Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1942: Battle Yu Feng [three more]

"It seems that we have another enchanting dragon in the Dragon Hall. I think that Jiang’s brother’s war is not so good. It’s better for me to play with Jiang Shidi.”

A Tsing Yi man said that he seems to be much stronger than the broken blade. He is now a powerful semi-emperor. He is Yu Feng, and he is the one who secretly shot Jiang Chen.

"You can't add chaos to Master Yu Feng."

Hung Hom looked at Yu Feng and spoke. Others just laughed. They seemed to have guessed this. If the blade is not the opponent of Jiang Chen, Yu Feng must be shot. The one who is in Longtang is not good at fighting, but the real militant is undoubtedly this Yu Feng.

Now that the broken blade is defeated, if Yu Feng does not take a shot, Jiang Dian will not sleep well.

"The younger brother can't ask for it."

Unexpectedly, Jiang Chen actually promised to speak directly. The breath that he radiated from Yu Feng’s body has already felt that this powerful semi-emperor is the one that is suitable for himself. Only such a powerful person can Let Jiang Chen do his best to fight with one battle. Now Jiang Chen has been promoted to the middle of Xianzun. He is in need of a master like Yu Feng to practice his hand, so Yu Feng wants to fight with himself. He really can't ask for it.

"Jiang Shidi, are you sure you want to fight this crazy man?"

Hung Hom kindly reminded Jiang Chen that he used a madman to describe Yu Feng, the name of the madman. He said that in Longtang, even in the entire Xianting, it is very famous. Jiang Chen dared to accept the challenge of Yu Feng. This alone makes people have to admire Jiang Chen’s courage.

"Thank you for reminding me that Master and my sister are just learning from each other and will not hurt each other."

Jiang Chen said with a smile, joking, he wants to fight with Yu Feng, if he let him take the initiative to challenge Yu Feng, it seems that he is too unruly, it seems that this new person is too arrogant, the impact is not good, now Yu Feng took the initiative to send When coming to the door, Jiang Chenchen had reasons to refuse.

"That is, I and Jiang Shidi are just learning from each other. I will definitely be merciful. Red, you are so kind to Jiang Shidi."

Yu Feng smiled.


Hung Hom did not breathe a sigh of relief against Yu Feng.


Yu Feng’s body swayed directly onto the battlefield. As the best warrior in Longtang, he must look at this genius that can bring the scenery Yang himself back and forth, and what kind of situation is so powerful.

"You said that Jiang Shidi can hold a few tricks in the hands of Yu Shixiong?"

"If I can survive three strokes, I will once again look at Jiang Shidi."

"Yes, the strength of Yu’s brother, that is well known to the public. He once fought against the elders of a first-class emperor of Hutang and defeated each other."


Everyone is extremely impressed by the strength of Yu Feng. After all, they know each other too well. Yu Feng’s strength is also the clearest.

"I don't think so, you wait and see, Jiang Shidi is not so easy to deal with."

The broken blade said, he understood the strength of Yu Feng, but through a collision with Jiang Chen, he also gave him a cognition of Jiang Chen’s combat power. He secretly compared the strengths of the two people and felt that Jiang Chen Even the characters like Shangyu Feng have the power of a battle.

After listening to the broken blade, others have looked forward to the performance of this battle. They know that the broken blade is not a big word. Since even the broken blade has said this, it is enough to explain the strength of Jiang Chen.

Over the sky, Yu Feng stood on the opposite side of Jiang Chen, Tsing Yi drifted in the wind, and the surrounding air of the powerful breath vibrated.

"Brother, offended."

Jiang Chen had no extra words. When he came up, he shot it. The real dragon handprint was shot and shouted to Yu Feng.

"it is good!"

The so-called expert will know if there is any shot. Jiang Chen’s shot, Yu Feng’s eyes suddenly showed two brilliance, full of appreciation.

Yu Feng was not slow, waved and evolved a golden fist. He attacked hard and collided with Jiang Chen’s real handprint.


The sky was dark and the battlefield was completely smashed. Just one collision, almost made the entire battlefield a chaos.

The following lines of light fall on it and I want to see what happened.

Soon, the waves on the battlefield disappeared, and the two figures appeared again, and both sides stood there and did not move, even the slightest change in the breath, but from this point of view, The match between the two people turned out to be no match.

"God, this guy is the enchanting from where it came from, how can it go against this level, and collide with the remaining brothers, not to mention the injury, and even the breath is not a little bit confusing, completely unaffected by a little bit. ”

"It seems that the broken blade is right. The strength of Jiang Shidi is probably far beyond our imagination. It is terrible."

"Look, this is just the beginning. The war of the remaining brothers has been motivated. If the madman is crazy, it is terrible."


No one was shocked. Jiang Chen used the powerful facts to once again shock everyone to stun, and the views on Jiang Chen changed again.

The corner of the broken edge of the blade overflowed with a smile. After seeing the real strength of Jiang Chen, the last trace of my heart was gone and disappeared. He had fully understood that his failure was definitely not accidental. He was really not Jiang Chen’s opponent.


In the sky, Jiang Chen shot again. This time, he came up and played five lines of dragon seals. For a time, the entire battlefield of the sky was full of colorful dragons, almost forming a dragon's dragon domain, intertwined and circling. The son blocked the entire battlefield.

"Well, Jiang Shidi, you really let me look at each other."

Yu Feng's scorpion shines, and his whole body is full of war. The whole people's fighting spirit has been fully stimulated and completely ignited by the power of Jiang Chen.

I saw Yu Feng's hands lifted up, between his palms, filled with horrible energy fluctuations, quickly condensed into a giant energy mountain, the energy mountain with a road rune, incomparable.

As Yu Feng screamed, the huge energy mountain was thrown out by him, and the mad dragons intertwined.


The sky is falling, so fierce fighting fluctuates. If it is not to completely isolate the battlefield from the outside, the mountain where the entire Longtang is located may be destroyed directly.

Soon, the violent chaotic energy disappeared, and the figure of the two appeared again. This time, the wrestling of the two was even more intense. One by one, the scorpion was even worse than the anger, and the momentum on them was still not affected. The impact is still no match.

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