Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1893: Means to do it, defeat it

"Jiang Chen, you only know how to avoid, what is the ability?"

Defeat the sinners.

"Old dog, is this irritating? This can only show that you are not good at it."

Jiang Chen passed the sound of ridiculous voice to the ears of the extinct. The tone with the temptation, and the lack of skill, once again stabbed the self-respect of the extinct. He felt that today he was shameful. Lost home, from the beginning, Jiang Chen killed the old emperor in his own face, and now he can't get Jiang Chen, even if he is half-empirical, he can't bear it at the moment, he can't wait to rush right away. Jiang Chen shredded, but he did his best to display his own strength, but also could not catch a corner of Jiang Chen.

The extermination has used its powerful semi-imperial impediment to imprison the entire battlefield, but Jiang Chen is still like a dragon. It can appear in different positions at any time. The horrible method of horror makes him extremely angry and full. A sense of helplessness.

The helplessness of a half-emperor, what a sad thing, especially for those who are extinct, this is something that has never happened before.

"Kid, you don't have to be arrogant, this seat is going to kill you, you can't live at all. Next, this seat will make you die very badly."

The exterminationist no longer delayed the time, and the black airflow from his body rushed out of his body, silently spreading to every corner of the battlefield. He did not expect to deal with a half-step fairy, and forced to display himself. I am in a fascinating way.

This is the most proud card of the extinct. He once did not know how many masters lost in his illusion, and finally became his own soul. He believes that as long as Jiang Chen is shrouded, he will gather in a lost illusion. The dust is gone, and there is no possibility of survival.

However, although the illusion of extinction is very secret, it has been accurately discovered by Jiang Chen.

"Is it finally going to be displayed?"

Jiang Chen mouth overflowed with a smile, not only did not have a little fear, but the performance was extremely excited. He used the dragon tactics and the extinct people for so long, the purpose is to wait for this moment to come, if the extermination is not used If you are lost in the illusion, Jiang Chen will not have a chance to win.

Although Jiang Chen’s big dreamland is more powerful than the illusion of illusion, if Jiang Chen takes the initiative to display a big dreamland and wants to attract the annihilator, it is undoubtedly an idiotic dream. After all, the annihilation is not a fool. Not only can you not stand the annihilator, but it will also cause you to suffer from the illusion of the illusion, with serious consequences.

However, it is not the same if the exterminations take the initiative to display the lost illusion. It is necessary to know that if the illusion is not able to cause damage to the opponent, it will hurt itself. Once the lost illusion is broken by Jiang Dian’s big dreamland If you drop it, and then replace it, the extermination will be subjected to a powerful counter-attack, which will seriously affect the combat power.

At that time, Jiang Chen silently controlled the initiative of the illusion, and the annihilator who suffered the counter-attack would be trapped inside, and then Jiang Chen would do the best and defeat the victory.

This is Jiang Chen's perfect plan. Now, everything is developing in the direction of Jiang Chen's plan. From the moment when the extermination is used to display the lost illusion, he is destined to lose the initiative in this battle.

The illusion of the illusion of airflow drifting on the battlefield, this process of extermination is all cautious, it seems to be afraid of Jiang Xu's mysterious body, for fear that Jiang Chen will detect and advance in advance.

Jiang Chen is also very cooperative with the extermination. He has continuously printed the dragon seal, and still adopts the dragon tactics as before. It seems that the atmosphere of the illusion is not noticed.

"Kids, let you take a moment first, Mashan will let you taste the horror of this fantasy, let you die without a place to die."

The sorcerer’s face was smirked and he felt that he had already eaten Jiang Chen.

Soon, the lost illusion became fully displayed, and the entire battlefield became a fantasy. In the magical territory, the figure of the extinct disappeared, and a black road appeared. It seemed to lead to death. It became a black place. The world, boundless, can not find a way out, people's hearts are easy to give birth to a feeling of depression.

"Hey... Jiang Chen children, welcome you to enter the imaginary territory. Here, this seat is the absolute king. Even if you put your wings, today will die. You are not a god. You are not very good. Run? See if you can run out."

The voice of the extinct person came from different directions and fell into the ears of Jiang Chen.

"Exterminate, do you think that you can trap me? It's too naive."

Jiang Chen said loudly, the flames on his body are still transpiration.

"Reassured, this seat will not kill you now, killing you directly is too cheap for you, this seat will wait for you to lose yourself in the lost territory, let you endure the pain and then kill you."

The voice of the extinct person is very proud, quite a feeling of exalted, that feeling makes him very happy, as if all the grievances have disappeared before, then, it is time to control the initiative and kill Jiang Chen. .

Jiang Chen smiled and stopped talking. The extinct person is not shooting himself now. It is exactly what Jiang Chen dreams of. He can put all his thoughts on the realm of exertion.

A wave of light emerged from the body of Jiang Dust and began to spread around. All of this was seen in the eyes of the extinct, but the Demper did not care. In his view, Jiang Chen was only looking for a illusion. The means of going out, in fact, even if he let Jiang know that he is using a fantasy, he will not stop it. He is too confident about his lost vision.

The big dreamland is only Jiang Chen’s original hand from a small person, but this dream is really incomparable. Until now, there is still a huge room for promotion. Jiang Chen suspects that this is a high The illusion, long-lasting, ancient.

Jiang Chen's great dreamland is completely handy.

This kind of illusion is the same as other tactics. It is divided into high and low levels. It is like a flame, a general flame, how can it be like a fire of a real dragon. In the same breath, once confronted each other, it is definitely a one-sided suppression.

The illusion is the same. The big dreamland is like a real dragon fire. The lost illusion is like a general animal fire. When it comes to a big dreamy world, the lost illusion will feel inferiority. The big dreamland can directly The lost illusion is destroyed, and this destruction is silent, and the final solution is that the big dreamland directly replaces the lost illusion.

This process is very fast, and silent, even if it is a sinister, when he reacts, I am afraid it is already late.

The variegated brilliance has become more and more prosperous. The extermination suddenly found that the scene in the whole fascinating territory has changed greatly. It has changed completely differently from before. The black road disappeared and disappeared into a dreamlike The brilliance of the entire illusion is as dreamy as it is, and it is almost in danger to fall into such a dream. The deepest fantasy in the bottom of the heart will be stimulated.

"what happened?"

The annihilator slammed his head and forced himself to wake up. Then he was horrified to discover that Jiang Chen’s figure disappeared, but he was at the center of the dreamland.

"Exterminating, your lost vision, but that's all."

Jiang Chen’s voice passed over, and the powerful sound wave shook the extinct ears and hummed.


The extinct wow spurted out a blood, which was the resentment and injury caused by the illusion of being lost. He looked around and found that the illusion was completely changed. It was no longer a lost illusion, and completely changed another illusion.

"Jiang Chen, what have you done? It has broken the lost vision of this seat?"

The extermination was shocked to the extreme, and the result was unacceptable to him.

"Oh! Extinct, your lost illusion is in jeopardy, it has been broken by my illusion, and now you are caught in the land of my dreams, and experience the feeling of death."

Jiang Chen snorted, his voice was like a ghost, and he was wandering around. At this time, he had absolute certainty in dealing with the extermination.


A fire dragon appeared silently, and in the blink of an eye, it reached the top of the extinct person. The extermination was horrified. Everything here changed. He had to give up his energy to cope with the big dreams. The impact of this, but also to deal with Jiang Chen that is like a ghost-like terrorist attack.


At the same time as the fire dragon appeared, a white light was like the most radiant light between the heavens and the earth, and swooped away toward the extinct.

"what is that?"

The extermination exclaimed, and he felt that the light was the most horrible thing in the world, letting him stretch out from the soul to create a sense of fear, feeling that he would be subdued in that light.

The light of tempering, the realm of dreams, the flame of supreme fire, and the means of Jiang Chen are all out. Under this kind of influence, Rao is extinct this half-emperor, and he has already coped with it, and his mind began to be chaotic.

The situation of the extinct person can be said to be very bad. Not only has the combat power been curbed, the mind is affected, and the body has been seriously injured. He has completely lost his arrogance and calmness at the beginning.

In particular, the light of tempering has the greatest impact on him, and it is even stronger than the shock that the flame has brought him. He feels that as long as he is free from any kind of defense, he will be immersed in the light and enter. Go to your own body.

"The wolf shadow is nine, the extinction is extinct, and you are killed."

Jiang Chen appeared, and he played a shadow of the wolf in the big dreamland. For a time, the whole space was full of his figure, and the extinct people were dazzled. If it was in its heyday, the extinct might not care. Jiang Chen’s wolf shadow has changed, but in his current state, it is difficult to see for the first time which one is the real body of Jiang Chen.

[As with yesterday, the number of words in the three is merged into two more]

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