Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1904: Nothing to gain [one more]

Seeing that Jiang Chen freely absorbed the blood and essence of those barbarians, Yang Junlong’s eyes also showed a fascinating color. Jiang Chen’s means, even if he had never seen him, after all, the human race and The barbarian is still different in nature, especially now that the barbarian has completely mutated, and the demon and the demon are undoubtedly, even if he is a six-level emperor, it is impossible to directly absorb the barbarian things. After all, the blood is there, To produce exclusion.

However, Jiang Chen is completely like nothing, and after absorbing the essence of the two barbarians, Jiang Chen’s breath has also improved. Although it is not obvious, Yang Junlong’s perception can still be clearly sensed. .

However, Yang Junlong did not ask, after all, this is a person's secret, which belongs to Jiang Chen's own secret means.

Jiang Chen’s means of restraining barbarians made Yang Junlong still very happy. As a six-level emperor, he knew better than anyone else. The fairyland and the barbarians had a battle sooner or later. After the catastrophe, both sides experienced The restless years of rest and recuperation, with the barbarians' militancy and bloodthirsty, will certainly not be safe.

“It’s not unusual here.”

Yang Junlong said openly.

"Predecessors, where the power of my soul has passed, I found that there are many barbaric atmospheres here, and many of them are not very powerful."

Jiang Chen’s eyebrows said that it is said that the ancient sage is a strange space connecting the fairyland and the savage world. Even if it is a savage land, there will not be too many people in normal times. After that, after that war, it is almost here. It is equivalent to a dead land, just like the golden killing of the fairy world.

"If I guess it is correct, it should be that the savage world regards this place as a place of experience, let the genius of the savage world come here to experience and search for adventures. This is the same as if you entered the Golden Killing Field. It seems that our Luck is not good, and I have encountered the genius of the genius. As a result, the masters of the savage world must pay more attention to the movements here. This is very unfavorable for us to find people."

Yang Junlong said with some concern that this situation was unexpectedly unexpected.

"Predecessors, I think it is a good thing."

Jiang Chen’s scorpion flashed with radiance and a smile on his lips.

"how do I say this?"

Yang Junlong looked at Jiang Chen.

"According to what the predecessors said before, as long as you don't shoot, it should be a small problem. My monkey and I are nothing more than the cultivation of Xianzun. There is no atmosphere of the great emperor, no demonstration of the law of the emperor, so even if we are here, Will not cause the attention of the Quarantine Emperor, after all, those powerful sages will not put the existence under the Emperor in the eyes, plus the brethren’s understanding of the empire, knowing that there are few emperors under the emperor’s domain. And I don’t think that the Emperor’s cultivation would have the guts to enter the wild."

Jiang Chen said.

"You are right, but it is not necessarily a good thing. After all, there are so many geniuses in the savage world that it is easy to influence us to find someone."

Yang Junlong said that although Jiang Chen’s words were correct, he did not think that this was a good thing.

"The predecessors didn't know. They practiced a kind of exercises underneath. They can specifically restrain these barbarians. After killing them, I can absorb all their essence and blood and turn them into their own energy. These barbarian geniuses are enough for my cultivation to impact the realm of immortality, and the genius of the savage world, every kill one, for our fairy world, there is one less threat."

Jiang Chen said that after he noticed the blood condition of the barbarian people, his mood began to be great. Although it is very unwise to play against the people in the wild and the barbarians, but for Jiang Chen, It is definitely a good opportunity. The so-called sinister and opportunity coexist. Jiang Chen’s guts have never been smaller. The more challenging the battle, the more he can inspire his passion.

Moreover, Jiang Chen’s war on the future and the brute force has begun to look forward to it. For him, these barbarians are his tonics. The ancestral tower wants to quickly condense and improve, I am afraid it really depends on it. These barbarians are gone.

"Your boy is really daring. At this time, I can still think about **** the genius of the savage world to improve my cultivation, but I like it, but we still have to pay attention to try not to contact the geniuses of the mortal world, once exposed. It’s not so fun, don’t forget the purpose of our visit.”

Yang Junlong said that he was very appreciative of Jiang Chen. He saw the shadow of his youth from Jiang Chen’s body. It was really not afraid of fear. Nothing was dare to do it.

"That is, of course, looking for rhubarb is the most important thing."

Jiang Chen nodded, and it was the most important thing to find a big yellow dog. But on the way to find a big yellow dog, once it comes into contact with people in the straits, Jiang Chen will never be soft.

"Monkey, look at it with a fire eye and see if you can find the traces of rhubarb?"

Jiang Chen looks at the dragon thirteen.

"it is good."

The dragon nodded at 13 o'clock, and the two golden brilliances suddenly came out of his eyes. His eyes immediately turned into two glare, and the flames shone. Under the eyes of the fire, everything existed. The shape of the dragonfly, but the dragon thirteen eyes looked at the gold eye, but also found nothing, and did not find a trace of the rhubarb dog.

"There is no rhubarb atmosphere, maybe it is not deep enough here, let's go inside and see."

Long XIII said.


Jiang Chen nodded, and the situation itself was also expected by him. The big yellow dog is very different, and will definitely leave a protective barrier for himself. It is not an easy task to find the big yellow dog easily.

In the following time, Jiang Chen three people slowly sprinted toward the depths of the ancient wilderness. This ancient land is even wider than the golden murder. It is not easy to find a trace of people here.

On the way, Yang Junlong has been converging, but from the outside, Yang Junlong is just like an ordinary person. No one would have thought that such an ordinary person would be a powerful sixth-class emperor.

The deeper into the barren ancient land, the barbarian's atmosphere becomes more and more intense, from time to time you can feel the strong barbarian atmosphere, the genius characters of the barbarians are more and more, Jiang Chen and Long XIII are as much as possible. Avoiding the gates, it is really inevitable, and those barbarians are also killed by Jiang Chen, which directly becomes the nourishment of Jiang Chen.

Just to make Jiang Chen somewhat depressed is that after walking for so long, there is still nothing to do with the trace of finding a big yellow dog.

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