Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1894: The end of the big cloud empire

The extermination in the big dreamland is completely chaotic, and Jiang Chen’s endless means has given him a new understanding of the world. It turns out that there is such a enchanting in this world.

In front of the scene, nine identical Jiang Chen slashed at the same time with their swords. The sword had a blazing fire, and there was a light of tempering around them. Under the heavy suppression, the extinct people finally smelled a dangerous atmosphere. .


The extinct person bites his teeth, and his eyes emit crazy violent brilliance. The crutches in his hands spurt countless black lights, and they are attacking in all directions. They want to attack Jiang Chen in all directions. Nine river dusts are all in his attack. Within the scope.

The means of attack chosen by the exterminations is in the midst of Jiang Chen’s sorrow. This is also the horror of the wolf shadow, especially after the combination with the big void, it is the mystery to the extreme.

Under such circumstances, it is already difficult for Jiang Zeng to cause harm to Jiang Chen under the circumstances that the attacking forces are once again dispersed, and the usual time is Jiang Chen’s ultimate counterattack. It's time.


Jiang Chen's speed is extremely fast. Tianshengjian's accurate and unmistakable left a deep bone wound on the shoulders of the extinct people, blood rushing.

"Bastard, you hurt this seat."

The annihilation of the sinister, he was actually hurt by a half-step sacred, this is his life's shame.

"Well you? This is just the beginning, the light of the degree."

Jiang Chen’s scorpion shines and completely condenses the true body. For the people of the Mozu, there is a serious wound on the body, which is fatal, and the light of tempering can be squandered.

Just like now, almost at the moment when the extermination is injured, Jiang Chen has controlled the light of the law and entered the body of the extinct.


In the next moment, the extermination will hold their heads up, and the light of divergence is the supreme existence of Buddhism, which can alleviate all evils between heaven and earth. Even if the extermination is a powerful semi-emperor, it still cannot change the degree. fate.

"Jiang Chen, what did you do to me?"

The extermination trembled and trembled against Jiang Chenyu. He tried to force things that had been drilled into his body, but he found that he could not do it at all. His spirit has begun to be controlled. The magic of his body, It is being reduced a little.

Jiang Chen did not answer the words of the extermination. He is now thinking about another problem, that is, killing and killing the sinister. If you don’t kill it, the light of grading can completely complete it, and there is one more half by your side. Emperor protection, if killed, the ancestral tower can absorb all the essence and blood of the extermination, the blood of a half-empire, enough for the ancestral tower to condense one and a half, and at least from it Get the benefits of 30,000 dragons, and your own cultivation will be truly solid in the half step, and the true fairy will be a step further.


After a brief thought, Jiang Chen’s eyes flashed a firm killing. He decided to kill the extermination. With his current strength, he basically didn’t need a semi-emperor to protect himself, and he would go to Fengxian in the future. The domain of Xianting, with a demon going around, I am afraid that it will bring unnecessary troubles, and it is not good for him to help Nangong ask the sky.

Moreover, what Jiang Chen needs most now is not help, but strength, and his own strength is the most crucial. The promotion of the ancestral tower and the improvement of his own cultivation are above all else, facing the powerful of the extermination. The only choice for Jiang Chen to bring to himself is to kill each other and fulfill himself.


Tian Shengjian broke out in the hands of Jiang Chen, and slammed into the eyebrows of the extinct. At this time, the extermination had no resistance at all, at least in front of Jiang Chen. .

The voice of the extinct man stopped abruptly, and the light of tempering rushed out of the other's body and returned to the body of Jiang Chen.

At the same time, the invisible ancestral tower was torn open, and the power of horror devours the annihilator directly.

The big dreamland can affect the people in it, but it can't affect the people outside. So all the things happening on the battlefield are clearly seen by the people below, and countless horrified eyes will not move. Just numbly watching the horrors of the extermination.

"No, no, this is impossible, it is impossible..."

Yun Tianzun trembled and his face began to have a desperate color, because he knew very well that the extermination was his biggest backing, his last refuge, and the greatest reliance. Now even the extinct are dead, who still Can save the big cloud empire, Jiang Chen is too strong, has grown to the point where he can only look up, a Jiang Chen, you can let his big cloud empire face the destruction.

"Well, our big cloud empire is over, even half of the emperor is dead."

"Why can this guy be so horrible that even the half-emperor is not his opponent? Is there really such a fascinating enchantment between heaven and earth?"

"Not so, Jiang Chen is naturally enchanting, but there is no enchantment to the extent that he can kill half of the emperor. It is just that this guy is too clever, step by step to let the extermination go into his trap. He has a powerful flame to suppress extinction. The sages make the annihilator only able to play half of the combat power, and this is not the key to failure. What is really terrible is that Jiang Chen will cast a more advanced illusion than the illusion of the illusion, causing the extermination to fall into the trap. In his illusion, he himself has been greatly affected. Otherwise, even if the annihilator will not kill the river dust, he will not fall so badly. He is a half-emperor after all."

"Hey! It’s too late to say anything, it’s dead, and we’re finished.”


Everyone is desperate. Now everyone in the big cloud empire has a heavy heart. After the extermination is killed, they can't do anything. The only thing they can do is wait and wait for Jiang Chen's trial.

This is not a sadness for a big empire.

And looking at the Dagan Empire, the performance is completely two extremes. Countless soldiers jumped excitedly. The disciplined army became a pot of porridge at the moment, but the generals did not ban the cheers of the soldiers. Because in this historical moment, they themselves can't restrain their inner excitement.

"Successful, the coach really succeeded, he once again created a miracle and created history."

"Yes, with half-step Xianzun's cultivation as the killing of the half-emperor, this battle is destined to go down in history, the big cloud empire, finished."

"I have been fighting for so many years, I have never played such a **** embarrassment, although I did not shoot, but this is really enjoyable."


No one can restrain his excitement, even the nine princes. He has been laughing and laughing. The only thing that can remain calm is Yang Bufei. After all, he has seen too many miracles created by Jiang Chen. He himself has confidence in Jiang Chen that other people can't have. From the moment Jiang Ding decided to take the shot, he believed that Jiang Chen could create a miracle.

The facts have once again proved that Jiang Chen is a miracle creator and a true peerless enchanting.

Over the sky, the big dreamland has been collected by Jiang Chen, and the whole person who has been extinct is swallowed up by the Zulong Tower.

As Jiang Chen expected, after thoroughly refining and absorbing the extinct, the ancestral tower was once again upgraded, condensing one and a half, from the previous fifty-five layers to the present fifty-six and a half layers. Not half, because only a little, the fifty-seventh floor can be completely condensed.

Jiang Chen got a pure energy supply from the ancestral tower, and the gas has re-added 30,000 dragon patterns, making his current number of dragons as much as 1.48 million, and then condensing 20,000. The dragon pattern reached 1.5 million. By that time, Jiang Chen’s cultivation can be directly promoted to the early stage of Xianzun and become a true fairy.

Even if it is not Xianzun now, Jiang Chen’s combat power is already much more horrible than before. The 30,000-dollar blessing is not a joke. If this time, let him play against the characters of the old emperor. If you are in a dragon, you can almost kill it.


Jiang Chen stepped out and came to the front of the Dayun Empire. His imposing manner and casual exhalation made people feel scared.

"Yun Tianzun, do you have anything to say?"

Jiang Chen said faintly.

"Jiang Chen, do you really want to destroy my big cloud empire?"

Yun Tianzun said that even though he was very unwilling, he had to admit that he was completely defeated. The Great Cloud Empire was completely defeated and lost in the hands of Jiang Chen. If Jiang Chen is willing, let It is a very simple and easy thing to do charcoal.

"What do you think, in my habit, will not leave any chance for the enemy."

Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Jiang Chen, I tell you, I have a half-empire in the Great Cloud Empire to practice in Xianting. If you destroy my big cloud empire, the ancestor will not let you go, although you killed the annihilator, but How do you do it in your heart is the most clear, your current strength, meet my ancestors of the Great Cloud Empire, will die.

Yun Tianshuang said loudly that at this time, the ancestors had to be moved out. He expected that the semi-emperor ancestors could threaten Jiang Chen.

"Yun Tianzun, you better not threaten me, I Jiang Chen never eat this set, even if your ancestor is in Xianting, I am also aware of Jiang Chen and Xianting's grudges. Do you think I will be afraid? I am going to destroy your emperor now, you said that your ancestors will not come out immediately.

Jiang Chen's face is cold. If Yuntian Zun wants to use Wei Xian's ancestors to deter himself, it is really a wrong idea. There is nothing to say between him and Xianting, let alone one and a half.

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