Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1955: Narrow road

"In this case, I will go abroad for a while, and Li will give us a good explanation and let us see the world."

Lan Xian said with a smile, as the top genius of Xian Xian, he is the same as Yu Huafan, and he is valued by Xian Ting. He even asked him to represent the entire Xian Ting to give the Tian Peng demon a birthday. This alone is enough to show What kind of honor is his identity in Xianting, such as the elders like Li Wangye, in front of Lanxian, is a shit, not at all, and the two sides are not at the same level.

Even if Li Wangye is now promoted to the first-class emperor, but if it really fights, it is not enough for a blue-eyed finger to crush, so Li Wangye is in front of Lanxian, there is no shelf for the elders. Normally, Li Wangye’s role and Lian Xian The opportunity to say a word is rare.

This time, overseas, Li Wangye also wants to take this opportunity to tie up the blue sage. If he can make a good relationship with a person like Lan Xian, then in Xianting, it will definitely be more mixed.

"Lan Xiangong is assured that there is me, I must let you travel all over the country."

Li Wangye laughed.

"Okay, let's go."

Lan Xian waved his hand and everyone turned into a light and shadow to fly forward. It was the direction in which Jiang Chen and Yu Huafan disappeared.

Li Wangye continued to explain to many talented disciples his own overseas experience in the past, relishing his eyes and dancing.

suddenly. Li Wangye’s face sank and his eyes looked away.

"What happened to Elder Lee?"

Lan Xian looked at Li Wangye.

"I smell a very familiar atmosphere."

Li Wangye frowned.

"Oh? What breath?"

Lan Xian curiously followed Li Wangye's gaze and found no abnormalities.

"It is Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen came to the sea, it is not far from us."

Li Wangye’s expression was shocked, and he was trained to reach his level. His perception was extremely sensitive. He had dealt with Jiang Chen several times, so he was sensitive to Jiang’s breath, and there was no such thing as Xianting. Give up the pursuit of Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen?"

Lanxian Emei, this name is really the first time he heard it.

"Is it the golden murder of the murderous domain, and later killed Jiang Chen, who is a lot of our disciples?"

One and a half geniuses were surprised to say that people like Lan Xian rarely appear on weekdays, and rarely go to ask the following things, so even if Jiang Chen’s troubles are raging, he still has not heard of Jiang Chen, but the level ratio The disciple of Lanxian’s low, but the Jiang Chen is so sloppy, so at the moment I heard the name of Jiang Chen, and all of them showed a sense of killing.

"Yes, it is him. I didn't expect this little beast to come overseas. It seems that he is in love with Xiao. Only Xiao forgets to choose this time to come overseas."

Li Wangye said coldly.

"Give me something about it."

Lan Xian asked, it seems to be very interested in this Jiang Chen.

"The Lanxian son doesn't know..."

Li Wangye said everything about Jiang Chen to Lan Xian. The key is the grudge between Jiang Chen and Xian Ting.

After listening to it, Lan Xian’s mouth was overflowing with a sneer: “Hey! A little ant like an ant, and dare to confront us, it’s just that I don’t know how to live and die, go and kill him directly.”

"I don't work for the blue sage, this little beast will definitely come with Xiao, and I have old grievances before I forget it. This time I personally shot and sent them to the road."

Li Wangye was murderous and then took the lead in the direction of Jiang Chen, followed by Lan Xian and others.

Li Wangye has always been worried about his defeat in the hands of Xiao, so when he noticed the smell of Jiang Chen, he decided that Xiao forgets to follow it together, because in his mind, only Xiao forgets to come overseas, and is choosing At this time, go to the Fairy Island, as for Jiang Chen, if there is no Xiao forget, it is impossible to come to this place overseas.

Now Li Wangye has been promoted to the Great Emperor, full of confidence, has not put Xiao forget in the eyes, so he intends to personally shot, to solve the Xiao forget and Jiang Chen, for the immortality of the immortal.

Over the sea, the two men and the dog were leisurely and leisurely, and the speed was not fast, so they were quickly caught up by Li Wangye.


Li Wangye appeared in front of Jiang Chen, blocking Jiang Chen from their way of going, and the murderousness on his body did not hide.

"Li Wangye."

Jiang Chenyi, who met Li Wangye in this place, was somewhat surprised, but he was relieved soon, because he saw a group of talented people who knew that they were genius disciples of Xian Xian Xian.

"Jiang Chen, Xiao forgets?"

Li Wangye asked, not seeing Xiao forget, so he was very surprised.

"Xiao senior? Why do you think I am with him?"

Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"It seems that you didn't come with Xiao Xiao."

At this time, Li Wangye also realized that he had lost his judgment because he saw the man next to Jiang Chen. He felt a terrible smell from this man, which was felt only by Lan Xian. Jiang Chenhe The combination of such masters made him very surprised.

“Don't Xiao’s predecessors come to the sea?”

Jiang Chen's eyebrows, although Li Wangye did not say much, but Jiang Chen is not difficult to judge from Li Wangye's tone. It seems that in Li Wangye's heart, Xiao forgets that he will come, and it is normal to follow Xiao Xiao's feelings.

"Yu Huafan, I have not seen it."

Lan Xian walked up. He saw Yu Huafan and greeted him directly.

"Lan Xian, it seems that Yan Xianyu will let you lead the team to celebrate the birthday."

Yuhua Fan looks at Lanxian, both of whom are the leaders of Xianting. It is normal to know each other. However, it is not difficult to judge the smell of gunpowder in the tone of Yuhua. The relationship between the two does not seem to be very good.

However, this is also normal. Before the Xianting of the Nine Kingdoms, the original relationship was not harmonious, and the battle between geniuses was never interrupted.

“Yu Huafan? The genius of Feng Chi’s genius is feathered, how can it be mixed with Jiang Chen.”

Li Wangye frowned, he can not put Xiao forget in the eyes, but can not take the feathers as a matter of fact.

"How? Brother Jiang, have you had a festival before?"

Yu Huafan smiled and looked at Li Wangye.

"It’s not clear in a few words. Anyway, it’s right for Xian Xianting to set me to death."

Jiang Chen shrugged his shoulders, and there was no fear of his face.

"You are Jiang Chen?"

Lan Xian looked at Jiang Chen, curious and constantly looking up and down.

"Yes, I am now a man of Fengxian Xiantian Xianting."

Jiang Dust Road.

"Damn, how did this **** join the Xianting of the Fairyland."

Li Wangye couldn't help but screamed and joined Xianting, which means that there is a backing, and this backing is more horrible than Xiao.

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