Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1961: How many people have you offended?

"Little girl Yingle, I have seen two sons."

The girl’s voice is crisp and sounds very comfortable.

"Feng Chi Xian Yu Yu Fan and Jiang Chen, Feng Xing Emperor's life, came to Tian Peng demon emperor."

Yu Huafan reported his name.

"It turned out to be the genius of Fengchi Xianting. We have heard of the famous name of Yuhua, and the two sons are coming with me. Your reception has already been arranged."

I heard that it was a fairy, and Ying’s attitude was even better. She made a gesture of asking.

Yu Huafan nodded and strode toward the island of Yaoxian.

Tianpeng demon emperor's birthday, who came to Heshou is basically a person with a head and face. The hospitality must not be negligent. Especially the people of the Nineteen Fairy Tsing, one can not offend.

Under the leadership of Yinger, Jiang Chen and Yu Huafan enjoyed half of the scenery of the Fairy Island along the way, and finally a jungle in front.

This jungle is full of colorful flowers and trees, and there is a red carpet covered with red leaves. It is very comfortable to walk on.

"Two sons, this jungle is full of miles and miles. It is also the place where we entertain guests this time. Every place has a bamboo forest. The place where you are so popular is just about to come."

Yinger said, there is a bamboo forest in front of it, the flowers and trees in the Zizhu forest, the stream flowing, the wooden bridge towering, the center of the Zizhulin, is a unique courtyard, there are more than a dozen rooms in the courtyard, such an environment, Rao is the knowledge of Jiang Chen, and he has to give a thumbs up.

"Two sons, here is where you lived for a while. From the birthday of the Emperor, there are still three days. During these three days, you can walk around on the demon island. This is a VIP card. This card can be unblocked in the Fairy Island."

Yinger’s palm turned over, and a bronze card appeared in her palm and handed it to Yuhuafan.

"Well, thank you Ying Ying girl."

Yuhua took the VIP card.

"In this case, Ying Ying will not bother. There are more people who have participated in the life of the Emperor in the past few days. Yinger has to go to receive other people."

After Ying Ying finished, she turned and left.

Yuhua Fan, they are indeed not the only VIPs. The life of Tianpeng Emperor is true for this overseas. It is a real big event. In addition to the people of the Nineteen Fairies, there will be many overseas retreats. There are also some exotic species on the surrounding islands, and they will also come to the island to marry the fairy island. Although the status of these people can not be compared with the feathers, but the people come, the reception can not be neglected.

"The environment here is really comfortable."

Jiang Chen stretched out a lot of laziness, and suddenly he had a feeling of being relaxed and happy. Such a wonderful environment really made Jiang Chen have a rare feeling of leisure.

Just three days from the big life, Jiang Chen can relax here. The situation in the fairyland is getting more and more tense, and the chances of being able to relax are less and less. Jiang Chen must cherish it.

At the moment, on the sea beyond the hundreds of miles away from the fairy island, a Tsing Yi man stands out. The man seems to be only 30 years old, and the length is very handsome. If you say Yan value, this person is definitely a peerless beauty. The man is gone.

The man's gaze stared at the direction of the demon island, and his brow was tight and his mind was heavy.

If Jiang Chen appears here at this moment, he will be able to recognize that this man is not someone else, it is Xiao forget.

At this moment, Xiao forgets that he has succeeded in achieving the level of the Great Emperor. Like Li Wangye, it belongs to the kind that has just entered the first-class emperor, and the realm is not very stable.

It seems that Li Wangye’s judgment at that time was very accurate. Tianpeng’s great life, Xiao’s forgotten will definitely come.

Xiao forgets to look at the direction of the demon island. He holds a piece of red jade in his hand and is held tightly by him.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye. This day is the birthday of Tian Peng's demon emperor. Ying Er came to the place where Jiang Chen lived in the early morning.

"Two sons, today's birthday meeting of the Emperor will be carried out in the Fairy Square, and Yinger will take you in the past."

Yinger said with a smile.

"Working hard."

Yu Huafan nodded, and then followed Ying Ying, flying directly to the Fairy Square.

Demon Square, which is the largest square in the Fairy Island. When there is something big to do in the Fairy Island, you will choose to be on the Fairy Island.

It is conceivable that the day of the birthday of Tianpeng Emperor, the Fairy Square is definitely incomparably hilarious. With the influence of Tianpeng Emperor in the fairy world, the people who come to Heshou will definitely not be less, and each before Those who come to Heshou are bound to be the ones who are well-behaved.


Along the way, you can see that many people are flying in different directions from the direction of the Fairy Square. These people are just like them. They come in advance, and the different VIP areas are arranged. At the moment, there is a white dress in front of each camp. The girl leads.

"Jiang Chen."

Suddenly, an exclamation sounded from a distance, and then a killing fell on Jiang Chen’s body.

Jiang Chen looked at the sound with his voice. He saw a middle-aged man in white glaring at himself. In addition to his anger, his eyes were shocked and difficult to conceal. He did not seem to think of Jiang Chen in this place.


Jiang Chen snorted, he knew this guy. When he was in the genius house, this person appeared. The thousand hands butchers and thousands of clouds, the characters of the fairyland Xianting, and the other person who went to the genius with Li Wangye. Qin Xuanbing, the glaciers of Xianting in the Fairyland of the Ming Dynasty, but at the moment, Qian Qianyun has been promoted to the first-class emperor like Li Wangye.

It is a pity that this master who once could not fight against Jiang Chen is now not in the eyes of Jiang Chen.

"Kid, you are not dead yet."

Qian Qianyun said wickedly.

"You are all alive, how can I die?"

Jiang Chen sneered.

"Hey elders, is this kid the Jiang Chen?"

A genius disciple looked at Jiang Chen and did not hide his killing.

"Yes, it is him, just don't know how he will be with Yu Huafan. It's hard that he won't be able to join the fairy court of Fengchi."

Qian Qianyun recognized Yuhua Fan, and was somewhat surprised.

"I said my brother, your hatred is really bad."

Yuhua Fan is almost unable to endure, a master who at the same time offended the two emperors, let Yu Huafan even more eye-catching Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, a small beast, you are not dead yet."

However, just as the voice of Yuhua was just falling, another sound that was very killing sounded from the other direction. Seeing the word Glacier Qin Xuanbing also appeared, and the eyes of Jiang Chen were about to spurt fire.


Yuhua has a feeling of fainting, this Jiang Chen, how many people have offended, it is Xianting.

[Relevant, I will tell the brothers again, since the end of the year, the mood has been very bad, very depressed, coupled with the body is not good, the update is inevitable, and, when not updated, I am more than You are still anxious, because if you don't write, I won't have any money. I don't want to talk about it. From tomorrow, every day, two more steadily update. Today, the three are more owed to everyone, and tomorrow's three will be added back. 】

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