Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1944: Find 茬

Jiang Chen understands that the scenery Yang used to follow the Emperor of Heaven. After the fall of the Emperor, the Emperor began to follow the Emperor. In the heart of the landscape, the Emperor and the Emperor are equally important, and the scenery is very clear. Before the Emperor and the Emperor, it is necessary to fight. Therefore, he can only help each other in the middle.

When listening to the scenery of Yang, Jiang Chen is also secretly nodding. As long as the scenery is not very dead to the Star Emperor, there is still a chance. People like Shanyang have their own way of doing things and will not be subject to other People around, even the Emperor and the Emperor of the Stars can not control him, what he wants to do, and he does not like others to interfere.

The return of the Emperor of Heaven, the scenery Yang feels sorry for the situation of the Emperor of Heaven, but the Emperor of the Stars was not a rebellious position in the same year. When the Emperor of Heaven was indeed degraded, the Emperor of the Stars became a new emperor, and now the Emperor must defend his position. There seems to be nothing wrong with it. Since there is nothing wrong with it, his temperament is not helpful.

"Master, I understand."

Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, I don't care what you will do in the future, but from today on, you are the person of Longtang, and you can cultivate it well. Your future is probably infinite."

Scenery Yang took a shot of Jiang Chen’s shoulder, and then the whole person disappeared. He came late at night and should only test Jiang Chen’s choice of the Emperor and the Emperor, but after chatting, he found that Jiang Chen was very If the person who sees the Lord is a good thing that Jiang Chen decides, I am afraid that no one can change it.

Scenery Yang did not think about changing Jiang Chen, because he did not like to be changed by others. What he loved was nothing but a genius.

"This person is very worthy of being wooed."

After the scenery was gone, the big yellow dog said.

"Yes, if you win the Longtang to help the Emperor, it is definitely a good thing. The position of Longtang directly affects the position of the other people in the entire Xianting, but the thought of the scenery is difficult to change, we can only slowly Come, I am still too weak now, and it is imperative to hurry up and improve."

Jiang Chen nodded and said that it is not an easy task to change the scenery. However, there are some things that must be done hard. The influence of Jingyang and Longtang in Xianting is too great. For the future situation of Xianting will be It is almost unquestionable that it will have a crucial impact.

In the following time, Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog entered the thirty-three-layer space and began to practice retreat. After the rhubarb dog merged with the real body of the Longyang demon, the whole person's momentum has undergone great changes. He also has an extremely strong foundation. That is to say, the rhubarb dog does not need to cultivate at all, and it can gradually grow up when it is cultivated.

For the rhubarb dog, all that is needed is time.

When it comes time, the thirty-three-time rule of the thirty-three-tier ancestral tower is really a good place to practice.

Jiang Chen took Longyang Dan yesterday and was promoted to the middle of Xianzun. He now needs time to digest and stabilize his own. The thirty-three floors are still the best choice for him.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed. In the past three days, Longtang was very calm and there was almost no trouble. In fact, Longtang has always been so calm. It is impossible for anyone to go to Longtang to find trouble because Longtang’s People don’t want to go out and find other people’s troubles. Thank you very much. Who dares to come here to find fault, what is the difference between looking for death.

In the past three days, the ancestral hall has passed three months. After three months of cultivation, Jiang Chen’s whole people are refreshing, and because of the stability of the foundation, the remaining potency of Longyang grass is also Completely digested, Jiang Chen's gas has also added 10,000 dragons, which has increased the number of dragons he now to 10,000, reaching 1.57 million.


On the top of the rhubarb dog, a new law of the emperor emerged. His own law of the emperor is already 20, and now it has increased by ten, reaching 30, but his cultivation is still not promoted to the second emperor. It is only the peak of the first-class emperor.

However, with the current strength of the rhubarb dog, even if it is the general third-level emperor, I am afraid it will be able to kill it.

Seeing that the rhubarb dog is getting stronger and stronger, Jiang Chen is also happy in his heart. The stronger the rhubarb dog is, the greater the help for himself. This is beyond doubt.

And for the power of the big yellow dog, Jiang Chen does not question at all. After all, the past life of the big yellow dog is the famous Longyang demon emperor. Any miracle in his body will not be unexpected.

"It should have been three days outside, let's go out and walk."

Jiang Chen said, immediately, one person and one dog walked out of the Zulong Tower. Compared with three days ago, the two were much stronger, but this is not enough. After all, it is Xianting, not the following fairyland. Repairing still can't afford to wave.

However, Jiang Chen also understands that the improvement of cultivation is not a one-off event. It needs to be gradual, and such a short period of time has been upgraded to the middle of Xianzun, and it has been completely stabilized in this realm. Jiang Chen is already very satisfied, and the next To improve, it depends on your own chances and creation.

It was not long after Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog had just walked out of the ancestral tower. I saw two figures coming in. One of them was a broken blade. Beside him, there was still one person standing, his face panicked, and Jiang Chen’s eyes fell. This person's body is Lu Yishan.

"A mountain, is there something?"

Jiang Chen asked, and the intuition told him that I was afraid that something really happened. Otherwise, Lu Yishan would not panic and rush to Longtang to find himself.

Longtang is not everyone can come in, Lu Yishan must have reported his name, so the broken blade only gave him to come over.

"Jiang Shixiong, not long ago, Lu Jian of Leopard Hall went to trouble, and injured us. Yang Ming and Wei Yun were seriously injured. They were completely comatose and dangerous at any time."

Lu Yishan said, the anger in his eyes is almost undisguised.


Jiang Chen’s eyes suddenly showed a cold chill. When he left, he was confident that no one would go to Lu Yishan for their troubles. Now it seems that he is wrong.

I entered the Longtang and had great power. The ordinary disciples like Li Wei naturally did not dare to look for Lu Yishan's troubles, but the Leopard Hall was different. The three courts in Xianting had a fight against each other, three days ago. Yuan Yuan, who grew up in Leopard Hall, lost his face. Now, the following disciples are looking for cockroaches. It seems normal.

"Go, let me go and see."

Jiang Chen strode out to the outside of the hospital.

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