Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1941: Broken Blade End of the World [two more]

"Jiang Shidi, my name is a broken blade. You can easily pick up the attack of Master Yu Feng just now. I can see it with my hands. It is better for you and me to learn how to do it."

A young man who looks like a 20-year-old has come out. He is called a broken blade. When he comes up and Jiang Chen, he will start to learn from the first side. This shows that this guy is also a militant.

"Since the broken brother has Yaxing, the younger brother is accompanying himself."

Jiang Chen said that the broken blade is a good warrior. How is Jiang Chen not? From the first sight of the disciples of Longtang, Jiang Chen has already suppressed the inner war, but how much he just came. A little embarrassed, now the broken blade offered it, it is in line with his mind.

In fact, what Jiang Chen really wants to fight is not the broken blade, but the Yu Feng who just shot himself, Yu Feng and the half emperor repaired enough to fight with himself, but this broken blade is only the Xianzun peak. Even if it is even more powerful, it is definitely not its own opponent. It is already Jiang Chen in the middle of Xianzun, and there is no such thing as a broken blade.


The broken blade laughed and the body flew directly to the sky, and a powerful air wave sprang from his body, immediately opening up a huge battlefield.

"Come on, Jiang Shidi."

Broken-off warfare is unparalleled. It seems that this militant guy has not experienced combat for a long time. Today, he met a powerful younger brother, and suddenly he couldn’t resist the joy of his heart.

"Broken blade, you are careful, don't hurt Jiang Shidi."

The woman in the red dress said, this woman is not simple, in addition to the glamorous and unparalleled, its own strength has reached the level of horror of the semi-empire, her name is Hung Hom, is a famous teacher in the Longtang, is a person on weekdays Kindness, but it is true, but it is unparalleled.

"Red sister, you are so concerned about Jiang Shidi, we are jealous."

Broken blade tweeted.


Hung Hom did not look good at the broken blade, but she did not worry about the cutting edge and Jiang Chen. Although the broken blade is militant, it is very united and certainly will not really hurt Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen came to the battlefield with the body of the dragon, standing on the opposite side of the broken blade, holding a fist against the broken blade: "Brother, offended."

"Teacher, your transformation skills seem to be very domineering, but I advise you not to perform well often. After all, such skills have great side effects. If you use them regularly, it will affect your future practice and influence. To your bottom."

The broken blade reminded.

"Thank you for reminding my brother, but my transformation skills are fighting and will not have any effect on myself."

Jiang Chen said with a smile, he knows that the words of the broken blade are themselves worried about themselves. It is a good intention. From this aspect, Jiang Chen’s first impression of the broken blade is excellent. In fact, all the dragons give Jiang Chen’s first impression was not bad. Although he came to Longtang for the first time, he could feel the active atmosphere here, and everyone did not regard himself as an outsider.

In a certain sense, this also indirectly illustrates the vision of the scenery Yang, the scenery looks at people, in addition to fancy their talents, but also look at their character.

"Well, Jiang Shidi, I will shoot for a while, but I will not be merciful."

The broken blade said with a smile.

"Despite the break of the brothers, the disciples will not keep their hands."

Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Well, then the younger brother, you pick me up."

With the sound of the broken blade, the momentum on his body has risen directly. It is like a wave of energy that instantly gathers together. He suddenly pulls out a knife, and the violent energy is condensed here. An earth-shattering golden knife slammed toward Jiang Chen.

The knife is broken, and the huge knife is like a substantial one. It will tear the void directly into two halves.

"This guy, when he comes up, he will show his own killer. What if he hurts Jiang Shidi?"

"Don't worry, he has his own size, and you shouldn't underestimate this Jiang Shidi. He can be brought back by the master himself, and there are bound to be two brushes."

"I hope that you don't want to cause damage. After all, everyone is their own."


When you see the broken blade, you can display your own killer-like means. Other people's faces are slightly changed. They don't know the strength of Jiang Chen, but they are very clear about the strength of the broken blade, especially this trick. The general half-empire is not an opponent at all, and Jiang Chen is even more powerful, and it is only a period of Xianzun.

"Golden Dragon Seal."

Jiang Chen Wei Ran was not afraid. He looked up at the golden knives that roared and then waved his hand to play the Golden Dragon Seal. The Golden Dragon Seal itself is the most powerful and powerful in the five elements of the Dragon Seal. It is most suitable for frontal attacks. The trick of the broken blade also belongs to the just-to-sun. Jiang Chen is to destroy the attack of the other party with the same attack to the sun. In that case, the other party can be convinced.


The mad dragon, under the horror of the crowd, the golden mad dragon suddenly opened a huge dragon mouth, and swallowed the knife blade of the broken blade. Then, Jinlong’s momentum continued unabated, and continued to face the broken edge. And go.


The broken blade exclaimed, and his face changed instantly. Only this moment, he knew that he had lost. He was not an opponent of Jiang Chen.


The moment when the golden mad dragon is about to hit the broken blade, the initiative disappears, and it is obviously received by Jiang Chen. This kind of powerful means of retracting is also admirable.

"Broken brother, let me go."

Jiang Chen held a fist at the broken blade.

The broken blade shook his head helplessly, and there was no disappointment on his face.

"Jiang Shixiong is not a rare genius, I admire."

The broken blade said that it would be harder for him to say a word, but it was a hard battle with Jiang Chen, but he was really convinced, and Jiang Chen’s strength could not allow him to refuse.

The faces of Hung Hom and others also showed a strong stunned color. The eyes that looked at Jiang Chen once again changed. They were still worried that the broken blade would not hurt Jiang Chen. Now it seems that they all Worry is superfluous, Jiang Chen did not hurt the broken edge, it is already Jiang Chen’s mercy.

"It seems that we have a real enchanting dragon in the Dragon Hall. With the qualifications of Jiang Shidi, I am afraid that the future will be the presence of the older brother."

"Yeah, the master brother Yuhua has reached the horror level of the second-class emperor at a young age. He is deeply loved by Master and sees the performance of Jiang Shidi. If this is the case, it will not be impossible for the older brother to be in the future."

"The master's vision of the old man is still as poisonous as ever."


Many disciples are embarrassed, and it is a rare thing to be able to praise them so innocently.

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