Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1962: Murderous everywhere

This sudden change has immediately attracted many people. It is toward this side that the life of Tianpeng Emperor is about to begin, so people who come to Heshou at this time are going to the Fairy Square, just in time. Passing here, in addition to the people who are in the fairyland and the bright fairyland, other people in the fairyland have basically appeared, and there are many powerful scattered repairs, as well as people from all over the islands. come.

"What happened? Who is this kid? It seems that it is not easy to offend the Luo Xianting and Guangming Xianting."

"A young man in the middle of the Xianzun period, even the two mass chambers are so aerodynamically angry, it seems that the grudges are not generally deep."

"The courage of this kid is too big, and he has offended two Xianting at once. Is there still a way to live?"

"Not necessarily, you didn't see him and Yu Huafan together? Explain that this guy is a man of Fengchi Xianting."


Many people have started to talk about it. Most people still maintain a posture of watching movies. People who watch movies are generally not too big. What's more, the relationship between the nine cents of Xianting itself is not harmonious. If they fight, they will naturally enjoy it.

"Jiang Shidi, how do you have so many enemies, tell me how you did it?"

Yu Huafan asked, and now looking at Jiang Chen’s eyes is not just as simple as admiring it. It’s hard to imagine how Jiang Chen did it. One person can offend the three emperors at the same time, and let the three emperors The hate of the hate, can not wait to eat raw meat, Yu Huafan really want to know how Jiang Chen did.

You must know that sometimes it is a kind of ability to make people hate. Not everyone has the ability to offend Xianting.

"Their people want to kill me, so I kill them, so they hate me."

Jiang Chen shrugged his shoulders and showed helplessness. When the gold was killed, even if he had to do it again, he still had to do that. After all, when others wanted to kill themselves, he could not sit still.

"Jiang Chen, I didn't expect you to come to Yaoxian Island. That is your death today. You are doing it in front of us. We are in the province."

Qin Xuanbing is a tall man.

Jiang Chenxie laughed: "Qin Xuanbing, you are a fart, you Xianting has been deliberately trying to kill me. I am still not alive now. Don't think that you will become a first-class emperor and you can sway in front of Laozi, Li Wangye. I died in my hands not long ago, you have to shoot, I will kill you immediately."

Jiang Chen’s tone of madness reached the extreme. He did not put Qin Xuanbing in his eyes. With his current strength, Qin Xuanbing’s tributary is indeed nothing. If he really wants to shoot, he will kill Qin Xuanbing. It is also a breeze.

"What? You killed Li Wangye?"

After listening to Jiang Chen’s words, Qin Xuanbing and Qian Qianyun exclaimed at the same time. The two looked at Jiang Chen with their eyes wide open. They simply suspected that their ears were wrong, but Jiang Chen’s expression told them that Jiang Chen did not lie, and In this kind of thing, Jiang Chen does not have to lie.

"Jiang Chen, it seems that this time you want to live out of the fairy island."

At this moment, it was a cold voice. When everyone looked at it, they saw that it was not someone else. It was Lanxian. On the same day, he escaped from the encirclement of Yuhuafan and the big yellow dog. Lanxian was alone. When I arrived at Yaoxian Island, I met Jiang Chen at this moment. The killing of Lanxian did not hit one place. He never hated a person so much, so eager to kill someone.

Lan Xian is clear that it is impossible to kill Jiang Chen with his own strength. Now Luo Luo Xianting and Guangming Xianting have appeared. If the three emperors are united, then Jiang Chen will die, and a feather will be Adding a dog can't stop it.

"The dog who lost the house is also very embarrassed to roar. You are not too shameful. I am sorry for you."

Jiang Chen looked at Lan Xian and said unceremoniously.


The blue eyeballs are about to come out. This time he brought people to the island, the loss is too big, and let him lose face. After returning, I don’t know how to explain it to the emperor.

"Lan Xian, is Jiang Chen saying that it is true? Li Wangye really died in his hands?"

Qin Xuanbing asked to ask the blue sage.


Lan Xian nodded. After he didn't want to say more, it was too shameful, but it was also a fact that Li Wangye died in Jiang Chen's hands. He still admitted this.

"The speed at which this person grows is too fast, and the talent is against the sky. Sooner or later, it is a big worry. Today, we must take this opportunity to remove it. Otherwise, there will be endless troubles in the future."

Qian Qianyun said coldly, looking at Jiang Chen’s eyes and adding a dignified one. Jiang Chen’s growth rate is too scary. It’s only how long it took to kill the emperor. If he continues to grow up, That's got it, I'm afraid I will reach an uncontrollable level in the future.

"Get together and kill this one."

Qin Xuanbing broke out of the violent killings. For a time, the genius disciples of the two emperors were locked in Jiang Chen. So many masters of the great emperor, the murderous moment of the flood was like a storm, covering a large area. , plus a blue sage, if you fight, it is definitely a big fight.

"I am feathered here, I see who dares to shoot."

Yu Huafan’s attitude was tough and directly blocked in front of Jiang Chen.

"Yu Huafan, you better not to get involved, otherwise, even kill you."

A young man in black dress in the Luo Xianxian said that he is Tan Jinye, a genius of the first class of Luo Luo Xian Ting, and Yu Huafan and Lan Xian are a grade existence.

"Hey! I am not afraid to scare the feathers. The people of Longtang will never compromise. You may wish to try it out."

The feathers of the dragon are always the same.

"Don't talk nonsense with them, go straight."

Lan Xian said, the trend will be the first to kill the feathers, he now deliberately wants revenge and hate, now using the Luo Xian Xianting and Guangming Xianting, is a great opportunity, definitely can not miss.


At this moment, a big drink rang from the inside of Yaoxian Island. Then, a middle-aged man with a strong body flew over. The man’s eyes were all blue, and his body’s demon was stirring, and the repair had reached the third level. The peak of the demon emperor, such a character, the shock is very large.

"You, you are all VIPs of my demon island. Today is the birthday of the Emperor Tianpeng. The demon emperor does not want to appear in the demon island. If you really have no hatred, You can wait until you leave the island of Monsters."

The three-level demon emperor said loudly.

[Today's three more, the remaining two are probably around 11:30. 】

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