Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1928: Take money to redeem people

The strength of Jiang Chen’s strength has made Lu Yishan have a new look for Jiang Chen, and it has also invigorated the hearts of the people. However, they still have the medicinal herbs in their hearts. Jiang Chen’s violent hits of these people will definitely lead to more powerful geniuses. I am afraid it will be difficult to deal with, and things are too big. It doesn't seem to be good for them. After all, they are all new, and there is no capital to compete with the old disciples.

However, as far as the current situation is concerned, they must also resist. If Jiang Chen does not fight back, they are still oppressed. They are now completely in the same position with Jiang Chen, the grasshopper wearing the same rope.

Compared with Lu Yishan's excitement, the two genius looks brought by Qiao Huan are too unnatural. Even the bridge is not the enemy of the other side, which makes them completely lost their arrogance at the beginning, looking at Jiang Chen The eyes are full of fear.

The strength of Jiang Chen has completely exceeded their imagination. They can come to Xianting, and they have proved their qualifications. But in front of Jiang Chen, all their geniuses should be proud, and all disappeared without a trace. Compared with Jiang Chen, they are wastes, and they dare to call them geniuses.


Jiang Chen walked to the bridge and walked forward. He stepped on the other's face and slammed it hard. For those who dared to be arrogant in front of themselves, this was always the end.


The bridge was stunned and became a genius disciple of Xianting. He had suffered such humiliation and was trampled on the ground by others. It was a shameful shame in his life. It was too much for his heart.

"Jiang Chen, you dare to step on me, you don't want to live."

Bridge Huan’s unclear threat.

"Is it? Believe it or not, I will kill you now and see who is dead."

At the foot of Jiang Chen, he was even harder. He did not care about the threat of Bridge Huan.

"Well, Jiang Chen, we have planted things today, you let us go, I will not find you trouble again after the bridge."

Qiao Huan said that he is also a smart person. He knows that he has provoked a hard battle today. For the threat of his own, the other party simply does not eat this set. If he continues to threaten it, the loss he eats will be greater. Begging for mercy, and then check with Jiang Chen in the future.

"If you let go, you can take out 500,000 sacred stones, and then you will get out."

Jiang Chen said that since these guys are coming to collect protection fees, they must let them bleed.

"What? 500,000, Jiang Chen, you robbed."

Bridge Huan did not spurt an old blood, 500,000 yuan of Xianyuan Stone, but all of his own family, now let him all come out to Jiang Chen, it is more uncomfortable than killing him.

"Seven hundred thousand, one less will not work. I don't like other people to ask me for a counter-offer. Since you have to pay a protection fee, let you taste the protection fee."

Jiang Chen said that it is not salty or light.


This time, Qiaohuan directly blew blood, because a sentence has increased by 200,000. This Jiang Chen has made it clear that he does not give himself a way to live. At this time, even if he is allowed to take it, he will not be able to get it.

"Jiang Chen, you should not be too excessive. We came to collect the protection fee. It was appointed by Li Wei’s brother. Even if the protection fee was received, it should be handed over to a large part of Li Wei’s brother. You dare to move me. Brother Li Wei is an enemy, you think about it yourself."

Qiao Huan was struggling at the foot of Jiang Chen, but he was unable to struggle. He knew that he had bad luck today and met a rogue. Not only did the protection fee not be received, but he was deceived. At this time, he must be behind the scenes. The character said it.

Li Wei’s ordinary disciples in Xianting have great popularity and their status is not ordinary. He believes that Jiang Chen will definitely converge after hearing the name of Li Wei, and he will not be too arrogant. After all, he will come to a new disciple. It is very unwise to offend Li Wei.

"Li Wei? Very good."

Jiang Chen smiled and lifted his foot from the bridge. He knew that there must be someone behind this guy.

When Jiang Chen moved his big feet, the bridge was relieved. When he thought that Li Wei’s name made Jiang Chen fear, Jiang Chen was facing two other two standing in the trenches. A disciple said, "You two, immediately tell Li Xi’s brother, let him bring the celestial stone to redeem people. You have six people today, each with 700,000 sages, a total of four hundred and twenty Wan, one can not be less, let Li Hao come soon, I give him ten minutes, if it is less than ten minutes, I will cut off their hands."


Jiang Chen’s words made the two disciples directly stunned. Not only they, but also the bridge’s stiff face. Even Lu Yishan did not think that Jiang Chen would be directly cunning, and that it was a big opening for the lion. For the ordinary disciple, the eternal disciple is simply super deceitful.

More importantly, Jiang Chen’s name is to let Li Wei personally come. This is crazy, it’s not to be killed.

Li Yan, who is the powerful master of Xianzun's late period, is one of the best disciples of Xianting. It is almost invincible in any of the following forces. Even their ancestors are not opponents. Although he can defeat the bridge, his cultivation is still only the beginning of Xianzun. How can he fight with Li Zong in the late stage of Xianzun? Isn't that looking for death?

"Jiang Chen, you are looking for death."

Bridge Huan said.


Jiang Chen kicked his foot on the face of Qiao Huan and smashed the bridge that had already climbed up halfway. His head slammed into the ground.

"You better not talk, or I will cut your hands first, don't think I am joking, you have not qualified me to make a joke."

Jiang Chen said coldly.

Bridge Huan’s body couldn’t help but sneak a sneer. The strength of Jiang Chen made him really feel scared. He can see that this young man is not only powerful but also a fierce and violent person. If he talks again, the other party I really cut my hands, as the other said, definitely not kidding.

"You two have nine minutes."

Jiang Chen looked up at the two men who were still there.


The two exclaimed, finally understand that the other party is not joking, it is actually playing.

Where did the two dare to be a little bit sloppy, and immediately turned away and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Jiang Shixiong, we are not playing too much, and that Li Wei doesn't sound like it."

Wei Yun came to Jiang Chen's side and said something worried.

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