Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1929: Li Wei

Jiang Chen turned his head and stunned Wei Yun. He said coldly: "I do things, you don't need to give pointers. If you are afraid, you will quit. I don't like people who are timid."

Wei Yun's body trembled, Jiang Chen's cold scorpion made him feel that his soul had fallen into the ice cave, and he did not dare to speak again.

"Jiang Shixiong, you should not be in your heart, Wei Yun is just worried."

"Wei Yun, Jiang brother is here, don't talk nonsense."

"That is, Jiang Shixiong will handle it well, what kind of heart do you care for?"


Seeing that Jiang Chen was angry, other people immediately came out to play the round field. Wei Yun secretly squeezed a cold sweat and chose to calm down. He knew the gap between himself and Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen wanted to do something. It was really not that he could point fingers. Point, Jiang Chen is a very assertive person.

At the same time, Wei Yun also felt that he was too timid. This is not his style. For Jiang Ding's daring, he has begun to admire.

"Hey, when your kid comes, Xianting is thinking about quieting again."

The rhubarb dog burst into laughter. He stood by Jiang Dian and never spoke. He just watched Jiang Chen performing.

"It is necessary to play our own momentum. This has always been our style of action. Resources sometimes have to be robbed by themselves, and how to grow without fighting."

Jiang Chen said that he has always had a heart that is not afraid of everything, fearless of everything, only to let him go all the way to the present, and will let him go further.

Five minutes later, the sky appeared a strong temperament. In the blink of an eye, it reached the top of the mountain. There were enough five or six people. In addition to the previous two, there were four people. The strength of these four people is not low. In the middle of the two centuries, like the bridge, the other two, repaired to have reached the powerful late stage of Xianzun.

The leading person, wearing a black gown, in addition to the skin is a little black, the long is a talent, he stood in the forefront, enough to show his status, almost no need to think, Jiang Chen knows that this person is Li Hey.

"The cultivation of the peak of Xianzun in the late period is only a step away from the semi-emperor. Little dust, to deal with such people, you are afraid to cast a dragon."

The rhubarb dog whispered.

"That's fine."

Jiang Chen smiled and didn't care. The change of the dragon has always been his fighting state, and it has never been a secret. The appearance of Li Wei has inspired his combat power to be promoted to Xianzun. He hasn’t really fought, and Li Wei’s powerful genius is just enough to practice his hand.

"Lee brother, it is him."

One of the disciples who followed Bridge Qiao said to Jiang Chen.

Almost without him, Li Wei has already set his sights on Jiang Chen's body. He saw the three people lying on the ground mourning, and the anger on Li's face suddenly emerged.

"Let's go, the person who dares to move Brother Lee is simply daring."

One person behind Li Wei shouted at Jiang Chen.

"The master has not spoken yet, and a dog is calling for a strange joy."

Jiang Chen’s laughter.

"Jiang Chen, who are you dogs?"

The disciple suddenly did not do it, how his identity, and no one ever dared to insult himself, which made him suffer.

"How? Not convinced? Not convinced to come up with a battle."

Jiang Chen said provocatively.


The disciple was angry, but he did not dare to stand up. His cultivation was only in the middle of the Xianzun. Like the bridge, now the bridge is being stepped on by the other side. If he goes up, I am afraid that the result will not be Where is the best place, he originally thought that Li Wei’s brother was here, and he was arrogant and arrogant. The other party would definitely be afraid, but when he thought of the other party, he didn’t care. He couldn’t get it directly.

Li Wei waved his hand and motioned that the disciple was calm. His eyes were constantly looking at Jiang Chen. He seemed to want to see Jiang Chen thoroughly, but he was finally disappointed.

"You are Jiang Chen?"

Li Wei asked.

"Is it interesting to ask this kind of question?"

Jiang Chen did not put Li Wei in his eyes.

The anger in Li Yan’s eyes is more prosperous. With his identity and status in Xianting, he must be respected wherever he goes, but he sees a scorn from Jiang Chen’s eyes, that is, the other party is really not Putting yourself in your eyes makes him somewhat unbearable.

"Senior brother, save us."

Qiao Huan shouted in a vague voice, and today he can say that he has lost his face. Until now, when he saw Li Wei coming, he saw a glimmer of hope.

"Jiang Chen, let them go."

Li Wei said in the tone of the order.

Jiang Chen directly reached out: "4.2 million, one less will not work."

"Miscellaneous things."

The late master of Xianzun, who was next to Li Wei, could not stand it, and immediately became angry.

"What are you doing?"

Jiang Chen looked at the man casually and didn't care.

"Jiang Chen, you are a newcomer, it is too arrogant, it seems that you will not give you a little color to see, you can not see your position."

The disciple is very strong.

"You'd better not shoot, otherwise Li Wei's ransom will add another person."

Jiang Chen’s kindness reminder.

"A good arrogant guy, you can dare to fight with Wei Wei."

This person's name is Wei Hui. As a genius master in the late Xianzun, he has never been so provocative. In any case, he must take a good lesson to learn this kid who doesn't know the heights and build his own majesty.

"One war? Yes."

Jiang Chen is not afraid. He is a dreamer of the late genius of Xianzun. It is his dream. With Jiang Chen’s current combat power, the ordinary Xianzun can be killed in the late stage. In the state of dragon change, only the late stage of Xianzun The genius character is qualified to fight him.

Also this is qualified for a war.

"Well, I will hit you like a dog on the ground for a while."

Wei Hui is very incomparable.

"It’s a good thing to put the mouth gun, but I don’t know if it’s real.”

Jiang Chen said that the powerful air of his body began to roll, his body began to change, and in the blink of an eye it became a battle state of the dragon.

"What the **** is this?"

Upon seeing this, many people were amazed. Those who have not been in contact with Jiang Chen did not know the power of the dragon. Even Lu Yishan, for the first time, saw Jiang Chen’s display of dragons changing, and his eyes were full of shock. color.

"Jiang Shixiong is a powerful transformation skill. I can feel that in this transformation, his combat power has increased ten times."

"Yeah, it’s too horrible to improve the ten times of combat power. It’s too much."

"It seems that our estimate of Jiang Shixiong is still low. This is the real genius of the world. Even if it is a master of the late Xianzun, I am afraid that there will be a battle."


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