Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1934: A punch and a half of the emperor [one more]

Many people think that Jiang Chen should be good when he receives it. After all, Longyang Dan has already got it. It will only be bad for him to continue to make trouble. You must know that Li Wei is not a good one. There are really big backers behind him. Grandpa is the real awkward existence.

"Wei Yun, go and move a stool."

Jiang Chen said to Wei Yun.


Wei Yun turned and went to the other hospital to move a tiger chair and put it out behind Jiang Chen. Wei Yun and others now have been admiring the five bodies of Jiang Chen. I have seen such a bull. I have never seen such a cow. Forced, today's things, it is simply **** to the explosion, anyway, they followed Jiang Chen's people, all of them are excited, I feel really proud.

Wei Yun and others are now really dying of Jiang Chen, and they have even treated Jiang Chen as an idol.

Jiang Chen’s **** sat on the tiger’s chair, tilting his legs and the old **** was there.

Jiang Chen is a smart person. He knows what he is doing. He also knows that there are people behind Li Wei, but the more he does, the more he wants to make trouble. The purpose of his coming to Xianting is to help Nangong ask the sky. But after coming to Xianting, he found that things were far more complicated than they thought.

Today's Xianting, almost all of the up and down control in the hands of the Emperor, the heart of the people, the Emperor has disappeared for too long, even if he returns, not many people buy his account.

Jiang Chen is very clear, even if he went to the Xiaofeng Chijie to help the Emperor find the ancient elephant blood, and even help the Emperor to return to the peak repair, still can not let the Emperor really regain control of Xianting.

This is not an easy process. If you want to regain control of Xianting, you must start to disintegrate from the inside and rebuild your own power step by step.

Therefore, Jiang Chen had to make trouble, and he had to smash the dead water of Xianting, and then he was able to fish in troubled waters and find a chance to disintegrate.

Jiang Chen didn't know where the opportunity was, and he didn't know when he would come back, but since he came, he could never calm Xianting.

Today, since Li Wei gives himself a chance to make a fuss, it is really a big trouble, and the big man of Xianting will be given up. The opportunity may come.

"Jiang Chen, you guy who doesn't know how to live and die, you will pay a heavy price for what you have done."

Li Wei was on the ground, constantly groaning, but was oppressed by Jiang Chen’s momentum, and he could not climb at all.

"You will be defeated. If I am you, I will not say a word here. You are best to pray for someone to redeem you. Otherwise, you will always be here."

Jiang Chen said that he was not salty and not faint. He reached for a shot on Li Wei’s head.


Li Wei is another old blood squirting, grievances, it is too wrong, how many characters, how identities, has always been in Xianting, and today I have encountered such a daring guy, dare to let myself Like a dead dog, you are here, you have lost your face, this hatred, if you have a chance later, you must report it.

"Jiang Shixiong, is it a bit too big for things?"

Lu Yishan stood by Jiang Chen and said carefully, this kind of trouble, when is the head, and they are just the first day of Xianting.

"Reassure, someone will soon redeem them, and the ransom brothers will be divided directly."

Jiang Chen Laos said in his presence that Li Wei is in the position of Xianting. He is not afraid of no one coming. Today's things are so troublesome. It will take a long time for someone to come to the door.

The soldiers will block, the water will cover the earth, and Jiang Chen will not fear everything.

Lu Yishan shook his head, this kind of ransom, he did not dare to ask, not so big courage.

As Jiang Chen expected, just a few minutes later, a powerful momentum rushed out of the interior of Xianting. In the blink of an eye, it came to the top of the mountain. It came from an old man, it just looked like The repair of the semi-emperor, but a semi-emperor, in Xianting also has a certain status, at least the elders level, and Han Feng.

Immediately after the appearance of the old man, I saw the scene above the mountain peak, especially when I saw Li Wei being beaten on the ground, the face of the old man changed instantly.

"Miscellaneous things, what did you do to Li Wei?"

The old man was angry and yelled at Jiang Chen.

"Elder of the hole, save me."

Li Wei turned to see the old man and quickly spoke for help.

"This time Jiang Chen can put things on the ground, but Kong’s elders have always followed Grandpa Li’s grandfather. It’s definitely a matter of hearing that Li Wei’s accident, so he rushed over the first time. It seems that he will never be willing to give up.”

"Yeah, the elders of Kong are strong and semi-emperor repairs. Even if Jiang Chen is even more powerful, he is not an opponent of the semi-empire. Of course, even if he is just raised enough to fight against the semi-emperor, he probably does not have that guts. After all, the identity of the other party is the elder."

"Look, it's getting more and more lively, I have to see, how this Jiang Chen ended."


The appearance of the elders of Kong made the atmosphere even more tense. The old people of Kong’s elders knew each other. But the elders of Xianting were in charge of some ordinary disciples on weekdays. Like Han Feng, their status was not high, but not outside. It is the facade of Xianting.

"I don't know the tall and thick boy, I immediately put Li Wei, this elder will punish you today."

The old hole is very strong.

"Old guy, less fart here, want to let people go, take a ransom?"

Jiang Chen directly extended his palm to the elders of Kong, and asked for money.

"The trough!"

See you, many people are fainting, this guy is not covered by money, see who needs money, but the elders of Xianting, don't you know that you have already done a big disaster?

Others, not to mention, so that an elder is not seen in this way, just this one is enough to punish.

Not just other people, even the elders of Kong are directly encircled, ransom? What ransom? This guy even reached out to ask for money, what kind of ghost?

"A total of eight people, 5.6 million worth of Xianyuan Stone, if you have money, you will directly pay for the redemption. If you have no money, you will get out of the way and let the money come."

Jiang Chen waved his hand at the elders of Kong, and his face was impatient.

The elders of the hole turned their eyes straight.

"Kid, it seems that this elder has to take a look at you and let you know what the rules are."

The elders of Kong were directly angry, and they did not say anything. The big hand of terror caught the past toward Jiang Chen.

Seeing the elders of the hole, Jiang Chen jumped up from the tiger's chair and instantly turned into a dragon-changing state. He took a shot against the elders of Kong.


The scene of the horror appeared. The elders of the half-level emperor were actually shot by Jiang Chen and flew out of the mountain.

[Established today, the sixth is the bottom, there are rewards to continue to add. 】

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