Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1945: Leopard Hall

"I am with you."

The broken blade saw the anger of Jiang Chen, and immediately followed up. Since he lost in the hands of Jiang Chen three days ago, he has always admired Jiang Chen. Now he sees Jiang Chen going to be his own brother. I feel that Jiang Chen is a person who is affectionate and not afraid of things. It is natural to break the blade to help.

From Longtang to Luyishan, the place where they lived was not close, but for Jiang Chen, this distance is not called distance at all, just a thought and flew directly.

In the other hospital, everyone else was crying and sullen. There were two people lying on the ground. It was Yang Ming and Wei Yun. At this moment, the two people are in very bad condition and are completely in a coma. Their injuries are very eye-catching. The body is full of wounds, blood can not stop flowing.

This kind of injury is too heavy, almost fatal, and almost hurts the source. If you can't heal it as soon as possible, even if they are repaired by their immortality, it is probably a dead end.

A few people from Jiang Chen came back and saw such a scene.

"Jiang Shixiong is back."

"Jiang Shixiong, you must give us the master. Then Lu Jian came to look for trouble. If he didn't say anything, he would hurt people. Yang Ming and Wei Yun were dissatisfied and almost didn't get killed."

"Yes, brother Jiang, we have reported your name, but that Lu Jian does not care at all. Do you have a quick look at whether they have saved?


When I saw Jiang Chen, everyone suddenly saw the savior and saw the real hope.

"Do not worry, they can't die."

Jiang Chen came to Yang Ming and Wei Yun in front of him and waved a large piece of wood aura. Under the strong repair of the wood aura, the injuries of the two men were repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the blood was no longer flowing.

"Good means."

The broken blade on the side was amazed. Jiang Chen’s treatment of this kind of treatment can be described as shocking and savage. The speed of such a terrible repair is not even a panacea.

The wood aura has been washed in the body of the two for ten minutes, Jiang Chen stopped, this time, Wei Yun and Yang Ming's breath is significantly more stable than just.

"Okay, but they are suffering more serious injuries. If you want to recover completely, it will take at least a month, and slowly recuperate."

Jiang Chen said that although the origins of the two suffered injuries, they were not so serious. Coupled with the timely appearance of their own, the three had no life-threatening problems, but the repair of one month did not run.

"Well, Jiang Shixiong said this, we are relieved, I will send them to the room to recuperate."

A disciple picked up the two and walked toward one of the rooms.

"Jiang Shixiong, you must give us the master, this is just the beginning."

"Yeah, that Lu Jian is a character of Leopard Hall. We can't afford it, and he is strong. Even if we unite, it is not his opponent."

"Oh! I didn't expect the battle of Xianting to be so fierce, and the days are so bad."


Everyone is looking sad, some people have begun to regret coming to Xianting. In the original sects in Xianyu, they are all outstanding. They are the peaks of one of the best. They have always been bullying others. No one has ever dared. Bullying them, I didn’t expect that after I came to Xianting, everything changed. They became the bottom of the existence and became the existence of bullying who wanted to bully, which made them not depressed.

"Don't worry, there will never be such a thing in the future."

Jiang Chen took a shot of one of the shoulders and then turned his head and went out: "Rhubarb, broken blade, follow me to the Leopard Hall."


The rhubarb dog suddenly laughed and laughed, and the emotions were very high. The guy who was afraid of chaos was the most afraid of being idle.


The broken blade gave a vertical thumb to Jiang Chen, and then he followed, he could see that Jiang Chen was going to be alone in the Leopard Hall, and it was the first time that such a big event went to the Leopard Hall. When it happens, it feels more exciting to think about it, and the people of Longtang have never been afraid of things.

The broken blade took the lead and flew away toward the Leopard Hall.

"What is the construction of the land?"

Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"Xianzun later, it is similar to me, but to fight it, he is not my opponent. Although there are many people in Leopard Hall, the overall quality is not comparable to our Longtang."

The broken blade is extremely proud to say that although this is said to be big, it is definitely not bragging. Jiang Chen has seen the strength of the broken blade. The genius of the same level rarely has a broken edge.

Soon, under the leadership of the broken blade, Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog came to the peak of the Leopard Hall. The size of the Leopard Hall looks like the Dragon Hall, occupying a huge mountain.

"Lu Jian, give me out."

"get out"

"come out."


The dust of Jiang Chen’s operation directly turned into a dragon change body. If he shouted out, he used the sound wave to pass it out. He floated in the whole sky and echoed. He said that it was a leopard hall, and most of them were clearly heard.

Jiang Chen never cares about making things big. Xianting’s stagnant water is getting better and better. He didn’t know how to stir it up. Lu Jian gave himself a reason to be justified. In this case, Jiang Chen is naturally I can't miss it. Anyway, there is Longtang supporting himself in the back. He has no worries when he starts doing things. According to the broken blade, Longtang acts, that is, he is not afraid of fear, and he depends on his own preferences.

People who have always been Longtang are bullying others. If the people in Longtang are bullied, they must find a place to return.

Lu Jian hurts Yang Ming and Wei Yun, which is equivalent to bullying Jiang Chen. As a new disciple of Longtang, Jiang Chen must seek a fairness. Otherwise, it is not detrimental to the majesty of Longtang. The brothers know, and they will look down on themselves.


As Jiang Chen’s voice just fell, a sturdy figure flew out of the Leopard Hall.

"Whoever ran to our Leopard Hall and left to yell, didn't want to live?"

A disciple came up and shouted loudly. This man has a black armor and looks like a mighty domineering. However, his cultivation is only the peak of the mid-term of the Xianzun, even the late Xianzun did not reach.

Jiang Chen finally understands why Longtang is the first one. The number of Longtang is indeed less than that of Leopard Hall and Hutang, and it is much less, but the quality is no way compared. In Longtang, you almost find There is no one under the late Xianzun.

"I am Jiang Chen, let Lu Jian come out to die."

Jiang Chen is unrestrained and unrestrained. He is constantly rolling over the air and waves. He looks at the entire Xianting, and has the courage to run to the Leopard Hall to yell and scream.

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