Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1913: Linger’s decision

The scene became very tense, Yang Junlong, they almost fell into the encirclement of the mortal world. If there is no left Linger in hand, today is the mortal bureau. With the style of Wu Kejun, it will never give Jiang Chen has any chance to escape.

But now, Uke Manjun obviously has scruples, he did not dare to make a joke with Zuo Linger.

"You will leave as soon as possible. If you dare to hurt the saints, you will kill you if you go to the emperor."

Ukman Jun said coldly.

It is said that the people in the mortal world who are standing around do not talk one by one. Although they are unwilling, they do not dare to question the words of Wu Kejunjun. The patriarch of the first family of the savage world, whether it is Prestige or status, in the brethren are one of the best, the eight-level emperor's peak repair, almost stood at the top of the world, in addition to those hidden antiques, the strength of Ukman Jun, can almost shock the entire savage It is.

Questioning such a great man, it is no different from finding death.


Yang Junlong did not dare to be a little bit sloppy, and immediately tore open the barriers of the ancient wilderness. With Jiang Chen, they flashed in and entered the space passage leading to the emperor. With their strength, the blink of an eye has reached the end of the passage. Feel the atmosphere of the emperor.

Yang Junlong and Jiang Chen were relieved. The situation just now was too dangerous. It was just a life of nine deaths.

"Linger, this time thanks to you, otherwise, we are afraid to finish."

Jiang Chen said with a smile, but his heart was stunned. He said that the ancients were sinister. Now it seems that the reality is more than a hundred times more dangerous than the legend. The entire wild and ancient land is controlled by the savage world. They can always know the waste. Anything in the ancient land, feel free to shoot.

Jiang Chen thought that when the big yellow dog left, let him have absolute strength and then save him. Now it seems that it is not unreasonable. This time he came to the ancient land, although there is the help of Yang Junlong, but if it is not an accident. The encounter with Zuo Linger, the consequences are almost imaginable, not only the big yellow dog can not be saved, even Yang Junlong will be damaged inside.

At the same time, I will be glad that this time is coming, because those mortal geniuses have discovered the space created by Rhubarb. The previous scenes have already explained everything. If it wasn’t for Jiang Chen, they would probably fall into the hands of the brethren. .

So, no matter how dangerous, this is awkward, worth it.

"Big brother, let's go soon, I have to go back to the barbarians."

Zuo Linger said that his looks looked indifferent.

"No, you can't go back. The Uk family is not yours, but your blood. If you go back, they will be refining them sooner or later."

Jiang Chen immediately objected, and finally encountered the left Linger, and took it out of the fire pit, now Zuo Linger has to go back again, Jiang Chen can not agree.

"Big brother, Linger was also planning to leave the mortal world with you, but now it is not working. Ukman has locked us. If I follow you in the emperor, we will be in the moment of the emperor. Uk Manjun shot back and couldn’t escape, but Ukman was the patriarch of the Uk family. If he said it, if you go back, you can safely arrive in the territory."

Zuo Linger said that she is in a very low mood now. When she met Jiang Chen, she was not happy in her heart. She will not have to separate from Jiang Chen in the future, and she will never have to worry about it every day. It is necessary to break away from the bitter sea and think that if you find the rhubarb, you can leave together and enter the real fairy world.

But now, everything has changed. Things have not developed in the direction they imagined. The emergence of Wu Kebanjun has completely shattered her dreams. She does not go back. Everyone can’t go, for Jiang’s life. Zuo Linger would rather sacrifice himself.

"She said yes, the atmosphere of Wu Kebanjun has always locked us. If she does not go back, she will kill it directly with the character of Wu Kejunjun. Even if she goes to the Imperial Region, he will kill us. Then take the little girl away."

Yang Junlong shook his head and said a fact.

"Mom, that can't let Linger go back and wait to die."

The Dragon 13 thundered like a thunder. He and Jiang Chen felt that they were too weak for the first time. In the face of the real strong, they didn’t even have a fart.

"Is there any other way?"

Jiang Chen’s voice is so low that he does not know how to face it.

"Big brother, Linger will not have anything, believe me, we will see you again, big deal, wait for you to be strong, come to the barbaric to save me."

Zuo Linger spit out his tongue against Jiang Chen, then turned and left.

At the moment when Zuo Linger turned around, Jiang Chen clearly saw the wet tears in the corner of the little girl's eyes.


Jiang Chen shouted, he wanted to pull a hand, but Zuo Linger had already gone far, and the little girl’s final moment was determined and helpless, just like a spiked stab in Jiang Chen’s heart, that is A kind of pain in the heart, in this life, the most unbearable thing for Jiang Chen is that the people around him sacrifice for himself, which will make him feel helpless.

The figure of Zuo Linger disappeared completely. Jiang Chen Yang snorted and he felt his incompetence for the first time in his life.

However, Jiang Chen knew very well that Zuo Linger would not go back. Everyone would be damaged here. This is a fact that cannot be changed. Zuo Linger used their own sacrifices to change their way of life.


Yang Junlong sighed heavily and then patted Jiang Chen’s shoulder: "Go."

In the eyes of Jiang Chen, the anger is sprayed, staring at the space channel that can't see the end. The fists of the double fists are screaming: "Linger, I will definitely come back to save you. One day, I will step on the barbarians."

After that, Jiang Chen turned and flew out of the end of the passage with Yang Junlong and Long XIII and returned to the Imperial District.

The emperor's scent is full of enthusiasm. Compared with the suppression of the ancient land, the emperor is obviously more likely to make people feel relaxed, but the mood of the three people is not good. The back of Zuo Linger’s disappearance is like a heavy stone pressure. In their minds, it makes them feel difficult to breathe.

"Little dust, let's go back."

Long XIII said, he does not know what to say to comfort Jiang Chen, because he knows that it is useless to say anything.


Jiang Chen nodded. He was a very rational person. The matter of Zuo Linger was irreparable. The most important thing now is to work hard to improve his cultivation. One day he will personally save the left Linger.

They can't wait for too long, and now the rhubarb is saved back. The goal is to achieve it, and it should go back.

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