Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1954: Infinite sea area

Jiang Chen is very clear about what he is doing now and what he is doing, and he has a very complete plan for what to do next. After the demon island, it is a small wind.

The next day!

Jiang Chen and Yu Huafan left the Xianting with the rhubarb dog in the morning and went to the direction of Yaoxian Island.

“Fairy Island is located overseas and is the real master of overseas islands. The geographical scope has exceeded the nine major fields.”

Yuhua Fan said that he and Jiang Chen are not in a hurry. After all, there are still several days away from the birthday of Tianpeng Emperor, so the two are flying all the way, enjoying the scenery along the way, without using any space passage.

This kind of situation is also Jiang Chen's favorite. The fairyland is too big. It is difficult to have the opportunity to visit the whole fairyland. The trip to Yaoxian Island was completely distracted.

"The fairy world is too big."

Jiang Chen couldn't help but sigh. He started out in the Xianxian domain. He was only a fairyland. If compared with the Shengyuan continent, the geographical scope is at least a thousand times that of the entire Shengyuan continent. The vast area is simply unbelievable.

And the fairyland is not only a sacred field, but also another eight major sects, together with a total of nine celestial fields.

Jiang Chen originally thought that the nine celestial fields were almost all the geographical areas of the celestial world. Now it seems that this is far from the case. In addition to the sections of the nine sacred fields, there are more remote areas. The endless sea areas do not know where to extend. The hugeness of the fairy world is not at all imaginable by Jiang Chen.

"Yes, the fairyland, the region and the world are intricate, it is too big. In addition to the island of the island, there are many other islands in the islands. These islands have many ethnic groups and various aliens. It’s a pity that I don’t want to see it.”

Yuhua Fan said that although he knows more about the fairy world than Jiang Dust, the overseas islands have really never been visited, so for this time to go to the fairy island to give the Tianpeng demon emperor a great life, Yu Huafan is also very interested. In addition to being able to see the legendary Tianpeng Emperor, you can also appreciate the overseas style, which is a rare opportunity.

"Rhuh, how are you so quiet, this is not like your style."

Jiang Chen noticed that the big yellow dog that was next to them became surprisingly quiet. It seems that he is not interested in the interest of Jiang Chen and Yu Huafan.

The performance of the rhubarb dog is undoubtedly very unusual in Jiang Chen. What type of person is the big dust dog? Jiang Chen is too clear. The dog’s favorite thing is to join in the fun. This time, I went to the fairy island to see the world. It should be very exciting, but now it is so dull, so that Jiang Chen is somewhat surprised.

"The dog wants to be quiet for a while, you talk about you, don't bother me."

The rhubarb dog didn't get angry and took a look at Jiang Chen. He chose to continue to be dull.


Jiang Chen rolled his eyes and the dog was very abnormal. Jiang Chen guessed that the big yellow dog must have been to this demon island, and there must be a story, otherwise it would not be so.

However, since the rhubarb dog is not willing to say it, he will not ask.

Three days later!

Jiang Chen and Yu Huafan came to the endless waters and looked around. They couldn't see the border at all. They just saw the distant horizon, and there was a wave of one after another. There was a wave of waves that lingered.

"This is the border of overseas. After the waters, it is the endless sea. The island is in the center of this sea. According to our previous speed, one day, we can reach the demon. Island."

Yu Huafan said.

"Well, let's go."

Jiang Chen nodded. Without any hesitation, he set foot on the sky. The three people were extremely fast, and they turned into three black spots in the blink of an eye.

Shortly after the disappearance of Jiang Chen and Yu Huafan, there was a sudden seven-eighth tyrannical atmosphere in the void. Then, a full figure appeared, standing in the place where Jiang Chen stood before.

These eight people, each of them exuded from the cultivation is extremely horrible, the repair of the lowest is already a semi-emperor master, seven young people, a middle-aged, that middle-aged is the first-class emperor Yes, but he is impetuous and not stable. It should be the kind that has just been promoted to the emperor.

However, the leader of this group is not the middle-aged man of this class, but a young man wearing a blue robe. This young man has blue hair, a pair of scorpions, and a proud face. The smile, he stood up with his hands, the momentum that exudes freely from his body, all of them are noble.

Of course, what is really shocking is not his nobleness, but his cultivation, the peak of the second-class emperor, and his cultivation at such a young age, I am afraid that it is not weaker than Yuhua.

Beside the blue-haired man, there are two young first-class emperors. These characters are the geniuses in the genius, the leader in the leader, and their talents, even if they look at the whole fairyland, they are second to none.

The remaining four are also semi-emperor masters, and the existence of Yu Fenghong.

Such a camp, almost no need to think, just guessing can guess their identity, only Xianting can appear such a young Emperor camp, in addition, the fairy world can no longer find other major forces can cultivate such a genius The character is coming.

"This is the sea."

The blue-haired man said openly.

"Blue sage, this is the sea. According to our speed, it will take two days to reach the fairy island."

The middle-aged man spoke up.

"I heard that Elder Li has been overseas and I don't know how this overseas power is?"

A genius of the first-class emperor asked.

"I am not only Li Wangye, but it is also a tour of the fairyland. I can hardly find a place where I have never been to the fairyland. There are many islands overseas. The above forces are also intricate, most of them are monsters, and Some heterogeneous races, human forces are few, because human beings are overseas, it is difficult to establish their own forces, but the overseas islands must be headed by the demon island, the reputation of the Tianpeng demon, here is quite large, Deterrence is also great, and its status is equivalent to our emperor."

The middle-aged man said with great pride that traveling through the fairy world is itself a boastful capital, especially in front of these young geniuses, which makes him very existential.

If Jiang Chen is here, he will be able to recognize that this middle-aged person is not someone else, it is Li Wangye of Xianxian.

There are quite a lot of people who came to Xianxian. Li Wangye came along with him because he had a lot of experience, and Li Wangye had just been promoted to the emperor. At first glance, he was in a good mood.

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