Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1912: Eighth emperor

However, the remaining horrible energy, Jiang Chen did not directly absorb, but all integrated into the Zulong Tower, so that the 59th floor of the Zulong Tower is also completely condensed.

"The energy of horror is not the great emperor. Unfortunately, it only absorbs a part. If a fourth-level emperor is completely absorbed, the Zulongta does not know what to grow up, but I have to stop it. If I absorb it, I will The heart will have a certain impact, and now it’s just fine to be in the early days of Xianzun."

Jiang Chen is hard to conceal the excitement. He has excitement. This time he came to save the rhubarb and was able to attack his own cultivation to the realm of Xianzun. This was what Jiang Chen had never thought before.

With the current combat power of Jiang Chen, the state of the dragon change is enough to compete with the powerful semi-emperor. Under the emperor, no one can threaten him. Of course, if you want to fight against the emperor, it is still far away. The Great Emperor is a watershed. It is not bad to be able to fight against the Emperor when Jiang Chen’s cultivation is in the late stage of Xianzun. After all, this realm is not the same as other realms, and it is not so easy to cross.

Yang Junlong made a move to Liwei. When he came up, he killed a four-level emperor and caused great shock to the other four. He never dared to stop Yang Junlong. The madman of the fairy world is too fierce. They are almost certain. If they take it, they will end up in the same way as the great man of the Kato family.

Yang Junlong once again made a roll of momentum, and both Zuo Linger and Long XIII were enshrined. He exerted a powerful law, and he tore the tornado out of a big hole with his bare hands, and he would rush out.


At this most critical moment, a sigh of temperament suddenly fell from the sky, and Yang Junlong immediately felt the unimaginable pressure.

"No, the master of the savage world has appeared."

Yang Junlong's face changed slightly, and that powerful momentum, even his sixth-level emperor, could not resist.


The void above it blew directly, and a figure came out like a ghost. It was a middle-aged man. It looked like a 30-year-old, tall and tall. Jiang Chen’s height stood beside him, even his arms. The height is not up to.

This is a saga of the world, and the breath of the body is astounding.

The faces of Jiang Chen and Long XIII are extremely difficult to look at. This is the worst scene in the plan, and it finally appears.

"The eight-level emperor peak, I am not an opponent at all."

Yang Junlong shook his head and there was already a despair in his words.

"This is the Ukman patriarch of the Uk family."

Zuo Linger said: "Hello me, Ukman is very important to me, because the people behind the Uk family want my blood, so he will never let outsiders hurt me, you hijack me, and A glimmer of life."

Zuo Linger was very clever. When he saw the person who appeared, it was the patriarch of the Uk family, and immediately thought of the countermeasures.

"Bold, a few of your ants are dare to smash the ancient land."

Uk Manjun screamed and immediately fell on Jiang Chen’s body: "The kid, handing over what you got from it can make you die."


Yang Junlong reacted very quickly. He grabbed the big hand and directly took Zuo Linger in his hand. The horrible air wave completely covered the left Linger.

"If you dare to take it, I will kill your saint immediately."

Yang Junlong said coldly, **** for tat, at this time, it is impossible to use this trick, can you make the importance of seeing Zuo Linger in the heart of Wu Ke Manjun.

"Let him go, or this seat will make you robbed."

Wu Keman was obviously angry, but he did not move. When he saw that Zuo Linger was under control, his emotions obviously had a slight fluctuation. Although the fluctuations were very weak, they were still noticed by Yang Junlong, which made Yang Junlong tolerate. Staying with a sigh of relief, it seems that Zuo Linger is very important to the singularity, or that the blood of Zuo Linger is too important for the savage world.

"There is death on both sides. It is better to pull a back, to see if your life is honorable, or our lives are honorable."

Yang Junlong shouted, this is definitely a monk, even if faced with a powerful eight-level emperor, still does not show a little bit of fear, this heart is not the average person can compare.

"A small six-level emperor dares to make a second appearance in front of this seat, telling you that no one can threaten me, even if you control the saint, but in front of me, you have no ability to kill her."

Uk is quite arrogant, and as the patriarch of the Uk family, as a noble eight-level emperor, he has been traversing for too long, from the last catastrophe to the present, it can be said that Real old antiques, he has forgotten what it feels like to be jealous. Now he is being used by Yang Junlong to use the saints to make his anger rise directly to the top.

"Then try it and see if I can kill her."

Yang Junlong is also a worry, this is a game between the masters, the test is the heart, the Ukman is terrible, but Yang Junlong can also conclude that Ukman is not willing to bet with himself, he will not take the life of the saint Come joking.

After all, Zuo Linger has now been completely controlled by Yang Junlong. Even if the Eighth Emperor is here, Yang Junlong has absolute strength to kill Zuo Linger in the moment when the Eighth Emperor shot.

Of course, this is only a theory. It is impossible for Yang Junlong to kill Zuo Linger. This is the only way they can finally fight for it.


The anger of Uke Manjun is even more vigorous. It directly forms a storm, and no one dares to threaten himself. There are few things that can threaten himself. But now, the blood of Zuo Linger really wants to hold back. He, as Yang Junlong said, he can't afford it.

"Put the saint, this seat lets you leave."

Wu Kemanjun said helplessly.

"The uk chief, can't let them go, they got the treasure inside."

A four-level emperor shouted.

"Roll, what are you, dare to gesticulate in front of this seat."

Uke Manjun looked at the four-level emperor. He is in a bad mood to the extreme. The four-level emperor is talking at this time. Isn’t he looking for himself?

In the eyes of Uke Manjun, what treasures are better than the blood of Zuo Linger, which is related to the future of the entire Uk family, and even the blood of the entire barbarian in the future, the blood of Zuo Linger is the greatest treasure, and This is nothing compared to the other.

As long as you keep the left Linger, the savage world will soon rise completely.

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