Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1933: Not refusing

"Jiang Chen, return the remedy to me."

Li Wei is drinking against Jiang Chen.

"Give it back to you? What do you tell me?"

Jiang Chen laughed directly and gave it to him. He was just joking. Can this baby still be handy? Longyang Dan is important to Li Wei and equally important to Jiang Chen. If his cultivation is promoted to the middle of Xianzun, then almost all the ordinary disciples of Xianting can walk sideways.

"Jiang Chen, you better not to do things too much, as long as you return the remedy to me, I can do it today without happening, the grudge between you and me, a write-off."

Li Yu’s tone began to soften, even though his heart was itching at Jiang Chen’s hate, but for his own Longyang Dan, he must also soften down. Longyang Dan’s value is too great, especially for him. It is said that it can't be measured by value. It is completely invaluable. It is what his grandfather tried to get to him. If he was snatched by others, it would be too wrong.

"Do you say that Jiang Chen will return the remedy to Li Wei?"

"I guess it will not. You can't see it. This Jiang Chen is not a good person. Otherwise, there will not be so many people lying on the ground. Generally, such enchanting people are extremely arrogant and uninhibited. Even if Li Wei has a big In the background, he probably won't care."

"Yes, if it is me, the remedy that I have won will not return. After all, the Liangzi of Li Wei has been completely settled. It is almost impossible to reconcile, and if it is, the remedy will go back. In the words, Li Wei can immediately hit the realm of the semi-empire, and there will be a good fruit of Jiang Chen at the time."


Many people began to talk about it. As the saying goes, it’s not too big to see the excitement. Now this scene is getting better and better. Xianting has not been so troublesome for a long time. Many people want to see this river. Whether the dust can be tough or not, we must know that in the ordinary disciples of Xianting, whoever offends Li Wei, the final end is not very good.

Jiang Chen looked at Longyang Dan in his hand, and if he thought of it, even if Li Chen felt that Jiang Chen would return the medicinal herbs to himself, Jiang Chen directly sent the medicinal herbs to his mouth and snorted. Go on.


Li Wei stunned on the spot, even if it was completely violent, and went crazy like Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, you bastard, dare to eat my remedy, it is mine, it is mine."

Li Wei is almost irrational. He only feels that his most important thing has been taken away. He must **** it back anyway.

"Screw you."

Jiang Chen Zhenlong’s big handprint was shot, and a slap in the face of Li Wei’s flight. At the moment, Li Wei, seriously injured and mentally ill, is still Jiang’s opponent. Even in the state of full prosperity, Jiang Chen will not take him. Put it in your eyes, let alone the situation in front of you.


After Longyang Dan entered the body of the river dust, the powerful medicine immediately burst open. The horrible energy penetrated into the limbs of Jiang Chen as a tidal wave. Rao was the force of Jiang Chen, and could not help but surprise Longyang Dan. The honesty.

At that time, Jiang Chen did not dare to neglect, and quickly operated the dragon scorpion, began to clear the energy in the body, infiltrated into the sea, crazy refining.

The formation of a new dragon-shaped strip, one thousand, two thousand......... ten thousand...two thousand.

Too fast, the speed of the dragon's condensed is too fast, and the feeling of soothing makes Jiang Chen unable to scream.

"Jiang Chen, I want to kill you."

Seeing that Jiang Chen’s momentum is constantly rising, Li Wei once again has a red eyes, a sword in his hand, and madly going toward Jiang Chen. At this moment, Jiang Chen is his enemy who does not share the sky. He must Jiang Chen will be given a murder of corpse to relieve hate.

That should have belonged to oneself. Now my opponent has used his own medicine to improve his face. The feeling is that a large bowl of vomiting blood can not drive away the inner depression and grievances.

Damn, it is too damn!

It is a pity that under the circumstance, Li Wei has completely failed to wave in front of Jiang Chen. He has not yet rushed to Jiang Chen, and he has already been kicked by Jiang Chen.

Now Jiang Chen is too lazy to take care of Li Wei. All his thoughts are now on the middle of the immortal, nothing is more important than this.

The number of dragons is very fast, and in just a few minutes before and after, the number of dragons in Jiang Chenqi has reached 1.55 million. This number is the number of impacts in the middle of Xianzun.


That is the sound of breaking through the level, it is the sound of breakthrough. A large number of Xianyuan Stone was refining by Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen’s cultivation was on the spot and hit the middle of Xianzun.

Even so, Longyang Dan's potency is still not exhausted, and it adds 10,000 dragons to Jiang Chen.

"One hundred and fifty-six thousand dragons, it is a Longyang Dan that can make people hit the half of the emperor. The effect is extraordinary. My cultivation is to directly upgrade a level, and it is completely stabilized in the middle of Xianzun, not only this, I The foundation has not been affected by the slightest point, and even more stable and tyrannical than before, such a peerless drug is simply perfect."

Jiang Chen’s heart is excited. He had received such great benefits on the first day of Xianting. This is really nothing.


Seeing that Jiang Chen successfully used Longyang Dan to advance to a level, Li Wei cried on the spot, as if the most important thing in life was taken away by others, it was simply heartbroken.


Jiang Chen did not say anything, went up and slaped Li Wei on the ground, this slap, directly shot it like a dead dog, can no longer climb.

Jiang Chen then grabbed Li's neck like a chicken, and threw it to the side of the bridge. Up to now, there were bridges and two disciples in the early days of the Xianzun, as well as Wei Hui and Li Wei. A total of five people.

"Jiang Chen, what are you doing?"

Li Yan said that today, the shame is lost, and all his prestige is to be wiped out. The key shame is a trivial matter. Losing the Longyang Danshida, every time I think of Li Wei, there is an impulse to cry.

"What? Wait for someone to take the ransom to redeem you. If no one is redeeming, you will always be here."

Jiang Chen said with a smile.


Li Yi’s old blood was sprayed on the ground, and it was a direct fainting. How could he be so unlucky? When he encountered such a rogue, Longyang Dan was snatched away. Now he has to ransom, it’s just a slap in the face. Face, I have never seen such a shameless.

"Grass, this guy is crazy, even if he doesn't see it, he still wants to ransom."

"I am interested, I want to see it, so how can this guy end up?"


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