Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1921: ten people

Later, Jiang Chen complained that Han Feng, who was not far from the face, smiled and walked down from the battle platform. No matter what, the selection still had to persist until the end. According to the rules, after the first round of victory, it was necessary to fight. The platform went down and waited for the second round of drawing.

Countless eyes fell on Jiang Chen's body. Just a punch, Jiang Chen became the real focus. Those geniuses who have not yet come on stage to participate in the selection have changed their eyes to Jiang Chen. Everyone prays. The next battle should not be confronted with this metamorphosis. Otherwise, the consequences are almost conceivable. Even the high-level hand of Yu Liang will be finished. The other party is completely understatement. Just one move, Qin Song will get it.

The next battle is a lot fierce, especially the two people who are quite equal, playing on the battle platform is quite fierce, you come to me, and the people watching are also passionate.

Soon, the first round of selection was over, and the second round of the lottery was held. This time, Jiang Chen was very interested in the genius, and he did not go straight to the stage.

For him, there is no other emotion besides being pity. To blame can only blame his own bad life, but his life is not good and he is not a life. But there are two different concepts. If he is not good, he can still live. After all, he It’s not bad to live now, just lost a chance, but if you really come to power, it’s going to die.

After seeing the strength of Jiang Chen with his own eyes, almost no one felt that he could pick up the next move of Jiang Chen. If so, why should he go up and find his own insult?

The fierce selection battle was carried out for a long time. Jiang Chen also went to the battle platform once for the first time against Yu Liang, and then until the end of the selection, no more shots were taken. All the draws were drawn to him. All took the initiative to admit defeat.

Finally, Han Feng stood up and announced ten selected names. In addition to Jiang Chen, the other nine people are not in a good state. Although they are all cultivated by Xianzun, after a series of major wars, they are also Physical and mental exhaustion, and some even suffered a minor injury in the last battle.

In Jiang Chen’s view, these people are of cultivated value. They can come out of one hundred and fifty people, which is enough to understand their talents and perseverance, as well as their previous performance on the battle platform. Can be.

However, for Xianting, to train these people requires a process. This process is not destined to be short. It is almost impossible to help Nangong in a short time.

"You ten people, go back and prepare, take care of the wounds, tomorrow morning, this seat is waiting for you here, take you to Xianting."

Han Feng opened the way to the selected ten people, and then gave them the valuable darling of the big forces. This time, the selection not only made these geniuses famous, but also made those big forces have higher Fame, especially the wind Luomen, the three people who participated in the wind Luomen, although only one was selected, but it is already quite good, and Jiang Chen’s watch is too eye-catching, and it is impossible to make the wind door low-key. After getting the reward of Han Feng, Feng Huazi’s mouth could not be closed.

Han Feng drifted away, but people know that he will appear in this place tomorrow.

Those who have been selected, regardless of their injuries, are elated and full of envious and envious eyes. Their lives have opened new doors. From then on, they will not only limit their future, but also their status. It has also begun to grow.

Jiang Chen did not care about all this. With the rhubarb dog, he left the Emperor Mountain for the first time and returned to the residence of Feng Luomen. For Xianting, he did not yearn.

Once the human eye is wide, the matter is also plain. In those people’s eyes, Xianting is a high-ranking presence. There are many great emperors, and many cultivation resources are the highest institutions in the whole fairyland. Being one of them is undoubtedly the happiest thing in life.

However, for Jiang Chen, who has already been to the emperor and the wild land, Xianting is not attractive at all, and he himself has already offended the three emperors. If it is not Nangong who needs help, Jiang Chen I don’t think about going to Xianting at all.

Of course, with his current cultivation and status, it is of great benefit to go to Xianting. After all, the ordinary place of the celestial world is completely unchallenous to him. There is no qualification for the emperor to go to the foot. Xianting is undoubtedly the best. select.

After returning to the Windsor, Jiang Chen chatted with Jiang Zhenhai and counted as a short-lived farewell.

"Dust, what do you want to do, although you do, I don't have to worry about it here."

Jiang Zhenhai is a very understanding person. He knows that Jiang Chen is a person to do big things, so he never interferes with Jiang Chen, and does not ask Jiang Chen what to do. He is full of confidence in his son, Xianjie, In the morning and evening, there will be a world like Jiangchen.

In the middle of the night, Jiang Chen and Jiang Zhenhai sat in other courtyards, drinking and chatting, the rhubarb dog was bored on the side, and no one came to disturb the wind door.

At this time, a figure suddenly appeared, it was Han Feng.

"Jiang Brothers, I haven't seen you for a long time, and your cultivation has grown again. It's really good."

Han Feng smiled. During the day, he saw that Jiang Chen’s cultivation was promoted to the late stage of Xianzun. It was only a month before the last time. This kind of horror promotion is too shocking. At the beginning, Han Feng had doubts about the eyes of the Emperor. Now it seems that it is his fault.

"Han elder, don't come innocent."

Jiang Chen stretched out his hand and gestured to Han Feng to sit down.

Han Feng was also polite, he sat down with his ass, and his glory fell on the side of the rhubarb dog. This was immediately shocked, because with his eyesight, he could not see the dog at all. Really repaired, this is no problem, what shocked him even more is that he felt a pressure from the rhubarb dog, that is the pressure of the emperor.

That is to say, this dog is actually a powerful demon emperor, which is very surprising.

"Old man, look what, haven't you seen such a handsome dog?"

The rhubarb dog glanced at Han Feng.

Han Feng did not dare to neglect, smiled at the rhythm dog in good faith, and then returned to God.

"Dust, this is?"

Jiang Zhenhai asked.

"Hey, this is Han Feng, the person of Xianting.

Jiang Dust Road.

Hearing that Jiang Chen actually called this middle-aged man, Han Feng’s attitude changed dramatically, and he quickly hugged Jiang Zhenhai with a fist: “It turned out to be Jiang’s father, disrespectful and disrespectful.

Jiang Zhenhai’s current cultivation is nothing more than a fairy emperor, and it is the kind that has just been promoted to the emperor. At the level of Han Feng, Jiang Zhenhai will not be put in the eyes, but now the other party’s identity is different, he has to Jiang Zhenhai attaches importance to it.

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