Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1890: Old emperor

"Impossible, this is certainly not true. How can it be done in the hands of Jiang Chen in the late stage of the elders?"

"But this is indeed the head of the elders. There is nothing wrong with this. Is it really dangerous for Jiang Chen to reach this level?"

"I still can't accept the strength of the elders in the elders. Even if I really can't beat Jiang Chen, there is no problem in escaping. Even if Jiang Chen is going against the sky, can he still let a supreme master of the late Zun Zeng run away with the ability to escape? No, it’s too outrageous."

"Bastard, the elders of the elders have a supreme position in our big cloud empire, representing the respect of our great cloud empire. Jiang Chen has actually smashed his head. This is a shame to us."


The people on the side of the big cloud empire can't keep the basic calm. The situation in front of them is not even imagined by their dreams. They can't even imagine that even the heads of the elders are in front of them, but they still can't accept them. The fact that Jiang Chen killed, they can accept the death of the elders of the elders, but they cannot accept that they are killed by Jiang Chen.

"Yun Tianzun, our grudges, it seems that today can be done."

Jiang Chen said that he is not salty or not, he knows that the head of the elders of the elders has already caused great shadows to the hearts of countless people on the side of the Great Cloud Empire. Even if they are extinct, this shadow cannot be eliminated. .

"Jiang Chen, I said, you don't want to leave alone today, you will let you personally kneel down and give the elders a head."

Yun Tian Zun said with sorrow, his current anger has reached the apex of this life, the elders' death, the stimulation to him is too great.

Yun Tianzun slowly collected the head of the elders. Today, the Great Cloud Empire must take back the lost ones. Otherwise, the national prestige will cease to exist and the dignity of the country will cease to exist.

"Kid, are you the three disciples who killed this seat?"

The extinct person stood at the forefront with a cane. He spoke up. His eyes were like poisonous, which made people feel guilty and did not dare to look at it.

"You are the one who is extinct? I know that you hate Yang Junlong's predecessors, but you really shouldn't take the initiative to provoke this war, not only let the big cloud empire and the Tianyu dynasty fall into a land of annihilation, but also let you lose. Life, as a half-emperor, will live well wherever you go, but you have chosen a dead end."

Jiang Chen’s gaze is aimed at destroying the Supreme Master. This is one of the most important goals of his attack on the Emperor of the Great Cloud Empire. He killed the Supreme Master, and his cultivation will make no small progress again. Of course, Jiang Chen I know very well that it is definitely not an easy task to kill the annihilator. After all, his current cultivation is to fight against the half imperialism. It is a child's play. If it is not restricted by various conditions, Jiang Chen really does not dare to do it. This kind of challenge.

"A good man, you are the most arrogant young man I have ever seen. It seems that you are very confident about yourself, but this one really doesn't know, you are a little half-step fairy, this confidence, exactly Where did it come from?"

The extermination was almost laughed. The death of the elders of the Great Cloud Empire was not in his heart. In his heart, the Dayun Empire and the Tianyu Dynasty were only the objects he used, but this river The dust has killed the three apprentices that he has carefully cultivated, that is, he completely violates his own bottom line, and he will die.

It’s just that Jiang Chen’s arrogance and arrogance made him not think that after living for so many years, he was the first time he encountered a half-step sage, so he didn’t put his half-emper in his eyes. This is a funny thing. .

"Extermining adults, in my opinion, we don't need to waste too much tongue with this kid."

Yun Tianzun said aside.

"Yun Tianzun, you are so eager to kill me. As the emperor of the Big Cloud Empire, you have the supreme right and status. Can you dare to fight with me?"

Jiang Chen shouted loudly, with a smile on his face.


Yun Tian Zunqiu rest, this **** made it clear that he knew that he did not dare to play, but he used the excuse of the emperor to say that this is to make himself shameful.

According to saying that he is an emperor, the other side of the half-step fairy worship challenge, he has no reason to retreat, once he does not dare to fight, the damage to his position and the emperor's majesty is great.

However, Yun Tianzun is even more clear. Even if he is very eager to kill Jiang Chen, if he really rushes up, the result is probably dead. He is very clear about his strength. He and Yun Tianshuang should be regarded as one level. Even if it is stronger than Yuntian, it is not too strong.

If Yuntian Double died in the hands of Jiang Chen, perhaps it would not let Yun Tian Zun truly fear Jiang Chen, but now even the elders of the elders are dead in the hands of Jiang Chen, where Yun Tianzun still has the courage to stand out and Jiang In the dust battle, it is simply looking for death.

Compared with the loss of some dignity, loss of life, the blow to the big cloud empire is the biggest, if the emperor is killed, the entire big cloud empire is chaotic.

"This seat is coming to fight you."

At this moment, a loud bang sounded, and everyone saw that the old emperor of the Great Cloud Empire came out. The old emperor looked like he was fifty or sixty years old, and he was full of energy, especially a pair of scorpions, unusually bright. It’s breathtaking.

"The old emperor, let the extinct adults take it out."

"Yeah, the old emperor, this Jiang Chen is too enchanting, can't be tempted."

"The old emperor can ignore this kid."


Seeing that the old emperor mainly fired Jiang Chen, many people immediately spoke out. The cultivation of the old emperor was naturally tyrannical, but it was also a level with the elders of the elders. Now even the elders of the elders died in Jiang Chen’s In the hands, the old emperor is going up, I am afraid it is not an opponent. The big cloud empire has lost an elder to the elder. If you lose another old emperor, then the end is over.

"Jiang Chen has already made a challenge. This is about the imperialism of my empire. I have to go to war. Moreover, I firmly believe that he has the power to kill the elders. This is a place to see. Why did he kill? Too elders."

The old emperor said, the body has already come to the forefront, standing alone in the distance not far from Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, this seat is coming to fight you."

The old emperor’s voice is like Hong Zhong.

"The old emperor, your elders are dead in my hands, you have to fight me now, do you want to die, I advise you to go back."

Jiang Chen laughed.

"Haha, go back, you are not the opponent of our coach."

"That is, your elders are dead, and you come up and die."

"Yes, our coach is very generous and now gives you a chance to live, you must cherish it."


The soldiers of the Dagan Empire laughed one by one. They probably won’t forget today, because they never dreamed that they would dare to say that they would slap a young emperor in the late period of Xianzun. On weekdays, then The existence of the level is high for them, unattainable, and even difficult to see at a glance.

"Hey! Jiang Chen, this seat simply does not believe that you have the ability to kill the elders. Come, this seat is a battle with you. If you have the ability, you will come to the life of this seat."

The old emperor snorted, his body flew up to the sky, and the powerful momentum directly opened up a battlefield. At the level of his existence, the battle must reopen the battlefield. Otherwise, the scope of the horrible energy fight is It’s too wide, but here is the outside of the Imperial Capital. If it is really unscrupulous, it will be a disaster for the Emperor.

"Since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you."

Jiang Chen’s war was released and he came to the battlefield. He had already prepared for the battle against the extinct. He did not expect that the old emperor would personally take the shot because of his own provocation. For Jiang Chen, This is a good thing. It is unimaginable to kill the other emperor before killing the Supreme.

"The emperor, do you say that the old emperor is the opponent of Jiang Chen?"

An elder asked.

"It's hard to say, but I don't believe that Jiang Chen can really kill the elders, let's see."

Yun Tianzun said, but his face still shows the color of worry.

"If you are an extinct adult, if the old emperor is unworthy, he will also ask the adults to take the shot and save the old emperor."

Yun Tianzun whispered to the extinct.

"Reassured, there is a seat in this, this kid can't afford to wave."

The extinct person said with great confidence that he did not put a half-step young man in the eyes from the beginning to the end.

After listening to the words of the extinct, Yuntian Zun was relieved. At least the life of the old emperor was worry-free. There is a guarantee of a half-emperor. Even if Jiang Chen can really defeat the old emperor, it is impossible to be a semi-emperor. Kill the old emperor.

Countless gaze is on the battlefield above the sky. The face of the big cloud empire has a worry and tension. After all, the elders have already learned the lessons.

Looking at the Dagan Empire, everyone’s faces are full of ease, because they know the strength of Jiang Chen, so there is no worry about this war.

The more relaxed the performance of the Dagan Empire, the more nervous the people on the side of the Big Cloud Empire.

In the battlefield above, the old emperor completely released the momentum of his late Xianzun. The entire battlefield was swept away by the whistling winds. The old emperor’s nephew shined. He had forgotten how long he had not done it before, and he could not think of it. Once again, I have to deal with one and a half steps, which is a kind of irony for him.

"Jiang Chen, let's die."

The old emperor took the lead and moved to take the initiative.

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