang Chen’s approach to the big cloud For the Empire, it is also a shame, which makes them feel good.

"Go, go out, don't let go of the big empire today."

Yun Tianzun’s face showed real anger. As an emperor of the empire, he has never suffered such humiliation. He has never hated a person so much, and he has never been so eager to kill someone.

Yun Tianzun took the lead to go outside the imperial capital. The old emperor and the top executives followed closely, and the exterminations followed. He is now more depressed. He believes that Jiang Chen already knows his existence, but the other party is clear. Do you dare to kill if you know your existence? What does this mean? Explain that people simply did not put his half emperor in his eyes.

This makes the extinct people even more unbearable. As a powerful semi-emperor, if you go wherever you go, you have to be given by others. Which one dares not to fear yourself, like Jiang Chen, who does not put himself in his eyes. Behavior has already hurt the self-respect of the extinct.

A hundred miles away from the Emperor of the Great Cloud Empire, under the leadership of Jiang Chen, tens of thousands of troops stood in the wind and covered the entire sky. This kind of battle is too large, and the shock caused by it is even more unimaginable.

The officers of the Dagan Empire are all excited on their faces. They never thought that they could one day hit the enemy's emperor and the enemy's base camp.

A tyrannical figure rushed out of the emperor's capital of the Great Cloud Empire. There are dozens of powerful sage masters behind them. There are a large number of Guardians behind them. These soldiers are the essence of the Great Cloud Empire. They are extremely tyrannical, and the battlefield is enough to be an enemy ten, or even an enemy.

The people who rushed out of the Imperial Capital were filled with anger on their faces. This kind of thing that was hit by others on the face of their noses has never happened. Their anger is imaginable.

Yun Tianzun’s eyes all of them fell on Jiang Chen at the same time. Jiang Chen was so good to confirm that it was difficult for them to pay attention. For a long time, they never gave up an excuse to kill Jiang Chen. What makes them depressed is that Xianting has been so long, and even let this incompetent guy live.

"Is this guy Jiang Zhe?"

The extinct person looked at Jiang Chen and asked.

"Yes, it is him."

Yun Tianzun said that he did not think that Jiang Chen was really killed alone.

"Hey! A kid who will transform."

The extinct singer snorted. In his eyes, the existence of Jiang Chen is the ants.

"Cloud Tianzun, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Jiang Chen said to Yun Tianzun.

"Jiang Chen, who gave you such great courage and confidence, even dared to run to my emperor to die."

Yun Tianzun said coldly.

"Haha, Yuntianzun, I am not here to send death, but to send you to death, the day of the genius of the house, you probably can't think of it, this day will come so fast."

Jiang Chen laughed.

"Jiang Chen, I don't know how you escaped from the elders, but since you came, you will leave your life today, not just you, you tens of thousands of soldiers, all of them will die, one Can't walk, this is the price of ignoring the majesty of my empire."

Yun Tianzun said loudly, for him, nothing is more important than the majesty of the empire and his own majesty.

"Escape? I think you made a mistake. Why should I escape? You said that you are too elder, I am afraid it is not enough to threaten me."

Jiang Chen said, directly took out the head of the elders, and threw them away, throwing them at Yuntianzun.

Yun Tianzun caught his head and his face changed instantly.

"Before the elders."

Countless people have panicked, even the face of the old emperor has changed. Even when it was reported to Jiang Chen’s attack, they did not imagine that the elders were too dead. They just thought that the elders might not have met Jiang. Dust only.

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