Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1911: Promotion of Xianzun [four more]

A great emperor turned to enter the portal to catch Jiang Chen, but in front of Yang Junlong, he was still a little worse. I saw Yang Junlong’s body swaying, and it was already in front of the five brutes, and the powerful waves would cover the entire portal. Blocked, he is here, even if the five fourth-level emperors join hands, they want to go in.

"The great emperor of the fairyland dared to come in and ruin the ancient land."

The great man of the Kato family shouted at Yang Junlong.

"If you don't want to die, don't shoot, we will leave for a while."

Yang Junlong said coldly, the body is full of arrogance, this time, his six-level emperor's momentum has been completely released, this is a generation of madman, is the peak figure of the past, really fight, it is a rock-breaking battle.

"What to do? This is a six-level emperor. We are not his opponents. Can they let them take things away from the ban?"

A great emperor said coldly.

"Break them, the six-level emperor released his own momentum, the masters of the savage side should have been aware of it, the real master will come soon, we are not their opponents, do not entangle with it for the time being."

The great man of the Kato family said that they are all smart people. They are very clear about the situation at hand. They are not opponents in the face of a six-level emperor in the fairy world. They can only wait for the masters of the savage world to come.

For a time, the whole scene was deadlocked, the atmosphere was extremely tense, and countless eyes on the savage side fell on Yang Junlong's body. They did not expect that the genius of the savage world would lead to a sixth level of the fairy world. When the Emperor came, all the people in the mortal world knew that the savage and the celestial world were absolutely incompatible, but in the face of a six-level emperor, they could not do anything.

The savage people are waiting, Yang Junlong is waiting, he did not shoot, he is very clear that the real purpose of coming to the wild and ancient land is not to kill with the masters of the barbarians, but to save people, now The situation is that they have reached the most critical moment in their budget.

Time, nothing is more important than time. Yang Junlong can only pray that the powerful emperor of the fairy world did not come before Jiang Chen brought the big yellow dog out, and then left directly. Once he arrived in the emperor, he would go to the peerless world. And I am not afraid at all, but in this wild and ancient land.

Including Dragon Thirteen and Jiang Chen and Zuo Linger, anyone knows that it is not to see that Yang Junlong is now full of momentum, one person shocked the audience, but in fact it has already fallen into a great crisis.

Inside the internal space, Jiang Chen immediately rushed to the front of the big yellow dog. There was a lot of ban on it. It can be said that it was dense, but where Jiang Chen passed, all the bans automatically gave way, which was for Jiang Chen. A lot of time.

Although the rhubarb dog is sleeping, although it is blending with the flesh, it can feel the breath of Jiang Chen, so all the bans are not blocked by Jiang Chen.

"Rhuh, I am here to save you. I will use the Dragon Tower to absorb you now. You should not resist."

Jiang Chen separated a **** and read his own meaning. At this moment, the rhubarb dog was lying on a large stone. Above his body, he sat on a young demon. Both were slow. Fusion, the body has been fused halfway.

Jiang Chen knew that time was tight, so there was no delay. After the idea was issued, the Zulong Tower was released directly. A strong attraction directly fell on the rhubarb and the young demon.

The rhubarb dog did not have a little resistance. In the blink of an eye, he entered the ancestral tower. He could feel the breath of Jiang Chen. In this world, besides Jiang Chen, I am afraid I can no longer find someone who can give him enough peace of mind.


After taking the rhubarb dog, Jiang Chen’s body walked out of the interior space and came to Yang Junlong’s side.

"Predecessors, yes."

Jiang Chen said.

Wen Yan, Yang Junlong quickly sighed with relief, Jiang Chen's movements faster than he thought.

Yang Junlong’s momentum was shocked, and Jiang Chen’s volume was rolled up, and he was about to leave.

"Block him, don't let him go."

The great emperor of the Kato family quickly screamed, and the five fourth-level emperors had used the law of the emperor to block this piece of emptiness. It seems that they would not let Yang Junlong leave so easily.

"Looking for death, you want to stop me."

Yang Junlong was furious. He decisively shot and grabbed his big hand forward. A huge palm was evolved by him and immediately enveloped the great man of the Kato family.


The four-level emperor struggled to resist, and the gap between the repairs and the repairs was difficult to make up. Especially in the realm of the Great Emperor, the gap between each level was great, not to mention the difference between the two levels.


The great man of the Kato family gave a scream of screaming, and even died in the hands of Yang Junlong.

Jiang Chen, who is behind Yang Junlong, has a very big shock. Yang Junlong’s power is really not covered. It’s a four-level emperor. The legendary supremacy is so dead. If it’s not the eyes. If you see it, you can't believe it. The battle of the Great Emperor is really shocking.

"Who is still me, die."

Yang Junlong is murderous, and people like him have their own temper. If they don’t shoot, once they are shot, they must kill, and the majesty of the emperor is not allowed to invade.

Jiang Chenyu can let go of this great opportunity. Even in the midst of a crisis, he must think about his own progress. It is almost the next moment when the four-level emperor was killed. The portal of the Zulong Tower was torn apart by Jiang Chen. The essence and blood gas began to be absorbed by Jiang Chen.

However, in this case, it is quite good to absorb the essence and essence of a great emperor. It is good to absorb at most half of it. Even so, it is quite scary. After all, it is a four-level emperor.

The energy is too large, and the fifty-eighth layer of the Zulong Tower is completely condensed. Not only that, but the fifty-ninth layer is also condensed in half. Jiang Chen itself has received great benefits. Ten thousand dragons are also increased in the blink of an eye, making the number of dragons in his body directly reach 1.5 million, and the immediate impact on the realm of Xianzun.


The powerful wind and waves came out from the body of Jiang Chen. A large number of Xianyuan Stones were absorbed by Jiang Chen crazy like no money. The realm of Xianzun was finally reached.

However, the energy of the four-level emperor is still not exhausted, and it continues to bring benefits to Jiang Chen.

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