Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1903: Wild land

After listening to Yang Junlong's words, Jiang Chen and Long XIII were very interested in choosing to shut up. They were really curious about the situation of the Di Tian. They had already heard it from the mouth of Yang Junlong. The city called Silence. City, and it seems that Yang Junlong’s status in it is not ordinary.

The emperor domain is completely different from what they imagined, but it is not difficult to judge from the scale of the quicksand city. There are still many cities like this in the emperor's domain. Maybe there will be some division of power, but Yang Junlong does not say that they Don't ask, as Yang Junlong said, they are not qualified to do too much understanding of the domain.

For such a thing, Jiang Chen and Long XIII do not insist. After all, the purpose of this trip is to find a big yellow dog. As long as they find the big yellow dog, they will leave directly. After the repair is really strong, it will definitely be again. Came to the emperor.

All the way without words, Jiang Chen and Long XIII followed Yang Junlong directly into the Liusha City.

The size of the Liusha City is not large, but compared to the population of the District, such a city is not small. The old streets cannot see a few shadows. There is no such feeling of prosperity in the city. Jiang Chen thinks that The city pool, compared to the same city of the fairyland, the population gap is at least 10,000 times more.

After all, most of the people who come here are at the level of the Great, although some are not the Great, they may be born in the Territory, they will not leave here.

The number of Emperors in the Imperial Region should far exceed the imagination of Jiang Chen and Long XIII. It has long since become a world. People who come here may have children, and those born here have their own bodies. The strong blood of the great emperor's descendants, coupled with the cultivation environment here is very good, so many have become the emperor.

In other words, after such a long time, Di Tian has already had its own scale, but how big is this scale, Jiang Chen and Long XIII do not know, and dare not guess, but they do not care, wait for the real Everything will be known when you are eligible to enter the Territory.

There is a short hillside behind the Liusha City. The deity of Yang Junlong is here, and it seems that they are waiting for them.

After bringing Jiang Chen and Long XIII to the avatar, they directly merged with the deity.


Jiang Chen and Long XIII gave a gift to the deity's Yang Junlong, even though they were psychologically prepared, but when they faced a powerful six-level emperor, they still felt great pressure.

We must know that the gap between the avatar and the deity is still very large. The majesty of the superior who is exiled casually can not be manifested at all.

"Are you sure you want to go to the ancient land? If you regret it now, if you have time, I will send you back immediately."

Yang Junlong said.

"Predecessors, we are going."

Jiang Chen said firmly.

"Well, since you must go, then I will accompany you to go."

Yang Junlong nodded. He knew the character of Jiang Chen. He decided that things would never be repented. It is even more impossible to change his original intention because of the danger ahead. He and Jiang Chen themselves are the same kind of person.

“Thank you for your help from the seniors.”

Jiang Chen said with sincerity, this is from the heart. This time, if there is no Yang Junlong, he really does not know when he will be able to come to the Imperial Region, and he does not know when he can see the rhubarb.

"Well, you can't wait for too long in the Imperial Region. This time I secretly brought you over. It is already a violation of the rules of the Imperial Region. We are now heading to the ancient wilderness. I want to remind you that it is going to be wild. I can't easily show my strength, so be careful."

Yang Junlong's tone is incomparably dignified and reminds Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen and the dragon nodded at the thirteenth. Some of them were still a little nervous. They saw that a six-level emperor was so scrupulous about the wild and ancient land. I can imagine the horror in the ancient land.

Subsequently, Yang Junlong raised a finger and plotted against the void, and directly drawn a black portal, and then walked in with Jiang Chen.

The means of the Sixth Emperor is unimaginable by Jiang Chen and Long XIII. It is also very easy to enter the barren ancient land.

"How serious is the predecessor, the ancient land?"

Jiang Chen couldn't help but ask.

"The danger of the ridiculous ancient land is not how terrible things exist there. Before the emperor's domain was formed, the barbaric ancient land was always controlled by the savage world. The golden family war finally spread directly here. It is said that it was wild. The war situation in the ancient land is even more fierce than that of the gold murder. Many ordinary mortal emperors have died. Even if the emperor domain is formed, the existence of the emperor domain is only to control the brute force and pass the barbaric ancient land again. Entering the fairy world, that is to say, the wild and the ancient land, or the land of the savage world, the hands of the control of the barbarians."

Yang Junlong paused and continued: "And because of the existence of the Imperial Region, the monitoring of the barbaric ancient land is also extremely strict. Once a powerful master of the Imperial Region enters the wild and ancient land, it may be savage. The barbarians discovered the first time, so I said that the dangers in the ancient land are not in themselves. However, in the past, the emperor and the barbarians have not been peaceful, and there have been many battles, so we entered the barbaric this time. The sinister danger of the ancient land is that it should not be discovered by the savage barbarians. Otherwise, the consequences are unimaginable. Even if it is my strength, it is also a life of nine deaths. Moreover, the barbarians are the most strict for the monitoring of the powerful emperor, so I will accompany you this time. Going in, you have to converge, and go in as quietly as possible. I don’t want to shoot as much as I can, but you are not the same. Your cultivation is far from being a fairy, and the brethren don’t care. ""

Yang Junlong thinks that these brothers still need to explain to Jiang Chen and Long XIII. He naturally can't rest assured that the two will come in alone, so he ventures to follow, but he can't shoot if he doesn't play differently.

Jiang Chen and Long Xie looked at each other and then nodded to each other. Yang Junlong’s words were very clear to them. The dangers of the ancient land itself were not a big problem, just like the original gold killing field. The strength is now enough.

The most crucial thing now is the savage side. After all, the barbaric ancient land has become the most sensitive place for the savage world, so the intensity of being monitored is also great. Under this circumstance, if the six-level emperor enters it. Once the breath is released, it is easy to be discovered by the savage.

"It seems that this must be done with caution."

Jiang Chen said that at the same time, Yang Junlong is also full of gratitude in his heart. After all, Yang Junlong is willing to follow them in this case, which is enough to express the sincerity of Yang Junlong.

Jiang Chen and Long XIII understand that the reason why Yang Junlong followed, is because he is not assured that once he reaches a critical moment, Yang Junlong will surely guard them all the time.


The cold winds and waves are getting more and more powerful. It is the atmosphere of the wild and ancient land. The void passages are constantly shaking. The turbulent space is constantly flashing from them. It is like a skate, but there is a six-level emperor. The space channel is enough to ensure that the channel is sturdy. Even if it encounters the turbulent flow of space, it can not cause real damage to the channel.

"It’s coming soon, you will completely converge your breath and wait until you get in."

Yang Junlong upgraded the road.

Jiang Chen and Long XIII did not dare to neglect, and quickly converge their breath completely. When the void passage is about to reach the end, the three men stepped forward one step at a time and walked straight out.

A strong smoldering wind suddenly blows from all directions, people can't help but chill, Jiang Chen looked around and found that the surrounding space is full of gloomy smell, the air is filled with the breath of death and evil. It seems to have come to hell, and people are very uncomfortable.

"This is a wild land."

Yang Junlong Road.

Just when Yang Junlong’s voice just fell, there were two black shadows in the distance. These two shadows were very fast. In the blink of an eye, they came to Jiang Chen. They are two young black men and they look old. Similar to Jiang Chen, they release a very different atmosphere from human beings. Their eyes are blood red, their lips are black, and their bodies are very majestic, just like devils.

"Man of the barbarian."

Yang Junlong frowned, he did not think that he had just entered the barbaric ancient land, and he met the barbarian, but the cultivation of the two men was not very strong, but it was only the cultivation of the early Xianzun. For them, they can’t do the slightest damage.

"You are human beings in the fairy world."

One of the barbarians spoke up and said the same language as Jiang Chen.

"Kill them and drink their blood."

Another person said that they went straight to the river dust.

"Predecessors, what should I do?"

Jiang Chen looked at Yang Junlong and asked Yang Junlong's opinion. This time he came to look for rhubarb, which was originally intended to be low-key. He did not expect to come across the barbarian.

"Kill them."

Yang Junlong said coldly.

"it is good."

Jiang Chen's momentum was shocked, his hands became dragon claws, and lightning shots, one by one, directly removed the heads of two barbarians, and the two died on the spot.

At the moment when the barbarian blood flowed, Jiang Chen discovered that the blood of these barbarians was flowing with an extremely evil taste. It was even more evil than the devil. Immediately, he did not hesitate, and the Zulong Tower opened and instantly took two people. Give the absorption clean.

"The real barbarian is very pure. The body contains the blood of the gods. The barbarians here have completely changed their blood. They are just savage evil spirits. They are creatures that transcend the evil spirits."

Jiang Chen said coldly, it seems that the savage barbarians have completely lost the meaning of the barbarian and become a kind of evil bloodthirsty creature, and once such a creature develops, it is the most terrible.

[The next plot to save the rhubarb, I have to design it, and it will be even more today. 】

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