Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1920: One punch

"Which one is Jiang Chen? I am not coming up to death."

A man with a strong body rushed to the battle platform. He was in a strong position and smashed to the extreme. This person was from Yu Liang of the Eastern Region. After seeing his opponent’s name, the first one rushed. Going up, I can't wait to show myself in front of Elder Xianting.

In the early days of Xianzun’s cultivation, the talented disciples who participated in the selection were truly superior. Both strength and talent are the best in this selection. The forces in which he is located have begun to publicize his momentum.

In fact, this is also the case. If there is no accident, it is indeed easy to enter the top ten with Yu Liang’s ability, and then enter the fairy court of dreams.

Yu Liang, this person, Zhang Zhang is used to it. As a young master, he looks at everything, never put anyone in his eyes, and he saw the name Jiang Chen, never heard of it, obviously it is Feng Luomen. A disciple who does not show the mountain and does not leak water, such a character, how Yu Liang will be in the eyes.

He just used Jiang Chen to practice his hand. He came up with a good start and caused Han Feng's attention. As long as Han Feng appreciates himself, it is excellent for his future exhibition in Xianting.

Of course, the imagination is very beautiful, but there are always many impossible possibilities in the world, and fate will often be a joke at your most critical moment.

Just like now, Yu Liang’s fate has given him a big joke.

Yu Liang looked stunned. He glanced around and looked for the traces of Jiang Chen. At the same time, Yu Guang did not forget to look at Han Feng, who was calm and relaxed. He just saw that Han Feng was laughing at himself. This is to make Yu Liang confident. Multiplying, the whole person is about to swell.

"Haha, the elders of Xianting began to pay attention to me. With my talent, it is also necessary to be noticed. I will wait for this Jiang Chen to come up. I will kill him in one stroke and not give him a chance to resist. Powerful."

Yu Liang laughed and began to design the next scene. Han Feng’s smile gave him greater confidence.

Unfortunately, Yu Liang did not see the taste and meaning of Han Feng’s smile. It was a pity and pity.

"Oh, Jiang brothers, some people are arrogant to let you go to die."

An elder of the wind solomon smiled.

Jiang Chen shook his head helplessly, and when he looked bored, he walked out and his body slammed onto the battle platform. Just like the previous big yellow dog, such a selection battle was too boring for him, and he couldn’t lift his interest. .

Everyone at the Windsor Gate is a relaxed face. In this kind of battle, they don’t even have to look at it and they already know the ending. After all, this is not a level of confrontation. The gap between the two sides is too big, not A little bit.

On the battle platform, Yu Liang saw Jiang Chen standing in front of himself. He first looked at himself and immediately smiled and said: "Sub, good, the early cultivation of Xianzun, but unfortunately you are unfortunate, even in the first The field has drawn me. Otherwise, you may still have the opportunity to enter Xianting. Now I will give you a chance. As long as you admit defeat on the spot, you can go down immediately, and you may be able to save your life. If I wait for it, then you I am finished, I will not kill you, at least I will abolish you."

Too embarrassed, Jiang Chen himself is about to laugh out, this guy really does not know where to come from the confidence.

"Really, I don't even have to kill your desires."

Jiang Chen’s face was boring, and the contempt between words suddenly provoked the arrogant Yu Liang, and his anger immediately rose. The powerful momentum was like a tide, which swept the entire battle platform.

"Children, no one has ever dared to say this in front of my Yu Liang, because all of these people are dead. Since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you."

Yu Liang, the whole person moved, he punched a punch, the punch of the mountain, the void was hit a big hole, the blink of an eye came to the vicinity of Jiang Chen, the strong murderous moment will Jiang The whole dust has shrouded, but it is a pity that Jiang Chen can't make any influence at all.

Just when Yu Liang’s fist came to Jiang Chen’s front, Jiang Chen’s eyes suddenly flashed a cold chill. This **** guy has been dying in front of himself. If he does not agree, he will completely abolish himself. Jiang Chen has been given enough reason to kill him.


Jiang Chen made a punch like a lightning bolt. He didn't know how strong the energy was combined. He and Yu Liang's fists slammed into each other. This was the first battle after Jiang Chen was promoted to Xianzun. The opponent turned out to be a The young people in the early days of Xianzun made Jiang Chen very disappointed.



Almost at the moment when the two fists had just collided, a sharp scream rang through the entire Emperor Mountain. Under the horror of countless horror, the entire arm of the arrogant Yu Liang was blasted by Jiang Chen. The dregs, cracks appeared in the body, and the blood spurted out of his body like a fountain.

With just one punch, Yu Liang was completely finished.


The whole audience was amazed, the whole Emperor Hill was shaken up, everyone looked at the battle platform with horror, because the lottery was just over, many people have not had time to go to the battle platform, so Yu Liang and Jiang Chen are on the side. Became the focus, most people are optimistic about Yu Liang, but who can think of it, there is such a huge contrast in the blink of an eye.

"Impossible, this is impossible."

"What kind of ghost is Jiang Chen? How have you never heard of Feng Luomen having such a number in the past? This is too horrible. Yu Liang, the peak of Xian Zun's early peak, has no power in front of him. The boxing is abolished."

"It’s too horrible. Such a person is terrible. It’s not a level at all. I didn’t expect this selection, and suddenly I killed a dark horse.”


No one was shocked, the scene directly boiled, Yu Liang’s screams continued, Yu Liang’s original power, his face changed completely, and all hopes became a bubble in the blink of an eye. This situation is indeed It is hard to accept.


Jiang Chen was too lazy to kill Yu Liang. He swung his sleeves, and a wave of slaps on Yu Liang’s body, and Yu Liang blasted from the top of the battle platform.

Although he did not kill Yuliang, Yu Liang was basically abolished. Jiang Chen’s punch was just not his body, but also his soul. So Yu Liang is not dead. Ruined.

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