Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1992: Ditian Darling City

In the following time, Jiang Chen said to the Dragon 13 a little bit about the secrets of the fairy world, from the catastrophe in the ancient times, to the emperor, to the realm of the emperor, to the savage and the wild. The location of the land, these secrets are said, Rao is the heart of the dragon thirteen, but also shocked Zhang Da mouth, a face can not believe.

"Nima's, you let Laozi digest it."

The dragon thirteen has smashed his head, and the emperor has nine levels of division. This is nothing. The cultivation itself is a never-ending thing. A powerful monk must have the expectation of a high realm.

He was not surprised by the catastrophe in the fairy world. After all, he had already seen it when the gold was killed. The scenes of the big mirrors were enough to illustrate the same, but the things of the emperor and the wild land made the dragon Thirteen is too surprised. In fact, Jiang Chengang’s message is not much better than that of Long XIII. Like Dragon III, he always thought that Xianting was the most powerful place in the fairy world. I didn’t expect to take it now. Come out of a dynasty.

However, it seems that there is an essential difference between the Imperial Region and the Xianting. The main purpose of the existence of the Imperial Region is to counter the brethren and prevent the barbarians from secretly attacking the fairyland. It is a murderous race, and the murder is to the extreme. Like the devil, and breeding very fast, once the scope of the fall, for the fairy world, it will be a kind of doom, just like the battle of the Holocaust of the year, if there was a territorial existence in the first place, then the fairyland would never There is such a big loss.

What surprised the Dragon 13 is Yang Junlong’s cultivation. A six-level emperor, just this name, is enough to cause a storm. Yang Junlong and Xiao Forget are people of an era. Xiao forgets that now is only half. Emperor, Yang Junlong is even more powerful, at most the emperor, and killed the second or third level of Emperor, now up is the six-level Emperor, who can stand it.

Jiang Chen and Long XIII are both arrogant people, but even if they face a six-level emperor, they will still feel uncomfortable in their hearts. After all, the realm gap is too big.

"Thirteen, this trip to the ancient land is very dangerous. You may even encounter a master of brethren. You think about it."

Jiang Chen’s tone is dignified. Although he is a brother, this kind of adventure is almost a matter of sending death. He still has to make it clear in advance.

"Little dust, this kind of thing still needs to think? Rhubarb is difficult, brothers can stand by and watch, can help, I am happy, I am too late, if you do not call me, I went to the wild land I will be angry."

Dragon thirteen took a picture of the chest, and then the momentum was shocked: "All said that the barbarians of the savage world are extremely powerful, and even the great emperor like the Qindi Qindi was degraded. I want to see how the monkeys have. It’s amazing, and, with such a stimulating thing, how can I be less."

The rhubarb dog is equally important in the heart of Dragon Thirteen. When he did not come out of Kistler, he always followed Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog. For the big yellow dog, he was familiar with it. Later, the two men fought side by side. With the similarity of interest, it has long been a life-and-death brother. Now he is going to save big things like rhubarb. He is naturally obliged.


Jiang Chen and the dragon thirteen palms are shot together. That is the strength of the brothers. If these two hands are held together, it means an invincible. They are not afraid of everything, even if it is a horrible wild land, it is impossible. Block their steps.

The next day!

When Jiang Chen and Long XIII arrived at the place agreed with Yang Junlong, Yang Junlong had already waited here.

"Predecessors, this is fighting dragons and dragons thirteen, he will go with us."

Jiang Chen introduced it.

"Well, okay, let's go now."

Yang Junlong nodded. Then, his body swayed, and a thick golden light column rushed out of his body. The light column was different from the general energy light column. The light column was covered with dense lines, giving a high law. .

"This is the law of the Great."

Jiang Chendao, his eyes glimpsed in front of the golden light column.

"Yes, the real difference between the semi-emperor and the emperor is the cohesion of the law of the emperor. The emperor has stood at the highest peak between the heavens and the earth, so the cultivation is also the law. In the fairy world, only the law of the emperor can communicate with the emperor. In other words, the strength of the Great is the threshold for entering the Imperial Region."

Yang Junlong said.

"If this is the case, not many emperors can enter the emperor at any time."

Long XIII asked.

"It's not as simple as you think. There is a stipulation in the emperor's domain. The six emperors must go to the emperor, and the emperors under the sixth and sixth grades can choose their own, but once they enter the emperor, they can no longer Come back, this is the supreme rule, which was made by the Emperor Xian and the Emperor of the Immortal, and no one dared to violate it."

Yang Junlong said that when he mentioned Emperor Xian and the Emperor of Immortal, his face could not help but show a tribute.

"How did you get back from the predecessors?"

Long XIII asked again.

"Don't you find out, I just came back with a avatar?"

Yang Junlong smiled.

Jiang Chen and Long XIII secretly nodded at the same time. It seems that there is really no one dare to violate the regulations of the Imperial Region. Even the sixth-class Emperor Yang Junlong has only separated the appearance of a first-class emperor. You must know, even if you It is the great emperor. There are also a small number of people who practice avatars in the world, and the strength of the avatar is generally not strong.

The characters like Yang Junlong must have powerful means and cards, so it is still possible to return to a avatar, and if they return yesterday, they will go back now.

"Predecessors, then if we want to go to the Imperial Region, then we can't come back."

Jiang Chen asked, this is what he must worry about. If he really can't come back, it will be big.

"No, your cultivation is not enough for the emperor, and it is not subject to the rules."

Yang Junlong shook his head.

After listening to this, Jiang Chen and Long XIII are completely relieved. The emperor is a supreme being. They naturally want to go, and they are going to go sooner or later, but not now, they are going to the emperor this time. The purpose of the domain is mainly to save the rhubarb, the fairyland side, there are still many things to do.


As the law of the Emperor continued to sway, a portal suddenly appeared in the void, and the portal was not large, but enough three people entered it.

The appearance of Jiang Chen and Long XIII suddenly became dignified. Both of them knew that this portal is the way to the emperor. I thought that I would soon go to the legendary emperor. I would say that I am not nervous, that is Deceptive.

"Little dust, do you say that we are the only great emperor to enter the emperor?"

Dragon thirteen smiled.

"It should be almost the same."

Jiang Chen also smiled.

"You are right, even if it is the Great Emperor, not everyone wants to go to the Imperial Region. In the world where many great peers opened up at the same time, it is not big, and there is no prosperity in your imagination. Existence is only a kind of responsibility. The people under the Emperor are not fools. When they come to the Imperial Region, isn't it to find death? Moreover, by the restrictions of the law, there is no law of the Emperor, and it is impossible to enter the Imperial Region."

Yang Junlong said that he took Jiang Chen and Long XIII to the Imperial Region this time, which actually violated the regulations.

However, Yang Junlong is a man of temperament. He wants to do something and do it.

Jiang Chen and Long XIII are facing each other, and they are all embarrassed. As the first person to enter the emperor's domain, they do not know whether they should be proud.


Yang Junlong’s body swayed and took the lead in entering the illusory portal. Jiang Chen and Dragon 13 did not neglect and followed in.


The space channel soon came to an end, and a powerful space of power fell on Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen bounced out from the void channel.

However, the three are all landing smoothly. After all, they are not the first experience of this void passage.

A little cold wind blew on the faces of Jiang Chen and Long XIII, which made them feel shocked. The two looked curiously around and found that there were four wildernesses, but there was a city a thousand miles away.

The city seems not to be huge, and the scale is not as good as that of the East Xuan domain. But from this point of view, the Di Tian is really not as prosperous as imagined.

But there is one point, the celestial spirit of the Di Tian is extremely rich, the degree of richness can not be compared anywhere, the virtual air can collect the essence of the Emperor, but also can not smell the taste of the Emperor's Law, which makes Jiang Chen And the dragon is extremely excited.

Prosperity does not say, but it is indeed the best place to practice.


At the moment when the three people just appeared, the two figures appeared in front of them. They were two old men. They saw that they were only the first-class emperors. They seemed to be guardians. When someone appeared in the emperor, It will be checked in the first time.

However, after seeing Yang Junlong, the two of them quickly gave a gift: "It turned out to be an adult."

"Well, you are well guarded by the borders of the city."

Yang Junlong nodded, then took Jiang Chen and Long XIII directly to the front of the city.

Seeing this situation, Jiang Chen and Long XIII are somewhat surprised. It seems that Yang Junlong can mix in this emperor.

"How did the adults bring two younger generations, these two young people seem to be not the great."

"Okay, this is not what we care about. It is enough to do what we do."

The two old men looked at Yang Junlong, who disappeared quickly, and couldn’t help but say with surprise.


Jiang Chen asked, but he just called a predecessor, and the rest of the words were blocked by Yang Junlong: "I know what you want to ask, but don't ask anything, some about the Dijia, I don't. I will tell you, because you haven’t really understood the emperor’s domain yet."

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