Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1910: Key moments [three more]

After that, Kato Hawk and other semi-emperor masters took the shot directly, using the special means of the barbarians to directly brand the prohibition here, and then passed it out. These semi-emperor masters are from different forces of the barbarians. I was thinking about passing the ban back in the first place.

When you see it, Jiang Chen and Long XIII can't help but swear. The barbaric character of this barbaric, compared with the fairy world, has a certain advantage.

Soon after, there were four or five tyrannical scent appeared in different directions. At the same time, they came here. They are four tyrannical old men. Each of them has a tyrannical rule of the emperor, and their breath is It is much stronger than the original Xiaolei. Jiang Chen and Long XIII are ignorant of the realm of the Great Emperor, so they look at Yang Junlong at the same time.

"Five four-level emperors."

Yang Junlong said faintly, with his eyesight, it is easy to see the repair of the five people at a glance.

Jiang Chen and Long XIII secretly sighed, although it was only a four-level emperor, but the degree of horror is not that they can be quite, Jiang Chenqing fortunately this time Yang Junlong followed, if there is no Yang Junlong, they can't do anything here, in four In front of the great emperor, they are absolute ants, and the talents of the heavens are useless.

After the arrival of the five fourth-level emperors, all the geniuses of the celestial world were quiet, the savage ranks were strict, the emperor had supreme status, and no one dared to make a second appearance in front of the emperor.

Of course, this level is the same in the fairy world, the emperor of the fairy world, the same supremacy.

At the same time, the five great emperors came to the mysterious ban, and with their eyesight, they could see the mystery and horror of the ban.

"A very good ban, this ban has existed for many years and it seems that it should have been left in that war."

"The person who has such a means is definitely the peerless emperor of the immortal world. However, after the ban has been going on for too long, there is no tyranny at the beginning, and our strength is enough to break open."

"Yes, then directly break the ban and see if there is any secret inside. If you can dig up a treasure left by a great celestial emperor, it is a good thing for us."


Several emperors began to talk about it, and they are ready to take action on the ban.

"I come."

The four-level emperor of the Kato family went directly to the front of the ban, and the energy in his hand broke out in a slap in the air. It seemed that he was ready to shoot the ban.

"Everyone is back."

Another great emperor said to the geniuses of the mortal world that the power of the great emperor was terrible. Once he was banned and bounced back, it would be a doom for these geniuses of the immortal world.


All the geniuses of the celestial world have withdrawn from the Baizhang and looked far away.

The great man of the Kato family took the shot, and the horrible energy was directly bombarded on the ban.


Just listening to the bang, the ban was enough to withstand everything, and finally could not bear it. There were countless cracks on it, and then it broke directly.


An ancient and decadent atmosphere was passed from the inside of the ban. The empty void, there was a portal. The black at the beginning of the portal gradually turned into red gold, just to the sun, so pure energy, It makes you feel refreshed when you take a breath.

"This is the unique atmosphere of the Longma family, this is the breath of rhubarb."

Jiang Chen’s scorpion shines, but he is very excited, but at the same time he is very nervous. Although the ban has been opened, there are people everywhere in the world. If you want to take the rhubarb directly, I am afraid it is definitely not an easy task.

The sigh of breath that emerged from the portal was the most disgusting breath for the mortal people. Even the five great emperors couldn't help but frown, seemingly disgusted with such breath.

The barbarians and demons of the savage world have no doubt, and they hate this breath just to the yang. In their view, this breath is their biggest nemesis. In those wars, if they were not the golden blood of the golden family, they might Victory, the blood of ordinary people in the fairy world, simply can not hold back the strong attack of the savage world.

"The others stayed outside, let's go in and see."

The great emperor of the Kato family spoke to all the geniuses of the mortal world, and then the five of them were ready to enter the inner space.

When he saw it, Jiang Chen’s face changed instantly. He didn’t think that these emperors would not let those geniuses go in. He had thought that after the ban was opened, everyone would go in, and he would go in with the flow, and then he would act directly. Take the big yellow dog away, and now everyone will not let in. If they follow, they will be immediately suspected, but if they don’t go in, the five fourth-level emperors will definitely bring great danger to the big yellow dog. Maybe you will take the rhubarb away in front of him.

You should know that the rhubarb dog is now blending with the flesh of the past life. This is the most crucial moment and the most important moment for the rhubarb dog. Once taken away by the savage, the consequences are almost imaginable.

"Predecessors, let's go."

Jiang Chen firmly said that he could not gamble with the life of a rhubarb dog. He could not afford to gamble. At this time, he could no longer wait.

"What plans do you have?"

Yang Junlong asked.

"You stopped the five four-level emperors, I entered the space, rhubarb will not reject me, I have to take away the rhubarb, it should be very easy."

Jiang Chen said.

"it is good."

Yang Junlong nodded and agreed without any hesitation. This is the worst situation, but at this time, it must be spelled out, and there seems to be no other good alternative to Jiang Chen’s approach.


An extremely sturdy breath was instantly released from Yang Junlong's body. There was a dense law of the Emperor on his head. The powerful Emperor's breath filled the air and immediately caught everyone's attention. The five were already ready to step into it. The Great Emperor of the Void Gateway, Huoran turned and looked at Yang Junlong.

"Not going fast."

Yang Junlong shouted at Jiang Chen. He released the breath of the great emperor at this time. It is a very dangerous practice. The atmosphere of the Emperor of the Immortal World is different from that of the savage world. It is easy to be sensed by the outside master.


Without Yang Junlong reminding, Jiang Chen had already rushed out for the first time. He used the big void technique. The whole person was like a ghost. After brushing it, he rushed into the void portal.

"Someone went, and it was also a fairyland."

A great emperor perceives the breath of Jiang Chen.

"Entering and catching him, there is a big emperor of the fairy world mixed in."

The great emperor of the Kato family said with a sullen look.

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