Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1943: The idea of ​​scenery Yang [four more]

"Haha... come again."

Jiang Chen laughed wildly, and the whole body was full of dragon shadows. He once again exerted a violent attack and killed the past with Yu Feng. Now his whole person’s mind is immersed in the hearty battle, with his current combat power, enough to fight The first-class emperor, so the most suitable for the powerful semi-emperor like Shangyu, but used to test their own combat power, and Yu Feng is simply perfect.

"It's a madman again."

"Hey! We have more and more madmen in Longtang."

"I took back what I had just said."


Seeing the state of Jiang Chen, everyone suddenly felt that this Jiang Chen seems to be more like a madman than Yu Feng, and that the mid-term cultivation of Xianzun can be comparable to Yu Feng’s battle. If it is not seen by the eyes, They will not believe in death, but now the facts are in front of them, and they are not allowed to question them.

Before Jiang Chen was in the hands of Yu Feng, but he had to take three strokes. Now he has to take back his own words. Because the situation in front of him is three strokes, the two are likely to be comparable.


In the following time, Jiang Chen and Yu Feng each exerted their own efforts, fighting for ten minutes, fighting hundreds of rounds, and the final outcome is still no match, no one can help each other.

In the dark, a pair of eyes will clearly see everything here. At this time, there is a mind to pay close attention to this place. In addition to the scenery, I am afraid I can't find a second one.

The scenery of the Yangzui corner with a smile, secretly nodded, it is clear that the performance of Jiang Chen is very satisfied.

"It seems that I have dug a treasure this time."

The scenery Yang smiled.

"But, this Jiang Chen is, after all, the talents recruited by the Emperor of Heaven, and as far as I know, Jiang Chen was summoned to the Emperor's Palace by the Emperor of Heaven when he came to Xianting yesterday."

An old man around the scenery Yang has some worries. This old man is the elder of Longtang. He has a strong four-level emperor and his status is very lofty.

"What is there? My scenery Yang only loves talents, and does not want to be involved in the battle between the Emperor and the Emperor of the Stars. Moreover, even if the Emperor of Heaven saw Jiang Chen, but after Jiang Chen knew the situation of Xianting, he would not necessarily stand. On the other side of the Emperor, isn’t it already in our Longtang? This is a good cultivation, and Jiang Chen will be a big tool.”

Scenery Yang said, he is not a fool. Jiang Chen’s visit to the Emperor of Heaven is naturally beyond him. However, in the view of the scenery, Jiang Chen’s rebellion is only a fairy, in the battle between the Emperor and the Emperor. Can not play a key role, the scenery Yang is only to cherish talents, Jiang Chen gathered to Longtangna for their own use.

Jiang Chen and Yu Feng fought for a few minutes and chose to close their hands. At this time, both sides understood each other's strength, knowing that even if they fight again, there will be no result, the whole battle process, and people Did not show the killer attack, because even if the killer is used, it is impossible to win the game. In the end, it can only be lost. This is not the ending that the two want to see. After all, they are all dragon paradise disciples. Can not live and die.

"Haha, Jiang Shixiong really turned against the sky, I Yu Feng admire."

Yu Feng laughed twice, but this admiration was sincere. Others naturally heard the meaning of Yu Feng. Although the two had no battle on the surface, they actually lost Yu Feng. The reason is very Simple, because Jiang Chen’s cultivation is two levels lower than Yu Feng. If the two are at the same level, it’s hard to imagine that Yu Feng may not be Jiang’s opponent at all. This is no suspense.

"Yu Shixiong smiled."

Jiang Chen put away the body of the dragon and turned into the original look. Looking at his handsome face, who would have thought of a fighting madman, and such a bad day.

"It seems that Longtang is going to have a second feathering."

"I think he is going to be a master, even if he is a master, he can't do it at all at this time."

"Yes, the master's vision is as toxic as ever."


Everyone is very embarrassed, Longtang master brother Yuhuafan, the younger emperor who reached the horror at a young age, is the representative of the entire Longtang, and now he has not come back from the experience, and now Jiang Chen’s arrival has instilled a powerful dragon Fresh blood, and it is very likely that in the future it will become more and more ubiquitous.

Jiang Chen’s residence is an independent courtyard and the environment is very good.

That night, in the other courtyard of Jiang Chen, the genius disciple of Hung Hom and Yu Feng gave the dust to the dust and it was also a happy scene.

This time, the wind did not end until the middle of the night, and everyone returned.

"This Longtang is not bad. If it can be used for its own sake, it will definitely affect the situation of Xianting in the future."

The rhubarb dog said, even with his pride, he couldn't help but admire the life of Longtang.

For Jiang Chenlai, this time he was able to enter the Longtang, he is still quite satisfied, this point is considered to be completely right.

In the dead of night, a figure appeared like a ghost.


Jiang Chen, who was sitting in Daqingshi, meditated, opened his eyes and looked to the side.

“The perception is very good, even the seat can sense it.”

The scenery nodded and praised.

"The owner."

Jiang Chen laughed.

"Become a disciple of Longtang, and later changed my name to be my master."

The scenery of Yangdao, in Xianting, can open the name of the master of the scenery, but there are not many.

"Yes, Master."

Jiang Chen smiled in his heart. He seemed to recognize a master every time he went to a martial art. Before that, it was a heavenly machine. The current scenery is also Yang, but Jiang Chen does not care. He does not care about a name. He only cares about people. It is absolutely possible to make friends.

"Jiang Chen, yesterday, the Emperor of Heaven summoned you into the Emperor's Palace, you are already very clear compared to the situation in Xianting."

Asked the scenery Yang.

"Yes, it is already very clear."

Jiang Chen nodded, he did not want to conceal, because the scenery Yang is not a fool, hiding these in front of him does not make any sense, and this time recruiting disciples themselves is the Emperor of Heaven, and entering the Emperor's Palace is not a high-level attention.

"What are you going to do?"

Asked the scenery Yang.

"What is the position of the master?"

Jiang Chen asked.

"I? To be honest, the battle between the Emperor and the Emperor, I don't want to participate. Both of them are capable of being the emperor, but the Emperor is not the same as today. Today, Xianting is no longer the former Xianting, the Emperor If you fight with the Star Emperor, it is bound to fail. Of course, the Emperor of Heaven once was the Emperor of Xianting. No matter what he does in the future, I will not shoot him."

The attitude of the scenery Yang seems to be very clear, that is, the two do not help.

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